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Pāli Proper Names — A

Ababa Niraya

Attahata Sutta.– The world is persecuted by death, age, decay and craving. S.i.40. The verses appear also in the story of Sirimanda Thera (Thag.v.448).

Abbhahattha.– See Ambahattha.

Abbhañjanadāyaka Thera

Abbhantara Jātaka (No.281)

Abbhantara Vagga.– The fourth division of the Tikā Nipāta of the Jātakaṭṭhakathā. J.ii.392‑430.


Abbhavalāhakā (Sutta)

Abbhokāsa Sutta.– The five kinds of those who seek solitude. A.iii.220.

Abbhuta (Dhamma) Sutta

Abbuda 1.– A period of suffering in Avīci. For details see Ababa.

Abbuda 2.– A king of long ago; a former birth of Nigganthipupphiya Thera. Ap.i.263.

Ābhā Sutta

Ābha Vagga

Ābha.– A generic name for devā distinguished for their brilliance, such as the Parittābhā and the Appamāṇābhā. M.iii.102; MA.ii.902.

Abhabba Sutta 1.– Various events and the conditions requisite for their presence. A.v.144 f.

Abhabba Sutta 2.– The ten conditions essential for Arahantship (A.v.209).




Abhaya Sutta

Abhayācala.– Another name for Abhayagiri.

Abhayagallaka.– A vihāra in Sri Lanka built by King Mahācūli-Mahā-tissa. Mhv.xxxiv.8.


Abhayagirikā.– The monks of the Abhayagiri-vihāra. Mhv.xxxiii.97‑8. A summary of their heresies is given at MT. 676 f.




Abhayankara.– One of the royal elephants of King Vasavatti of Bārāṇasī. J.vi.135.

Abhayarājakumāra Sutta


Abhayasamāna Sutta.– Taught to Jānussoṇī on those who have no fear when death comes to them. A.ii.173 f.

Abhayattherī.– See Abhayā.


Abhaya-Vihāra.– Another name for Abhayagiri-vihāra.


Abhayupassaya.– A nunnery; see Abhaya (13).

Abhayuttara.– A name for Abhayagiri.

Abhayūvara.– The name of the eighth portion for recitation (bhāṇavāra) of the first section (khandhaka) of the Mahā Vagga of the Vinaya Piṭaka.

Abhibhū (Sutta)

Abhibhūta Thera

Abhibhuyya Sutta.– A woman possessed of the five powers —beauty (rūpa), wealth (bhoga), relatives (ñāti), sons (putta), and virtue (sīla) — continues to get the better of her husband. S.iv.246.

Abhidhamma Pitaka

Abhidhammapannarasatthāna.– A treatise by Nava Vimalabuddhi. Gv.64, 74; Bode, op.cit., 27‑8.


Abhidhammattha-vikāsinī.– A Subcommentary (ṭīkā) on Buddhadatta’s Abhidhammāvatāra written by Sumangala. Gv.62; Svd.v.1227.




Abhijāna Sutta v.l. Parijāna Sutta.– By not thoroughly knowing or understanding the five aggregates one is unfit for the destruction of suffering. S.iii.26 f.

Abhimārapayojanā.– Name given to the conspiracy into which Devadatta and Ajātasattu entered, to have archers shoot at the Buddha and so kill him (J.i.141; vi.130 f; DA.i.154).

Abhinandamāna Sutta.– One who is enamoured of body, etc., becomes Mara’s bondsman; by not being enamoured one becomes free. S.iii.75.

Abhinandana Sutta

Abhinha Jātaka (No.27)

Abhinīhāra Sutta

Abhinivesa Sutta.– Bondage of and dependence upon the fetters arise as a result of clinging to the five aggregates (S.iii.186).

Abhiñjika Thera

Abhiññā Sutta 1.– On higher knowledge and its applications. A.ii.246 f.

Abhīññā Sutta 2.– A group of suttas on qualities that could be obtained by an understanding of lust. A.iii.277.

Abhiññā Vagga.– The twenty-sixth section of the Catukka Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya. It consists of ten suttas. A.ii.246‑53.

Abhiññāpariññeyya Sutta.– The eye and forms, eye-consciousness and the feeling born of visual contact should be thoroughly understood and abandoned. The ear and sounds … etc. (S.iv.16)

Abhiññeyya Sutta.– See Upassaṭṭha Sutta (S.iv.29).

Abhirādhana.– A friend of Sambhūta Sītavaniya. He went with Sambhūta, Bhūmija and Jeyyasena to hear the Buddha teach. ThagA.i.47.

Abhirāmā.– One of the three palaces occupied, as a layman, by Nārada Buddha (Bu.x.19).

Abhirūpa-Nandā Therī

Abhisāma.– A king of fifteen world-cycles ago; a previous birth of Udakāsanadāyaka Thera. Ap.i.218.

Abhisamaya Kathā.– The third chapter of the Paññā Vagga of the Paṭisambhidāmagga (ii.215 ff).

Abhisamaya Saṃyutta.– The thirteenth Saṃyutta, forming the second section of the Nidāna Vagga of the Saṃyuttanikāya (S.ii.133 ff).

Abhisamaya Vagga.– The sixth chapter of the Sacca Saṃyutta of the Saṃyuttanikāya. V.459 ff.



Abhisammata.– A king of sixty-three world-cycles ago; a previous birth of Pātalipupphiya Thera. Ap.i.123.


Abhisanda Sutta


Abhītatta.– See Ajitajana.

Abhivaddhamānaka.– See Aggivaddhamānaka.

Abhiya Kaccāna.– See Sabhiya Kaccāna.

Acala.– Assistant to the architect of the Mahā Thūpa. MT.535.

Acala Cetiya.– The name given to the spot at the entrance to Sankassa, where the Buddha first placed his right foot on his descent from Tāvatiṃsa. DhA.iii.227.

Acala Thera.– One of the eminent monks present at the foundation of the Mahā Thūpa. MT.526.


Ācāravitthigāma.– A village three leagues to the north-east of Anurādhapura. When Duṭṭhagāmaṇī was seeking for materials for the building of the Mahā Thūpa, nuggets of gold, from a span to a finger’s breadth in size, appeared in the village. Mhv.xxviii.13‑15.

Acariṃ Sutta.– The Buddha, as he walked about, sought the satisfaction, the misery and the escape that come from the earth element. He found these and discovered that they exist also in the other three elements. S.ii.171.

Acirapakkanta Sutta.– Not long after Devadatta had left his presence the Buddha told the monks how gain, honour, and fame had brought about Devadatta’s downfall. S.ii.240.

Accaya Sutta.– Speaks of two kinds of fools — the one who does not see his offence as such, and the other who does not accept a right ruling. S.i.239.

Accāyika Sutta.– The urgent duties of a farmer and of a monk. A.i.239‑40.

Accenti Sutta.– The hours pass away, be heedful therefore. S.i.3.

Acchagallaka (or Acchagiri)

Acchagiri.– See Acchagallaka.

Accharā Sutta

Acchariya Sutta

Acchariya Abbhuta (or Acchariyadhamma) Sutta

Acchimatī.– One of the five daughters of Vessavaṇa. She was married to Sakka. Latā was her sister. VvA.131.




Accutadevā.– A class of devā mentioned among those assembled on the occasion of the teaching of the Mahāsamaya Sutta. D.ii.260.

Accutagāmabyāmaka.– One of the Pacceka Buddhas in a nominal list. M.iii.70. ApA.i.107.

Accutagāmī.– One of Vijaya’s companions in colonising Sri Lanka. He founded a settlement at Ujjeni (Dpv.ix.32, 36). The Mahāvaṃsa (Dpv.vii.45) mentions the founding of Ujjeni 2, but does not give Accutāgamī’s name.

Accutavarnadanta.– One of Ekarāja’s elephants. J.vi.135. However, see Jāt. trans. vi.72.

Acelakassapa Sutta

Acelaka Vagga.– Fifth chapter of the Pācittiya of the Vinaya Piṭaka. Vin.iii.195 ff; ibid., v.19‑21.


Acinteyya Sutta.– Four imponderable things: the range of a Buddha, the range of the absorptions, the results of kamma, and the beginning and end of the world. A.ii.80.



Adalidda Sutta.– The rich man is he who possesses the seven factors of enlightenment. S.v.100

Adanta Vagga.– The fourth chapter of the Eka Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya. It consists of ten suttas on the untamed mind. A.i.6 f.

Adanta-agutta Sutta.– These six, monks, if untamed, unguarded, unprotected, and unrestrained, bring suffering. What six? The eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind. S.iv.70.


Ādāsānandapa.– One of the numerous buildings erected by Parakkamabāhu I in the Dīpuyyāna in Pulatthipura. It was so called because its walls were made of mirrors. Cv.lxxiii.119.

Adassanā Sutta.– Diverse opinions arise in the world because of the failure to see the five aggregates, their nature, etc. S.iii.260.

Aḍḍakarana Sutta

Addha Sutta (2).– That Noble Disciple is wealthy who possesses four things: unwavering loyalty to the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Saṅgha, and virtues held in esteem by the Noble Ones. S.v.402.

Addha Vagga.– The seventh chapter of the Devatā Saṃyutta of the Saṃyuttanikāya (S.i.39‑41). The Saṃyutta Commentary (SA.i.75. See also KS.i.54, n.4) calls it Anvavagga.

Addha Vagga.– Third section of the Pañcaka Nipāta of the Jātaka Commentary. J.iii.211‑227.

Addhabhūta Sutta.– Taught in the Kalandakanivāpa at Veḷuvana. Everything is afflicted: eye, objects, eye-consciousness, etc. (Andhabhūta). S.iv.20‑1.

Addhacandiya Thera.– An Arahant. In a previous birth he gave Tissa Buddha a bouquet of flowers in the shape of a crescent moon. He was once a king named Devapa. Ap.i.231.

Addhacelaka Thera.– In a previous birth he gave half a garment to Tissa Buddha. He was thirty-two times king, under the names of Samanta and Odana. He became an Arahant. Ap.i.134.

Addhakāsī Therī

Addhānapariññā Sutta.– Mindfulness of breathing if developed and cultivated leads to full understanding of the way of direct course of practice. S.v.340.


Addhariyā-brāhmanā.– The word occurs in a list of brahmin teachers in the Tevijja Sutta (D.i.237). They teach a state of union with Brahmā. These are evidently Adhvaryu brahmins.

Addhuvasīla.– A youth who stole ornaments to win the daughter of his teacher. He failed in his quest. The story is given in the Sīlavīmamsana Jātaka. J.iii.18‑20.

Addilarattha.– A kingdom where once lived a poor man named Kotūhalaka, who, in the present age, became Ghosakaseṭṭhi. Food being very scarce in the country, Kotūhalaka and his family left it. DA.i.317; MA.i.539.


Adhamma Sutta.– Three suttas describing Dhamma and Adhamma and their different qualities (A.v.222 ff). In the last Ānanda explains in detail what the Buddha taught the monks in brief.

Adhamma Vagga.– The tenth chapter of the Eka Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya (A.i.16‑19). It consists of forty-two suttas, dealing chiefly with the harm that arises from monks describing what is not Dhamma as Dhamma and vice versa.


Adhammika Sutta.– The evils resulting from the unrighteousness of kings and the benefits of their righteousness. A.ii.74 f.

Adhanapāli.– Given as an example of a name. J.i.403.

Ādhāradāyaka Thera.– An Arahant. He gave a stool (ādhāraka) to Sikhī Buddha. Twenty-seven world-cycles ago he became king four times under the name of Samantavaruna. Ap.i.207.

Adharatteri.– A district in S. India. Cv.lxxvii.69.

Adhicchattiya Thera.– An Arahant. In a previous birth he placed a parasol on the thūpa containing the relics of Atthadassī Buddha (Ap.i.170). He is evidently identical with Sāmidatta (ThagA.i.189) (v.l. Chattādhichattiya).

Adhicitta Sutta.– The qualities necessary for the monk developing higher consciousness. A.ii.256 f. It is quoted in the Vibhanga Commentary, 229 f.

Adhigama Sutta.– On the qualities requisite for acquiring good states and for fostering them. A.iii.431 f.

Adhikakkā.– A ford, evidently a well-known bathing-ghat, where pilgrims used to bathe in order to obtain purification from their sins. It is mentioned in a list of rivers and ghats. M.i.39.

Adhikarana Vagga

Adhikaranasamatha Vagga.– One of the divisions of the Suttavibhanga on the procedure for settling disputes.


Ādhipateyya Sutta.– The three “mandates” that should guide a monk: the self, the world, the Dhamma. A.i.147 f; on the significance of the sutta see Mrs. Rhys Davids, J.R.A.S., April 1933, pp.329 ff.

Adhoganga.– See Gangā.

Adhokurangāma.– A village in the district of Alisāra in North Sri Lanka; a fortification there of Gajabāhu was captured by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxx.171.

Adhopupphiya Thera.– An Arahant. In a previous birth he was a hermit of great power in Himavā and offered flowers to Abhibhū, the chief disciple of Sikhī Buddha. Soon afterwards he was eaten up by a boa-constrictor. Ap.i.128‑9.


Ādicca Damilādhikāri

Ādicca Sutta.– Just as dawn is the harbinger of the arising of the sun, so is friendship with the good (kalyānamittatā) the harbinger of the arising of the seven factors of enlightenment (bojjhaṅga). S.v.101; cp. S.v.29.


Ādiccupatthāna Jātaka (No.175)

Ādimalaya.– One of the generals of Vijayabāhu I. He openly rebelled against the king and came with his troops to the village of Andu, near Pulatthipura. The king went out against him and destroyed him. Cv.lix.4‑6.

Adīnasattu.– See Alīnasattu.

Adinnādāna Sutta.– Few are they that abstain from taking what is not given. S.v.469.


Ādipādakajambu.– A locality in Sri Lanka where the Ādipāda Vikkamabāhu defeated Mānābharaṇa and his brothers. Cv.lxi.15.

Ādipāda-punnāga-khanda.– A locality in Rohana in the south of Sri Lanka. It was in the district of Guttasāla. Here an encounter took place between the forces of Parakkamabāhu I. and those of the rebels in Rohana. Cv.lxxv.14.

Aditi.– Mother of the sun, who is called Ādicca, which is explained as Aditiyā putto. DA.iii.963.

Āditta Jātaka (No.424)

Āditta Sutta

Ādittapariyāya Sutta

Ādittena Sutta

Ādiya Sutta

Adukkhamasukhi Sutta.– A group of twenty-six suttantas, dealing with various heresies regarding the soul. S.iii.220‑2.

Agada.– Cakkavatti, sixteen times in succession; Subāhu Thera in a previous birth. ThagA.i.124.

Agahya Sutta.– Gods and men delight in objects, sounds, etc., but, due to their instability, they live in sorrow. S.iv.126 f.


Āgantuka Sutta

Agāra Sutta.– Like a guest-house, to dwell in which, come folk from all quarters, noblemen and brahmins, commoners and serfs, so, in the body, divers feelings arise, pleasant, painful and neutral, sensual (sāmisa) and non-sensual (nirāmisa). S.iv.219.

Agārava Sutta

Agāriya Vimāna.– A palace in the Tāvatiṃsa world, occupied by a couple who, as humans in Rājagaha, had done many deeds of piety. Vv.vi; VvA.286‑7.

Agati Sutta.– Three discourses on the wrong course (agati) and the right course (gati) — here defined as wrong action done under the influence of desire, hate or delusion and its opposite, right action. A.ii.18 f.


Aggabodhi-padhāna-ghara.– A building erected by Aggabodhi IV for the use of the Thera Dāthāsiva. Several villages were made over for its maintenance. Cv.xlvi.11 ff.

Aggabodhi-pariveṇa.– A building belonging to the Jetavanārāma of Anurādhapura and erected by Potthasāta, general of Aggabodhi IV. Cv.xlvi.23.

Aggadhamma Sutta.– On the six qualities requisite for the attainment of Arahantship, which is the highest state (aggadhamma). A.iii.433‑4.

Aggadhanuggaha-pandita.– See Cūḷadhanuggaha

Aggalapura.– A city where Revata went on his way from Soreyya to Sahajāti, prior to the Council of Vesāli. Vin.ii.300.

Aggālava Cetiya

Aggāni Sutta.– The four perfections: of virtue, concentration, wisdom, and release. A.ii.79; see GS.ii.88, n.2.

Aggañña Sutta



Aggappasāda Sutta

Aggapupphiya Thera.– One of the Arahants. In a previous birth he had offered flowers, from the top of a tree, to Sikhī Buddha, hence the name. In later birth he was a Cakkavatti named Amita. Ap.i.229.

Aggasāvaka Vatthu.– The chronicle of Sāriputta and Mahā-Moggallāna. DhA.i.83‑114.


Aggavatī Parisā Sutta.– On the three kinds of companies: the distinguished, the discordant and the harmonious. A.i.242‑4.

Aggi Sutta


Aggibrahmā.– Nephew of Asoka and husband of Saṅghamittā. He entered the Order on the same day as Tissakumāra, Asoka’s brother. Mhv.v.169; Sp.i.51; Mbv.102.



Aggikabhāradvāja Jātaka (No.129)

Aggika Sutta


Aggika-Bhāradvāja Sutta.– Another name for the Vasala Sutta.

Aggikkhandhopama Sutta

Aggimāla (v.l. Aggimāli).– A mythological sea, which stands like a blazing bonfire and is filled with gold (J.iv.139‑40). It is one of the seas crossed by the merchants mentioned in the Suppāraka Jātaka.

Aggimittā.– One of the nuns who accompanied Saṅghamittā to Sri Lanka. Dpv.xv.78; xviii.11.

Aggimukha.– A species of snake; bodies bitten by them grow hot. DhsA.300; Vism.368.

Agginibbāpaka v.l. Agginibbāpana.– a Cakkavatti of eighty-six aeons ago; a previous birth of Mānava Thera (ThagA.i.162 f), also called (in the Apadāna i.158‑9) Sammukhāthavika.

Aggisāma.– See Abhisāma.

Aggisama.– The Thera Pupphathūpiya was born sixteen times in succession as Cakkavatti and ruled under this name. Ap.i.156.

Aggisikha.– The name borne by the Thera Gatasaññaka when in previous births he was Cakkavatti three times in succession. Ap.i.127.

Aggismim Sutta.– The five evil qualities of fire. A.iii.256.

Aggivaccha Sutta (v.l. Aggivacchagotta Sutta)

Aggivaddhamānaka.– A reservoir made by King Vasabha of Sri Lanka (Abhi°). Mhv.xxxv.95.

Aggivessa.– One of the guards of King Eleyya (A.ii.181). Is this a clan (gotta) name? See Aggivessana.


Aghamūla Sutta.– On the root of pain. S.iii.32.

Āghātavatthu Sutta.– On things that cause malice to arise. A.iv.408.

Āghātapativinaya Sutta.– On the ways of getting rid of malice. A.iv.408‑9.

Āghāta Vagga.– The seventeenth chapter of the Pañcaka Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya. It contains ten suttas on various topics, including a dispute between Sāriputta and Udāyi (A.iii.185‑202).

Āghātavinaya Sutta

Ahaha.– One of the purgatories mentioned in the Suttanipāta list (p.126). It is the name given to a period of suffering in Avīci and is equivalent in duration to twenty Ababā (SnA.ii.476; S.i.152).

Āhāra Sutta

Āhārepaṭikūla Sutta.– When the perception of the repulsiveness of food is developed and cultivated it leads to great fruit (mahapphalā) and great benefit (mahānisaṃsā) … one of two fruits: Arahantship or Non-returning … great advantage (mahato atthāya) … great freedom from bondage (mahato yogakkhemāya) … great urgency (mahato saṃvegāya) … abiding in comfort (mahato phāsuvihārāya).


Ahidīpa.– The old name for Kāradīpa, near Nāgadīpa. Akitti spent some time there. J.iv.238.

Ahigundika Jātaka.– See Ahitundika Jātaka (No.365)

Ahimsaka Bhāradvāja

Ahimsaka Sutta.– Records the interview between the Buddha and Ahimsaka Bhāradvāja (S.i.164).

Ahimsaka.– The earlier name of Aṅgulimāla.

Ahināga.– Dr. A. K. Coomaraswamy suggests that the word “Ahināga,” appearing in Vinaya Piṭaka (Vin.i.25), is a proper name, like Ahicchatta. For a discussion see JAOS. vol. 55, 391‑392 (notes).



Ahirāja Sutta

Ahirika Sutta

Ahirikamūlakā Sutta.– Four suttas based on the fact that like coalesces with like, the shameless with the shameless, etc. S.ii.162 f.

Ahitundika Jātaka (No.365)


Āhuneyya Sutta

Ajacca.– One of the disciples mentioned in the Sīlavīmamsana Jātaka as having tried to win their teacher’s daughter and failed. J.iii.19.


Ajajjara Sutta.– See Ajara Sutta.



Ājāni Sutta

Ājāniya Sutta.– Three discourses identical, in the main, with the Ājañña Sutta (1), but the fourth quality (good proportions) is omitted. The suttas differ from one another in the definition of “speed” in the case of the monk. A.i.244.

Ājañña Jātaka (No.24)

Ājañña Sutta

Ajapāla.– Son of the chaplain of King Esukārī. He renounced the world with his three elder brothers. He was Anuruddha in the present age (J.iv.476 ff).


Ajara Sutta.– The Buddha teaches the undecaying and the path thereto (Ajajjara).

Ajarasā Sutta.– Taught to a deva in praise of wisdom. S.i.36.


Ajelaka Sutta.– Many are those who do not abstain from accepting goats and sheep. S.v.472.

Ajinadāyaka.– A thera who later became Arahant. He gave a piece of antelope skin to Sikhī Buddha. Five world-cycles ago he was a Cakkavatti, Sudāyaka. Ap.i.213‑14.


Ajita Thera


Ajitajana.– A king of the race of Mahāsammata. His descendants reigned in Kapilapura. MT.127; Dpv.iii.17 calls him Abhitatta.

Ajitakesakambala (v.l. Ajitakesakambalī)

Ajitañjaya.– King of Ketumati. He was a previous birth of Todeyya Thera.

Ajitamāṇavapuccha.– The second sutta of the Parāyanavagga of the Suttanipāta. See Ajita-māṇava.

Ajitarattha (Addika° or Addila-rattha).– The country in which the millionaire Ghosita was born, in a previous life, as a poor man named Kotūhalaka. DA.i.317; DhA.i.169 f.


Ājīvaka Sutta

Ajivaka.– Given as a possible name. J.i.403.

Ajjhatta Sutta.– One who has gone forth should dwell contemplating not-self to gain freedom from suffering. S.iii.180.

Ajjhattānatta Sutta.–  A series of discourses on understanding not-self within oneself. S.iv.2 ff.

Ajjhattānattahetu Sutta.– A series of discourses on understanding not-self in the six senses. S.iv.129 ff.

Ajjhattānicca Sutta.–  A series of discourses on understanding impermanence within oneself. S.iv.1 ff.

Ajjhattāniccahetu Sutta.– A series of discourses on understanding impermanence in the six senses. S.iv.129 ff.

Ajjhattadukkha Sutta.–  A series of discourses on understanding unsatisfactoriness within oneself. S.iv.2 ff.

Ajjhattadukkhahetu Sutta.– A series of discourses on understanding unsatisfactoriness in the six senses. S.iv.129 ff.

Ajjhattikanga Sutta.– The name given in the Suttasaṅgaha (No.77) to a sutta of the Itivuttaka on the virtues of systematic attention (yoniso-manasikāra). Itv.9 f.

Ajjhattikāyatana Sutta.– The Four Noble Truths regarding the five aggregates. S.v.426 ff.

Ajjhattikāyatanaparijānanasutta.– Without fully understanding the eye … ear … nose … tongue … body … the mind one is incapable of destroying suffering. S.iv.89.

Ajjhohāra.– One of the six huge mythical fishes of the Great Ocean. It was five hundred leagues in length and lived on the fungi that grow on rocks. J.v.462.

Ajjuhattha-pabbata.– See Ambahattha-pabbata (??).



Ajjunapupphiya Thera.– Probably identical with Sambhūta Thera.

Akalanka.– A Coḷa officer who fought against the Singhalese army of Parakkamabāhu I during the latter’s invasion of the Pandu kingdom. Cv.lxxvii.17, 55, 80, 90.

Akālarāvi Jātaka (No.119)

Akanitthā devā

Ākankha Vagga

Ākankheyya Sutta

Akarabhanda.– A village in Sri Lanka dedicated by King Kittisirirājasīha to the Tooth-relic. Cv.c.23.

Ākāsa Sutta

Ākāsānañcāyatana Sutta.– See the Ākāsa Sutta

Ākāsānañcāyatanapañha Sutta.– See the Ākāsa Sutta (3)



Ākāsagotta.– See Sañjaya-Akāsagotta.

Ākāsagotta.– A physician of Rājagaha who lanced the fistula of a monk. Meeting the Buddha, he told him of the lancing, trying to make fun of it. The Buddha, having made inquiries, declared the performance of such an operation a grave (thullaccaya) offence (Vin.i.215‑16).


Ākāsukkhipiya Thera.– An Arahant. In a previous birth he had offered a lotus flower to Siddhattha Buddha and had thrown another up into the sky above him. Thirty-two world-cycles ago he was a king named Antalikkhacara. Ap.i.230.

Akataññu Jātaka (No.90)

Akatti.– See Akitti.

Akatuññatā Sutta 1.– One who is of bad conduct in deed, word and thought, and is ungrateful; is born in purgatory. A.ii.226.

Akatuññatā Sutta 2.– Same as above. A.ii.229.

Akhilā.– Chief woman disciple of Sikhī (Bu.xxi.21); the Commentary calls her Makhilā. BuA.204; also J.i.41.

Ākiñcañña Sutta

Ākiñcaññāyatana Sutta.– (S.iii.237) Similar to the Ākāsa Sutta (1)

Ākiñcaññāyatanapañhā Sutta.– (S.iv.267) Similar to the Ākāsa Sutta (3)

Ākiñcāyatanūpagā-devā.– A class of devā born in the Ākiñcāyatana, the third formless world (M.iii.103). Their life term is sixty thousand world-cycles. AbhS.23.

Akitti (v.l. Akatti)

Akitti Jātaka (No.480)

Akitti-dvāra.– The gate through which Akitti left the city. J.iv.237.

Akitti-tittha.– The ford by which Akitti crossed the river after he left Benāres. J.iv.237.

Akkamanīya Sutta.– The uncultivated mind is an intractable thing and conduces to great loss; the cultivated mind has the opposite qualities. A.i.5 f.

Akkamanīya Vagga.– The third section of the Eka Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya. A.i.5‑6.

Akkantasaññaka Thera.– An Arahant. In a previous birth he gave his ragged garment to the Buddha Tissa. Once he was born as a king named Sunanda. Ap.i.211 f.

Akkhakhanda.– A section of the Vidhura Jātaka that deals with events leading up to the surrendering of Vidhura by the king, when the latter lost his wager with Punnaka. J.vi.286.


Akkhama Sutta.– The qualities that an elephant used by the king should have and similar qualities that should be possessed by a monk. A.iii.157 f.

Akkhana Sutta.– On the eight inopportune occasions for the living of the higher life. A.iv.225 f.

Akkhana-Kosa.– See Ekakkhara Kosa.

Akkhanti Sutta 1.– The five evil results of the want of forbearance. A.iii.254.

Akkhanti Sutta 2.– The same as above with slight variations in detail. A.iii.255.

Akkharamālā.– A short treatise in Pāḷi stanzas on the Pāḷi and Singhalese alphabets, by Nāgasena, a Sri Lanka scholar of the eighteenth century. P.L.C.285.

Akkharavisodhanī.– A late Pāḷi work written in Burma. Sās.154.


Akkosa Sutta

Akkosaka Bhāradvāja Vatthu.– The story of Akkosaka-Bhāradvāja. DhA.iv.161 f.

Akkosaka Vagga.– The twenty-second section of the Pāñcakanipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya. A.iii.252‑6.


Akodha Sutta.– On mildness and kindness, the verses being put into the mouth of Sakka. S.i.240.

Akkodhana Sutta.– Venerable Anuruddha tells the Buddha that he sees women reborn after death in heavenly realms, and asks why. The Buddha replies that it due to five virtues: faith (saddhā), shame (hiri) and fear of wrong doing (ottappa), absence of anger (akkodhana), and wisdom (paññā). (S.iv.243)


Akusala Sutta.– The man who is sinful in action of body, speech and mind is born in purgatory. A.i.292.

Akusaladhamma Sutta.– On the unprofitable and profitable states. S.v.18.

Akusalamūla Sutta.– On the three roots of demerit: greed, malice and delusion. A.i.201; cf. M.i.47, 489.

Akusalarāsi Sutta.– The five hindrances (nivarana) could rightly be called a heap of demerit and the four foundations of mindfulness (satipaṭṭhāna) a heap of merit. S.v.145.

Akusalavitakka Sutta.– A certain bhikkhu dwelling in a forest grove was beset by unwholesome thoughts of sensuality, ill-will, and cruelty. The deity of that grove approached him out of compassion and admonished him in verse to contemplate the Buddha, Dhamma, Saṅgha, and his own virtues. The bhikkhu did so and gained serenity. (S.i.203)

Alagaddūpama Sutta


Alagvānagiri.– A locality in South India, captured by the forces of Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxvii.12.




Alakā.– The town of the god Kuvera (Cv.lxxiv.207; lxxx.5), evidently another name for Ālakamandā.



Alakhiya-rāyara.– One of the Tamil generals who fought on the side of Kulasekhara against Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxvi.145.

Alakkhī.– The goddess of Ill-luck. She delights in men of evil deeds. J.v.112‑14.


Ālambagāma.– A reservoir in Sri Lanka built by Jeṭṭhatissa. Mhv.xxxvi.131.

Ālambanadāyaka Thera.– An Arahant. In a past birth he gave a support, balustrade, or screen (ālambana) to Atthadassī Buddha. Sixty world-cycles ago he was born three times as king under the name of Ekāpassita. Ap.i.213.




Alambusa Jātaka (No.523)


Alankāranissaya.– A scholiast on Sangharakkhita’s Subodhālankāra, written by a Burmese monk in A.D. 1880. Bode, op.cit., 95.


Ālāra Kālāma

Ālāra.– See Alāra.

Alasaka.– The name of a disease, of which Korakkhattiya died (D.iii.7). Rhys Davids translates it as “epilepsy” and suggests that its name is a negative of synovial fluid (lasikā). Dial.iii.12, n.2.



Alattūru.– Name of two Damiḷa chiefs in the army of Kulasekhara. They took part in various battles and were eventually conquered by the forces of Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxvi.140, 184, 214, 217, 220, 305.

Ālavaka Sutta.– Records the conversation between the Buddha and Ālavaka Yakkha (q.v.) at Ālavi. S.i.213‑15.

Ālavaka (Sutta)

Ālavakā v.l. Ālavikā

Ālavaka-gajjita.– Mentioned in a list of works considered by Buddhaghosa to be heretical. SA.ii.150; Sp.iv.742.

Ālavaka Pucchā




Ālavikā 1.– See Ālavakā.

Ālavikā 2.– A nun. See Selā.

Ālavikā Sutta.– Contains the conversation between Ālavikā (Selā) and Māra which ended in the latter’s discomfiture. S.i.128 f.

Āligāma.– A stronghold in the Ālisāra district on the banks of the modern Ambanganga. Here Parakkamabāhu’s forces fought a decisive battle with those of Gajabāhu. Cv.lxx.113 ff, and Geiger’s note thereon in the Cv.Trs.i.296, n.4.

Alīnacitta Jātaka (No.156)

Alīnacitta.– King of Bārāṇasī; one of the lives of the Bodhisatta. He was so-called (“Win-heart”) because he was born to win the hearts of the people. He was consecrated king at the age of seven. His story is related in the Alīnacitta Jātaka.


Ālindaka.– Probably the name of a monastery in Sri Lanka where lived the thera Mahā Phussadeva. SA.iii.154; VibhA.352.



Āloka Sutta.– There are four lights: of the moon, the sun, of fire, and of wisdom, the light of wisdom being the chief. A.ii.139.


Alomā (Alonā?)

Āluvadāyaka Thera.– An Arahant. Thirty-one world-cycles ago he gave an āluva (fruit?) to the Pacceka Buddha Sudassana, near Himavā. Ap.i.237.

Amabavitthi.– A village in the north of Sri Lanka. It was the birthplace of Culatissa Thera. Ras.ii.30.

Amaccharī Sutta.– A woman should not be stingy and she should be wise. S.iv.244.

Amadha.– See Damatha.

Āmagandha (Sutta)

Āmakadhañña-peyyala.– The ninth chapter of the Sacca Saṃyutta of the Saṃyuttanikāya. It contains a list of the gifts that Noble monks abstain from accepting. S.v.470‑3.

Ajjhattikāyatanaparijānana Sutta,.– Included in the above. S.v.471.

Āmalacetiya.– A thūpa in Sri Lanka. It is not known who built it. Aggabodhi I erected a parasol over it. Cv.xlii.62.

Āmalakīvana Amalakivana.– A grove at Cātumā. The Buddha once stayed there, and it was on that occasion that the Cātuma Sutta was taught. M.i.456.

Āmandagāmanī Abhaya

Āmandaphaladāyaka Thera.– An Arahant. In a previous birth, while carrying a pingo laden with fruit, he saw Padumuttara Buddha and offered him an āmanda fruit (pumpkin?). In the present age he became an Arahant. Ap.ii.459.


Amarā (Amarādevī)





Amarinda.– Name given to Sakka, king of the gods. e.g., ThagA.151, 112.

Amaruppala.– The name borne by Kākavannatissa when he was a hunter in a village near Amaruppala-lena. Ras.ii.56.

Amaruppala-lena.– A cave in the Malaya province of Sri Lanka. Kākavannatissa was once born in a hunters’ village near it. Ras.ii.56.

Amata (Sutta)

Amatadundubhi.– One of the names under which the Bahudhātuka Sutta is known (M.iii.67). Like soldiers in the field of battle, so the disciples in the path, developing insight after the method of this sutta, raise aloft the standard of Arahantship — hence the name. MA.ii.888.

Amba Jātaka (No.124, 474)

Amba Sutta.– The four kinds of mangoes (ripe, etc.) and four corresponding classes of monks. A.ii.106 f.

Ambacora Jātaka (No.344)

Ambadāyaka Thera

Ambadugga.– A reservoir in Sri Lanka, built by Kutakannatissa. Mhv.xxxiv.33.



Ambakhādaka-Mahātissa.– See Mahātissa (3).

Ambala.– Probably the name of a tower in the Jetavana monastery. The Sunakha Jātaka was taught there about a dog who lived in its resting-hall (J.ii.246).

Ambalala.– A locality in Rohana, near the Kantakavana, where the forces of Parakkamabāhu I, under Rakkha, were victorious in battle. Cv.lxxiv.58.


Ambalatthika-Rāhulovāda Sutta

Ambālavana.– See Ambātaka.

Ambālavāpi.– A reservoir restored by Parakkamabāhu I. (Cv.lxviii.46) A canal known as Tambapannī flowed from the reservoir northwards. Cv.lxxix.50.


Ambamāla-vihāra.– A monastery in Rohaṇa built by Dappula I. Cv.xlv.55.


Ambapālī (Ambapālikā)

Ambapāli Sutta

Ambapāli Vagga.– The first chapter of the Satipatthāna Saṃyutta in the Mahā Vagga of the Saṃyuttanikāya (S.v.141‑8).


Ambapāsāna.– A monastery in the village of Anganakola in South Sri Lanka, where lived the elder Cittagutta. MT.552.

Ambapindiya Thera

Ambara-Ambaravatī.– The double name of a city in Uttarakuru. D.iii.201; DA.iii.966.

Ambaramsa.– See Abbhasa.

Ambariya Vihara.– A monastery in Sri Lanka, the residence of Pingala-Buddharakkhita Thera. It was near Antaravaddhamana-pabbata (SA.ii.113; MA.i.165; DhsA.103). It was also the residence of Pindapātika-Tissa Thera. AA.i.277.


Ambasakkharapeta Vatthu.– The story of Ambasakkhara and the hungry ghost (peta), as given above. The elder Kappitaka related the story to the Buddha, and the Buddha made it an occasion for a discourse to the assembled multitude. PvA.243‑4.

Ambasāmanera.– Name of Silākāla. When he was a novice in the Order, at Bodhimanda-vihāra, he fulfilled his duties to the community with zeal and skill. Once he presented a mango-fruit to the Sangha, and the monks, being pleased, gave him this name. Cv.xxxix.48 ff.


Ambasuppiya.– See Appihā.

Ambātaka Thera.– An Arahant. Fourteen world-cycles ago he had given a mango to a Buddha (Ap.ii.394). He is probably identical with Rājadatta Thera. ThagA.i.403.


Ambātakiya Thera.– An Arahant. Thirty-one world-cycles ago he had met the Buddha Vessabhū in the mountains and given him a mango. Ap.ii.399.




Ambattha Sutta



Ambatthaja.– Seventy world-cycles ago there were fourteen kings of this name, all former lives of Ambadāyaka Thera. Ap.i.117.




Ambavāpi.– A reservoir at Būkakalla in Sri Lanka. It was given over to the Mātambiya-padhānaghara by the Damiḷa, Potthakuttha. Cv.xlvi.19‑20.

Ambavāsavāpi.– One of the tanks restored by Parakkamabāhu I before his great war. Cv.lxviii.43. For identification see Cv. trans. i.280, n.5.

Ambayāgadāyaka Thera.– An Arahant. Ninety-one world-cycles ago, going to the forest in pursuit of his trade, he met the Buddha and gave him an offering of mangoes. (Ap.i.221)

Ambayāgudāyaka Thera.– An Arahant. Ninety-four world-cycles ago he had met a Pacceka Buddha named Sataramsī, when the latter had just awakened from samādhi, and had given him a broth (?) made of mangoes (Ap.i.284).


Ambila-janapada.– A district in Sri Lanka. In it was the Rajatalena. MT.400.


Ambilāpika.– A village given by Jeṭṭhatissa III for the supply of food to Kassapagirivihāra. Cv.xliv.98.

Ambilayāgu.– A village in Sri Lanka. It was the residence of Dāthānāma, father of Dhātusena. Cv.xxxviii.15.

Ambillapadara.– A village given by Aggabodhi III. to the Cetiyapabbata monastery. Cv.xliv.122.

Ambutthi.– A reservoir built by Upatissa II. Cv.xxxvii.185.

Ambuyyāna.– A monastery in Sri Lanka. Udaya I (or Dappula) built in it the dwelling-house Dappulapabbata. Cv.xlix.30; trs. i.126 n.1. According to Cv.l.80, it was built not by the king but by Mahādeva. It was finished later by Sena I. Cv.l.80.

Āmisakiñcikkha Sutta.– One of the suttas in a group of eight, dealing with people who will not lie for the sake of gain — and, in this case, for the sake of anything worldly whatsoever. S.ii.234.


Amita v.l. Amitobhava, Amitogata.– A king of twenty-five world-cycles ago; a previous birth of Aggapupphiya Thera. Ap.i.229.

Amitābha.– A king of twenty-five world-cycles ago; a previous birth of Ekasaññaka Thera. Ap.i.210.

Amitabhogā.– Five millionaires in Bimbisāra’s dominions, whose wealth was limitless. They were Jotiya, Jaṭila, Meṇḍaka, Puṇṇaka, and Kākavaliya. AA.i.220.

Amitañjala v.l. Asitañjala.– A king of fourteen world-cycles ago; a previous birth of Sālapupphiya Thera. Ap.i.219.

Amitobhava.– See Amita.


Amitta.– See Somamitta Thera.

Amittabhā v.l. Amittaka.– A king of twenty-five world-cycles ago; a former life of Bhojanadāyaka Thera. Ap.i.253.

Amittaka.– See Amittabhā.


Amittatāpana.– A king of seventeen world-cycles ago; a previous life of Paviṭṭha Thera (ThagA.i.185), probably to be identified with Ekadamsaniya of the Apadāna (i.168).

Amodaphaliya Thera

Anabhirati Jātaka (No.65, 185)

Anabhirati Sutta.– The idea of distaste for all the world, if cultivated, is fruitful. S.v.132.

Anabhirati-bhikkhu Vatthu

Anabhisamaya Sutta.– Taught to the wanderer Vacchagotta. Diverse opinions arise in the world through not seeing the nature of the body, etc. S.iii.260.

Anāgāmiphala Sutta

Anāgāmi-thera Vatthu.– Story of a monk who became anāgāmi; when asked by his pupils, however, he did not say anything regarding his attainment. After death he was born in the Suddhāvāsā. His pupils, grieving for him in their ignorance, were enlightened by the Buddha. DhA.iii.288‑9.

Anāgatabhaya Sutta.– The five kinds of anticipatory fears that should make a forest-dwelling monk zealous and active. There are four: Paṭhama, Dutiya, Tatiya, and Catuttha Anāgatabhaya Sutta. A.iii.100 f.


Ānaka (v.l. Ānnaka)

Anālaya Sutta.– The Buddha teaches the destruction of attachment and the path leading thereto. S.iv.372.

Anamatagga Saṃyutta

Ananaka Sutta.– The four kinds of bliss possible to a householder: a bliss of ownership, of wealth, of debtless ness and of blamelessness. A.ii.69 f.

Ānañcāyatana Sutta.– On the three infinite spheres: infinite space, infinite consciousness, and sphere of nothingness. A.i.267.



Ānanda Sutta

Ānanda-Bhaddekaratta Sutta



Ānandamānava.– See Ānanda (17).

Ānandena Sutta.– The Buddha is asked by Ānanda to tell him of a doctrine that would make him more ardent and intent. The Buddha teaches him the doctrine of impermanence. S.iii.187‑8.

Anangana Jātaka

Anangana Sutta.– A record of a conversation between Sāriputta and Mahā-Moggallāna on the nature of blemishes (aṅganāni) and on the benefits of recognising and removing them. M.i.24 ff.

Ānañjasappāya Sutta.– See Āneñjasappāya Sutta

Ananta.– The serpent king referred to under Anantapokkharanī, but not elsewhere mentioned in the old books. He is also called Anantabhoga. For details see Hopkins’ Epic Mythology (pp.23‑4).

Anantajālī.– King. A previous birth of Bhājanadāyaka fifty-three world-cycles ago (Antarajāli). Ap.i.218.



Anantapokkharanī.– A pond constructed by Parakkamabāhu I in Pulatthipura. The steps surrounding the pond were laid like the coils of the serpent-king Ananta. Cv.lxxiii.120.

Anantarabhandaka-tittha.– A ford in the Mahāvāḷukagaṅgā in Sri Lanka. Cv.lxxii.16.

Anantarapeyyāla.– One of the sections of the Vidhura Jātaka. J.vi.304.

Anantavā Sutta.– On the world as being unlimited. S.iii.215.

Ananusociya Jātaka (No.328)

Ananussuta Sutta.– The five-fold power of a Tathāgata. A.iii.9 f. See also S.v.178, which teaches about the arising of knowledge regarding things not heard before by practising the Four Foundations of Mindfulness.

Ananutappiya Sutta.– Taught by Sāriputta on how a monk should deport himself so as to have no occasion for repentance. A.iii.294 f.

Ānāpāna Kathā.– The third section of the Mahā Vagga of the Paṭisambhidāmagga. Ps.i.162 ff.

Ānāpāna Saṃyutta.– The fifty-fourth section of the Saṃyuttanikāya. S.v.311‑41.

Ānāpāna Sutta.– Mindfulness of breathing, if cultivated and developed, leads to much profit. S.v.132.

Ānāpāna Vagga.– The seventh chapter of the Bojjhanga Saṃyutta of the Saṃyuttanikāya. S.v.129‑32

Ānāpānasati Sutta

Anariyavohāra Sutta.– Eight modes of speech that are ignoble. A.iv.307.

Anāsava.– A Pacceka Buddha found in a list of Pacceka Buddhas. He lived in Isigili. M.iii.70; Ap.i.107.

Anāsavādi Sutta.– The Buddha teaches that which is free from the corruptions (āsava) and the way thereto. S.iv.369.

Anata Sutta.– S.iv.368. Almost identical to the Asaṅkhata Sutta (q.v), but following the path of insight instead of tranquillity.

Anatam Sutta.– See Anta Sutta.

Anātha.– A Pacceka Buddha of thirty-one world-cycles ago. Uddālapupphiya Thera, in a previous birth, offered him an uddāla-flower. Ap.i.288.


Anāthapindika Sutta

Anāthapindika-putta-Kāla Vatthu.– Story of the conversion of Anāthapindika’s son Kāla. DhA.iii.189‑92.

Anāthapindika-Setthi Vatthu.– Story of the goddess, guardian of Anāthapindika’s gate.

Anāthapindikassārāma.– See Jetavana.

Anāthapindikovāda Sutta

Anaticārī Sutta.– A woman who is no adulteress will be born in heaven. S.iv.244.

Anatta Sutta

Anattachandādi Sutta.– Desire and passion for what is not self should be abandoned. What is not self? The eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind are not self. (S.iv.150)

Anattadhamma Sutta.– Rādha Thera asks the Buddha what things are not self? The Buddha replies that form, feeling, perception, mental formations, and consciousness are not self. (S.iii.196)

Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta (Vatthu)

Anattanibbānasappāya Sutta.– The Buddha teaches the monks a way that is suitable for attaining nibbāna. Here, a monk sees the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind as not self. So too regarding sense-objects, consciousness, and feelings born of sense contact. (S.iv.134)

Anattaniya Sutta.– For that which does not belong to the self, desire must be put away. S.iii.78.

Anattānupassī Sutta.– One who has gone forth should dwell contemplating not self in the five aggregates. One who does so puts an end to suffering. (S.iii.180)

Anatthapucchakabrāhmana Vatthu.– Story of a brahmin who asked the Buddha whether he knew only of that which was good or did he know evil as well? The Buddha set his doubts at rest. DhA.ii.227‑9.

Anatthatāya Sutta.– Heedlessness (pamāda) conduces to great loss. A.i.16.

Añcanavana.– See Añjanavana.

Andabharīgāmakūtaka Sutta

Andabhūta Jātaka (No.62)


Andha Sutta.– On the three classes of persons: the blind, the one-eyed, and the two-eyed (A.iii.128 f).

Andhabhūta Sutta.– See Addhabhūta Sutta.


Andhakāra Sutta.– The ignorance of suffering, its arising, etc., is greater and more fearsome than the darkness of interstellar space (lokantarika). S.v.454‑5.

Andhakāra Vagga.– The second section of the Pācittiya in the Bhikkhunī-vibhanga. Vin.iv.268‑71.

Andhakāra.– A village in Sri Lanka, one of the villages given by Aggabodhi IV for the maintenance of the meditation hall (padhānaghara) built by the king for the Thera Dāthāsiva. Cv.xlvi.12.

Andhakarattha.– See Andhakā.




Andhakavinda Brāhmana.– See under Andhakavinda. His story is given as an illustration of how followers of the Buddha would often pursue him with manifold gifts, e.g., UdA.112.

Andhakavinda Sutta

Andhanāraka.– One of the villages given by Aggabodhi IV, for the maintenance of the meditation hall (padhānaghara) built for the elder Dāthāsiva. Cv.xlvi.13.


Andhatthakathā.– One of the Commentaries used by Buddhaghosa (Sp.iv.747). It was handed down at Kāñcipura (Conjevaram) in South India.


Andu.– A village near Pulatthipura. Cv.lix.5.

Anejakā.– A class of devā mentioned as having been present on the occasion of the teaching of the Mahā-Samaya Sutta. D.ii.160.


Anekavannavimāna.– The abode of Anekavanna-devaputta. Vv.74‑5.

Āneñjasappāya Sutta


Anga Sutta

Angagāma.– A reservoir built by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxix.37.

Angaka.– Nephew (sister’s son) of Sonadanda. D.i.123.

Angamu.– A place in Sri Lanka identified with the modern Ambagamuva (Geiger Cv. trans. i.298, n. 3). The senāpati Deva once encamped there. Cv.lxx.130.

Anganakola.– A village in South Sri Lanka, the residence of Ambapāsānavāsī-Cittagutta. MT.552.

Anganasālaka.– A village given by Aggabodhi II to the Abhaya(giri-)vihāra. Cv.xlii.63.

Angāni Sutta 1.– The five qualities of exertion (padhāna). A.iii.65.

Angāni Sutta 2.– On the five qualities that a monk should have and the five he should discard to complete his duties in the religion and attain its highest eminence. A.v.16‑17.


Angarājā.– The chieftain of Aṅga in the Buddha’s time. See Aṅga.

Angārapabbata.– A blazing mountain of white-hot coal, one of the tortures of the Mahāniraya. Kvu.597.


Angika Sutta.– On the development of the fivefold Ariyan Samādhi. A.iii.25‑9.

Angirasa (v.l. Aṅgīrasa)

Angīrasī.– A term of affection (Radiant One) used by Pañcasikha in addressing Suriyavaccasā (D.ii.265). The Commentary (DA.iii.701) explains that she was so called because her limbs shone (ange rasmiyo assāti Angīrasī.)

Angulimāla (Aṅgulimālaka)

Angulimāla Paritta.– See Angulimāla; referred to also in the Milindapañha (p.151) in a list of Parittas.

Angulimāla Sutta.– Contains the story of the bandit’s conversion and the bliss of his deliverance. M.ii.97 ff.

Angulimāla-pitaka.– Given in a list of heretical works. SA.ii.150; Sp.iv.742.


Anguttaranavatīkā.– By Sāriputta (2), author also of Sarātthadīpanī-Vinaya-tīkā Gv.71.


Anguttara-tīkā.– By Candagomi, evidently an author of Sri Lanka. Svd.v.1201.

Anguttaratthakathā.– Quoted in the exegesis to the Jātaka. J.i.131.

Āni Sutta

Anicca Sutta (Vagga)

Aniccā Sutta.– On the seven kinds of persons who are worthy of homage and of gifts. A.iv.13‑14.

Aniccadhamma Sutta.– Desire for that whose nature is impermanent should be destroyed. S.iii.199.

Aniccanibbānasappāya Sutta.– The Buddha teaches the monks a way that is suitable for attaining nibbāna. Here, a monk sees the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind as impermanent. So too regarding sense-objects, consciousness, and feelings born of sense contact. (S.iv.133)

Aniccānupassī Sutta.– One who has gone forth should dwell contemplating not self in the five aggregates. One who does so puts an end to suffering. (S.iii.179)

Aniccasaññā Sutta

Anidassana Sutta.– The invisible and the path leading thereto. S.iv.370.

Anīgha.– A Pacceka Buddha; occurs in a list of Pacceka Buddhas. M.iii.70; ApA.i.107.

Anikadatta.– See Anikaratta.


Anikaratta.– Ruler of Vāranavatī. He came to Mantāvatī as a suitor for the hand of Sumedhā, but did not succeed in his quest, as Sumedhā became a Bhikkhunī after having converted Anikaratta and his retinue. (Anikadatta). Thig.v.462‑515; ThigA.272 f; Ap.ii.512.

Animandavya.– See Mandavya.


Animittapañha Sutta.– Taught by Mahā-Moggallāna; it records an occasion when he experienced unconditioned rapture of the heart (animittaceto-samādhi). S.iv.268.

Aniruddha.– See Anuruddha.

Ānisamsa Sutta.– On the six advantages of realising the first fruit of the Path (sotāpattiphala). A.iii.441.

Ānisamsa Vagga

Anissukī Sutta.– A woman who is faithful, modest, scrupulous, not wrathful and rich in wisdom, will be reborn in a happy condition. S.iv.244.

Anītika Sutta and Anītikadhamma Sutta.– On the state that is free from ill and the path thereto. S.iv.371.


Anitthigandhakumāra Vatthu.– See Anitthigandhakumāra (3).

Anivatta Brahmadatta

Aniyata.– The third division of the Pārājika of the Sutta Vibhanga. Vin.iii.187‑94.

Añjalī.– One of the nuns who accompanied Sanghamittā to Sri Lanka. Dip.xviii.24.



Añjana-pabbata.– One of the six peaks of the Himavā from which rose the five great rivers and round which were the seven lakes (J.v.415). Pabbata, one of the seven chief pupils of the Bodhisatta Jotipāla, had his hermitage there. J.v.133.

Añjanavana (v.l. Añcanavana)

Añjanavaniya Thera


Añjasa.– A king of two world-cycles ago, father of Sunanda, a previous birth of Upāli. Ap.i.45, v.111; ThagA.i.367.

Ankolaka Thera.– An Arahant. In a previous birth he had offered an ankola-flower to Siddhattha Buddha. Once, thirty-six world-cycles ago, he was a Cakkavatti named Devagajjita. Ap.i.199.

Ankolakapupphiya Thera


Ankura Vatthu.– The story of Ankura. DhA.iv.80‑2.

Ankurapeta Vatthu.– See Ankura. According to MA.i.225 and DA.i.178, in this story the word “brahmacariya” (holy life) is used to mean service (veyyāvacca).

Anna Sutta 1.– All creatures desire food, so food should be given in charity (S.i.32).

Anna Sutta 2.– A.ii.86 f; but see GS.ii.96. n.1.

Añña Sutta.– On the results of developing the Four Foundations of Mindfulness (satipaṭṭhāna). S.v.181.


Aññaṃjīvaṃaññaṃsarīraṃ Sutta.– That the body is one thing and the soul another is the view held by some people. S.iii.215.

Aññanā Sutta.– Five of the same name recording conversations with the wanderer Vacchagotta regarding the results of ignorance. S.iii.257‑9.


Aññāta-Koṇḍañña (Aññā-Koṇḍañña Thera)

Aññatara Sutta 2.– Few are born among men because beings do not see the four Noble truths. S.v.465.

Aññatara° Vatthu.– Several stories given in the Dhammapada Commentary are designated only by such titles as “The Story of a Certain Woman,” (Aññatara-iṭṭhi vatthu), “The Story of a Certain Householder,” (Aññatarakuṭumbikavatthu), etc. For reference to such stories see DhA. Index (Vol. V).

Aññatarabhikkhu Sutta.– Two of this name containing questions on the holy life and the destruction of the corruptions (āsavā). S.iii.34, S.iv.232. Paṭhama, Dutiya Aññatarabhikkhu Sutta. S.v.7‑8.

Aññatarabrahma Sutta.– A certain Brahmā thought no recluse or brahmin could come to his world. The Buddha, Mahā-Moggallāna, Mahā-Kassapa, Mahā-Kappina, and Anuruddha all appeared there and refuted his views. S.i.144 f.

Aññatarabrāhmaṇa Sutta 1.– A certain brahmaṇa asks the Buddha if the same person experiences the results of his actions, or if another person does. The Buddha teaches Dependent Origination. S.ii.75‑6.

Aññatarabrāhmaṇa Sutta 2.– On the reasons for the religion lasting for a long time. The Buddha replies that it lasts for a long time if the Four Foundations of Mindfulness are cultivated. S.v.174.

Aññatara-ukkaṇṭhita-bhikkhussa Vatthu.– The name given in the Dhammapada Commentary to the story of a certain dissatisfied monk, Anupubba. (DhA.i.297‑300, vs.36)

Aññatitthiya Bhānavāra.– Ends the sixteenth chapter of the second section (khandhaka) of the Mahā Vagga of the Vinaya Piṭaka. Vin.i.115.

Aññatitthiya Sutta.– Describes a visit of Sāriputta to some heretical teachers in Rājagaha and the discussions that ensued. Ānanda reports the incident to the Buddha, who approves and explains the questions further. S.ii.32 f.

Aññatitthiya Sutta.– The answers that should be given to followers of other faiths if they should question about lust, malice and delusion. A.i.199‑201.

Aññatitthiya Vagga.– Several discourses on the views of other teachers. S.v.27 f.

Aññatra Sutta.– The Buddha takes some dust on his fingernail and asks the monks how it compares to the amount of dust in the earth. He then says that those who regain human rebirth are like the dust on his fingernail when compared to those who do not. This is due to them not understanding the Four Noble Truths. (S.v.465)

Aññindriya Sutta.– There are three faculties (indriya): the faculty to investigate the unknown, the faculty of final knowledge, and the faculty of one endowed with final knowledge. (S.v.204)

Anodhi Sutta.– Three suttas on the development of unlimited reflection of impermanence (anicca), suffering (dukkha), and not-self (anattā). A.iii.443 f.




Anoma Sutta.– Contains verses in praise of the Buddha who is called the Peerless (Anomanāma) (S.i.33). The verses are found also in the Suttanipāta (Sn.p.177).



Anomasatta.– An epithet of the Buddha. UdA.304; KhA.170.


Anopama.– Birthplace of Vessabhū Buddha and capital of his father, King Suppatīta. D.ii.7; but Bu.xxii.18 gives it as Anoma. The BuA. (p.205) calls it Anūpama.

Anorata.– The name by which Anuruddha (Anawrata), King of Burma (Rāmañña), is generally known. He was a religious reformer and was helped in his task by a Talaing monk, Arahanta. Bode: Pāḷi Lit. of Burma, pp.11‑13.


Anottappī Sutta.– Records a conversation between Mahā-Kassapa and Sāriputta in Isipatana. A man without ardour (anātāppī) and without shame (anottāppī) is incapable of enlightenment and nibbāna. S.ii.195 f.

Anottappamūlaka Sutta.– Through an element (dhātuso) beings meet together, the indiscreet with the indiscreet, the unlearned with the unlearned, the unwise with the unwise and vice versa. S.ii.163. See Ahirikamūlaka Sutta, Appassutamūlaka Sutta, and Assaddhāmūlaka Sutta.

Anta Jātaka (No.295)

Anta Sutta.– The Buddha teaches the end, as well as the way thereto. See also Antā Sutta. (S.iv.373).

Antā Sutta.– The four separate divisions: personality (sakkāya), its arising, ceasing, and the way thereto. S.iii.157‑8.

Anta Vagga.– The first chapter of the Uparipaññāsaka of the Khanda Saṃyutta of the Saṃyuttanikāya (S.iii.157 ff).

Antaka.– See Māra.

Antalikkhacara.– A king who reigned thirty-two world-cycles ago; Ākāsukkhipiya Thera in a previous birth. Ap.i.230.

Antaraganga.– A district in Sri Lanka. Ras.ii.10.

Antarāganga.– A monastery in Sri Lanka to which Jeṭṭhatissa III gave the village of Cullamātika. Cv.xliv.100.

Antaramegiri.– A monastery built by King Dhātusena. Cv.xxxviii.48.

Antarapeyyāla.– A section of the Nidāna Saṃyutta containing twelve suttas with abridged contents. S.ii.130 ff.




Antavā Sutta.– The origin of the view that the world is limited. S.iii.214.

Antevāsīka Sutta.– A monk dwells at ease without a pupil or a teacher, the pupil or co-resident (antevāsī) being the name given to evil and unprofitable states of mind that arise in him and abide in him through the senses. Such states are also called “teacher” (ācariya) because they beset and master him. S.iv.136‑8.

Antureli.– One of the villages given by King Aggabodhi IV for the maintenance of the meditation hall (padhānaghara), which he built for the Thera Dāthāsiva. Cv.xlvi.13.

Anubuddha Sutta.– Taught at Bhandagāma, on the importance of understanding. A.ii.1 f.

Anudhamma, Dutiya, Tatiya Anudhamma Sutta.– The monk who conforms to the Dhamma should live in disgust for the body, feeling, etc. S.iii.40‑1.

Anugāra.– An eminent wandering ascetic. He is mentioned as living in the Paribbājakārāma in the Moranivāpa in Veḷuvana near Rājagaha. He was probably one of the company who was with Sakuludāyi when the Buddha came to visit the latter. M.ii.1.

Anuggaha Sutta.– Right view is endowed with five advantages. A.iii.20‑1.

Anujīvisamiddha.– A Damiḷa chief, ally of Kulasekhara. Cv.lxxvii.33.

Anujjā (v.l. Anojā).– Wife of Vidhurapandita. She had a thousand sons whom she summoned to bid farewell to Vidhura when he went away with Punnaka (J.vi.290). She is depicted as a brave woman.

Anukampaka Sutta.– The five ways in which a resident monk shows sympathy for his lay supporters. A.iii.263 f.




Anulatissapabbata.– A vihāra in Gangārājī in East Sri Lanka, built by Kanitthatissa. Mhv.xxxvi.15.

Anulepadāyaka Thera.– An Arahant. In the time of Atthadassī Buddha he supplied plaster to a monk for carrying out some repairs to a building. Ap.i.251.

Anulomadāyaka Thera

Anumana Sutta


Anūna.– The name used by the yakkha Punnaka to hide from Dhañjaya his real name, lest he should be mistaken for a slave. The word has the same meaning as Punnaka. J.vi.273‑4.

Anupada Sutta

Anupada Vagga.– The second section of the Uparipaññāsa of the Majjhimanikāya. M.iii.25 ff.

Anupādāparinibbāna Sutta.– The holy life is lived with final emancipation, free from attachment, as its aim. S.v.29.

Anupakkilesa Sutta.– The seven factors of enlightenment are not hindrances nor corruptions of the mind, and lead to liberation.(S.v.93)

Anupanāhī Sutta.– A woman who is faithful, modest, scrupulous, without malice, and rich in wisdom, will be reborn in a happy condition. (S.iv.244)

Anupalakkhanā Sutta.– Diverse views are the result of want of discrimination. S.iii.261.



Anūpama Thera.- See Aṅkolapupphaya Thera.

Anupanāhī Sutta.– The woman who is not wrathful will be born in a happy condition. S.iv.244.

Anupiya (Anupiyā)

Anūpiya.– See Anupiya.


Anura.– A general of the Vanga king’s army, maternal cousin of Sīhabāhu, father of Vijaya. When Sīhabāhu left the lion’s den with his mother and sister they came across Anura who was ruling the border country. Later Anura married Sīhabāhu’s mother. Mv.vi.16‑20; MT.246.


Anurādha Sutta.– See Anurādha

Anurādhagāma.– The name given to the settlement founded by the two Anurādhas. It was near the Kadamba-nadī (Mhv.ix.9; x.76). The capital, Anurādhapura, was later founded near it.


Anurāja.– Son of Sunanda, King of Surabhi, at the time of Mangala Buddha. He visited the Buddha in the company of his father, and, having listened to his teaching, became an Arahant. BuA.119‑20.


Anuruddhamahāvitakka Sutta.– The Eight Thoughts of a Great Man.

Anuruddha Sutta

Anuruddha Thera

Anusamsāvaka Thera.– An Arahant. In a past birth he gave a spoonful of rice to the Buddha Vipassī. Ap.i.247.

Anusāsika Jātaka (No.115)

Anusāsikā.– The name of the greedy bird in the Anusāsika Jātaka. J.i.429.

Anusaya Sutta.– Rāhula asks the Buddha how one can know that one is liberated. The Buddha advises him to contemplate the five aggregates as, “This is not me, this is not mine, this is not my self.” (S.ii.253) See also (S.v.60) on the seven latent tendencies: sensuality, ill-will, wrong-view, doubt, conceit, desire for existence, and ignorance; and (S.v.236) regarding five faculties that lead to the destruction of the latent tendencies: the faculties of faith, effort, mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom.

Anusayapahāna Sutta.– When one knows and sees the eye and forms, the ear and sounds … the mind and ideas as impermanent the latent tendencies are abandoned and true knowledge arises. (S.iv.32)

Anusayasamugghāta Sutta.– The same as above, but for uprooting the latent tendencies. (S.iv.32)


Anusota Sutta.– On four classes of persons: those who go with the stream and those who go against it; those who stand fast and those who have crossed over. A.ii.5 f.

Anussati Sutta 1.– Six topics for recollection. A.iii.284. In the Visuddhimagga (p.226) it is called Gedha Sutta.

Anussati Sutta 2.– A detailed explanation of the above. A.iii.312 ff.

Anutīracārī.– An otter who had a dispute with another otter, Gambhīracārī, about a fish. They appealed to a jackal, Māyāvī, and lost in the bargain, the jackal claiming the middle of the fish as the price of his arbitration, leaving only the head and the tail for the otters. J.iii.333 f; DhA.iii.141‑2.

Anuttarasangāmavijaya (Dhammapariyāya).– One of the names by which the Bahudhātuka Sutta is known. M.iii.68.

Anuttāriya Sutta 1.– Six unsurpassable things. A.iii.284.

Anuttāriya Sutta 2.– A detailed explanation of the above. A.iii.325 f.

Anuttariya Vagga.– The third chapter of the Chakka Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya. A.iii.309‑29.

Anuvattanā Sutta.– Like a Cakkavatti’s eldest son, who, because of five qualities, administers the kingdom like his father, so does Sāriputta administer the Kingdom of Righteousness founded by the Buddha. A.iii.148‑9.

Anuvindakā.– Name of a people, mentioned with hosts of others, as seeking and finding hospitality in the house of Jatukannika, when, in a previous birth, he was a banker in Hamsavatī. Ap.ii.359.

Anva Vagga.– See Addha Vagga.



Apacāyika Sutta.– See Pacāyika Sutta.

Apaccakkhakamma Suttā.– Five discourses in which the Buddha explains to Vacchagotta how diverse opinions arise through want of clearness about the facts of body, feeling, perception, activities and consciousness. S.iii.262.

Apaccupalakkhanā Sutta.– Same as the above, only substituting “through not discriminating” for “through want of clearness.” S.iii.261.

Apaccupekkhanā Sutta.– Same as the above, but substituting “through not looking into” for “through not discriminating.” S.iii.262.


Apadāniya Thera.– An Arahant. Ninety-two world-cycles ago he had eulogized the life history (eṃ kittayissaṃ) of the Buddha. Ap.i.241.

Apadika.– A river. Vasabha Thera, in a previous birth as the jatila Nārada, erected on its banks a cetiya in memory of the Buddha. ThagA.i.258; Ap.ii.437.

Apagata Sutta.– Records a conversation between the Buddha and Rāhula in Jetavana. The Buddha explains how the mind is freed from notions of “I” and “mine.” S.ii.253; see Rāhula Sutta (3) and the Anusaya Sutta above.


Apalāladamana.– See Apalāla.

Apalokina Sutta.– The Buddha teaches the undecaying and the path that leads thereto. S.iv.370. On the name see KS.iv.262, n.2.

Apalokita.– See Apalokina Sutta.


Āpaṇa Sutta.– See Saddhā Sutta.

Āpāna.– One of the Vannī chiefs of Sri Lanka, brought into subjection by Bhuvanekabāhu I. (Cv.xc.33)

Apannaka Jātaka (No.1)

Apannaka Sutta

Apannakatā Sutta.– On the three qualities that make a monk proficient in following the sure course (apaṇṇakapatipadā): guarding the senses, moderation in eating, and wakefulness. A.i.113 f.

Apanthaka.– Given as a personal name in a passage where it is stated that names are mere designators, they signify nothing. Thus “Paṇṭhakas” (Guides) too lose their way, so do “Apaṇṭhakas.” J.i.403.

Apāra Sutta

Aparāditthi Sutta

Aparagotama.– See Gotama (3).




Aparantā.– Mentioned in a list of tribes. Ap.ii.359.

Aparantaka (Aparanta)


Aparihāni Sutta.– There are seven things that do not decline not, viz., the seven factors of enlightenment (bojjhaṅga). S.v.85; see also ibid., 94.

Aparihāniya Sutta

Aparika.– See Apadika.

Apāsādika Sutta.– Two discourses on the evils of being unamiable. A.iii.255‑6.

Apassena.– A Cakkavatti who lived six world-cycles ago; a previous birth of Ārakkhadāyaka Thera. Ap.i.215.

Āpatti (Sutta)

Apāya­saṃvattanika Sutta, v.l. Duccaritavipāka Sutta, Sabbalahusa Sutta.– The evil effects of violating each of the Five Precepts (murder, etc.). A.iv.247.

Āpāyika Sutta.– On three persons who are doomed to purgatory (A.i.265).

Āpāyika Vagga.– The twelfth chapter of the Tika Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya (A.i.265‑73). It contains ten suttas on various topics.

Apāyimha Vagga.– The ninth section of the Eka Nipāta of the Jātaka. J.i.360‑79.

Apheggusāra.– A treatise, of about the fourteenth century, on Abhidhamma topics, written by a scholar of Hamsavatī in Burma. Bode: op.cit., 36 and n.2; Sās.48.

Apheggusāradīpanī.- A book composed at Hamsavatī, probably by Mahāsuvannadīpa, teacher of Queen Sīvalī. In Hugh Nevill’s MS. Catalogue in the British Museum it is described as a Subcommentary (anutīkā) dealing with matter in the Abhidhammatthavibhāvanī. Bode: op.cit. 36, n.2.

Apilāpiya.– A cakkavatti of eighty-six world-cycles ago; a former birth of Tikandīpupphiya Thera. Ap.i.202.

Appacintī.– A fish that lived in the Gaṅgā with his brothers Bahucintī and Mitacintī. He and Bahucintī were caught in a fisherman’s net and were rescued by Mitacintī. The story is told in the Mitacintī Jāt. (i.427‑8).

Appakā (or Virata) Vagga.– The eighth chapter of the Sacca Saṃyutta of the Saṃyuttanikāya. S.v.468‑70.

Appaka Sutta

Appamāda Sutta

Appamāda Vagga:- The first chapter of the Dhammapada

Appamādovāda.– The name given to the stanzas in the Dhammapada (Nos. 21‑23) on heedfulness. J.v.66.



Appamatteyya Sutta.– See Matteyya Sutta.

Appamatta Sutta.– See Asamatta Sutta.

Appamattaka Vagga.– The nineteenth chapter of the Eka Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya. In the spiritual world, by analogy with Nature, only a few are selected out of many who will be lost. A.i.35‑8.

Appamattapaññā Sutta

Appameyya Sutta.– Of three classes of persons, the Arahant is the immeasurable (appameyya). A.i.266.

Appam-supati Sutta.– The five kinds of persons who sleep but little. A.iii.156.

Appassuta Sutta 1.– A woman who has little knowledge is born in purgatory. S.iv.242.

Appassuta Sutta 2.– Four classes of persons, some of little learning and some of wide learning. A.ii.6 f.

Appassutamūlaka Sutta.– The unlearned come together with the unlearned. (S.ii.164) See Ahirikamūlaka Sutta, Anottappamūlaka Sutta, and Assaddhāmūlaka Sutta.

Appativāni Sutta.– By him who knows not birth and becoming, grasping, craving, feeling, contact, etc., there must be no turning back in the search for knowledge. S.ii.132.

Appativedhā Sutta.– Taught to Vacchagotta. Divers opinions arise in the world through want of perception of the nature of the body, etc. S.iii.261.

Appatividitā Sutta.– Spoken by a deva; a Buddha has arisen, now is the time for those who have not perceived the truth to do so. S.i.4.


Appiyā.– See Suppiyā.


Aputtaka Sutta

Aputtasetthi Vatthu.– The story of Aputtaka given above. DhA.iv.76‑80.

Ārabbhavatthu Sutta.– On the eight occasions in which exertion should be applied. A.iv.334 f.

Ārabhati Sutta.– There are five kinds of people in the world. Those who commit faults and repent, etc. A.iii.165‑7.

Āraddhavīriya Sutta. A name given in the Suttasaṅgaha (No.80) to a Sutta in the Itivuttaka (p.115 f ), which in the Aṅguttaranikāya is called the Cara Sutta (q.v.) See also S.iv.244) where stirred up energy is one of five qualities leading to heaven.

Arahanta Sutta

Arahanta Vagga:- The seventh chapter of the Dhammapada

Arahanta.– A Talaing monk, the preceptor and advisor of Anuruddha. King of Burma. He made far-reaching reforms in the Burmese Sangha of his day (Bode, op.cit., 12‑13).

Arahatta Sutta

Arahattapañhā Sutta.– See Arahatta Sutta. See also Nibbānapañhā Sutta.

Arahattaphala Sutta.– See Anāgāmiphala Sutta (S.v.410), See also: Sakadāgāmiphala Sutta, and Sotāpattiphala Sutta.

Araja.– One of the palaces occupied by Dhammadassī before he became the Buddha. Bu.xvi.14.


Araka Jātaka (No.169)

Araka Sutta.– The teachings of Araka. A.iv.136 ff.

Ārakkha Sutta.– Earnest care should be exerted to guard one’s thoughts from running riot among passionate things, from being malicious, from being deluded and from following the path laid down by various recluses (false teachers?). A.ii.120.

Ārakkhadāyaka Thera

Āramā Vagga.– The sixth division of the Pācittiya of the Bhikkhunī Vibhanga (Vin.iv.306‑17).

Ārāmadanda.– A brahmin.

Ārāmadāyaka Thera.– An Arahant. In a past life he planted a garden with shady trees for the Buddha Siddhattha, and gave the Buddha the fruits and flowers that grew there. Thirty-seven world-cycles ago he was born seven times as king, by name Mudusītala. Ap.i.251.

Ārāmadūsaka Jātaka (No.46, 268)

Ārāmassa.– A village in Sri Lanka, given by King Udaya I. for the maintenance of a bronze statue (Loharūpa) of the Buddha. Cv.xlix.17.


Arammā.– A clan mentioned in a list of tribes. Ap.ii.359.

Ārammana Sutta

Arana Sutta.– On the Undefiled. Taught in answer to a deva’s questions as to who are undefiled and fit to receive homage from everyone. Monks, says the Buddha, are so worthy (S.i.44‑5).

Aranadīpiya Thera

Aranañjaha.– See Arunañjaha.

Aranavibhanga Sutta


Arani Sutta.– See the Kaṭṭhopama Sutta

Ārañjara.– See Arañjaragiri.



Arañña Jātaka (No.348)

Arañña Sutta

Āraññaka Mahā-abhaya

Āraññaka Sutta.– The name given in the Suttasaṅgaha (No.85) to the Anāgatabhaya Sutta (q.v.)


Araññasatta v.l. Araññamanna; Araññasanta.– A king of twenty world-cycles ago; a previous birth of Nimittasaññaka Thera. Ap.i.261.

Araññavāsī Nikāya

Araññāyatana-Isi Sutta


Arati Sutta



Āravāla.– See Aravāla.

Aravāladaha.– The lake in which Aravāla lived.

Arikārī.– A monastery in Sri Lanka. It is not recorded by whom it was first built. Udaya I found it in a dilapidated condition and had it repaired. He also built there a house for the distribution of food and added a pāsāda (Cv.xlix.32).



Arimanda.– A city in which the Bodhisatta was born as the Khattiya Vijatāvī in the time of the Buddha Phussa. BuA.194.


Arittha (Sutta)

Arittha-vihāra.– The monastery built by Lañjakatissa in Aritthapabbata. Mhv.xxxiii.27; Mhv.trans.230, n.6.





Arittha-thapita-ghara.– See Sirivaddhaghara (?).

Ariya (Sutta)

Ariyā Sutta.– The four bases of success (iddhipāda), if cultivated, conduce to the utter destruction of suffering. S.v.255.

Ariyabālisika Vatthu.– The story of the fisherman Ariya (2).



Ariyagāla-tittha.– A ford, probably on the Mahāvāluka-nadī. Ras.ii.38.

Ariyākara-vihāra.– A monastery in Sri Lanka. Ras.ii.189.

Ariyākari.– A monastery in Rohana in South Sri Lanka. Dappula gave it to the village of Mālavatthu and built therein an image house. He also had a valuable third-eye hair (uṇṇaloma) and a golden bowl (hemapatta) made for the image there. Cv.xlv.60‑l.

Ariyaka-Vihāra.– A monastery in Sri Lanka. Ras.ii.174.


Ariyakoti.– A monastery (probably in Sri Lanka), the residence of Mahādatta Thera. MA.i.131.


Ariyamagga Sutta


Ariyapariyesanā Sutta

Ariyasāvaka Sutta


Ariyavamsālankāra.– A book written by Ñānābhisāsanadhaja Mahādhammarājaguru Thera of Burma, author of the Petakālankāra and other books. Sās.134.

Ariyavasā Sutta.– The ten abodes of the Noble Ones, past, present, and future. A.v.29.

Ariyavohāra Sutta.– Eight modes of speech that are noble. A.iv.307.


Aruka Sutta.– On the man whose mind is like an open sore, as opposed to one who is lightning-minded or diamond-minded. A.i.123 f.


Arunabala.– See Arunapāla.

Arunaka.– Thirty-six world-cycles ago there were seven kings of the name of Arunaka, all previous births of the Thera Vatthadāyaka (Ap.i.116).

Arunañjaha.– Seventy world-cycles ago there were sixteen kings of the name of Arunañjaha. They were all past births of Asokapūjaka Thera (Ap.i.199).

Arunapāla.– A king of thirty-five world-cycles ago, a former birth of Kaṇikārapupphiya Thera (who is evidently identical with Ujjaya, Ap.i.203). In the Theragāthā Commentary (ThagA.i.119) he is called Arunabala.

Arunapura.– A city in the time of Sikhī Buddha. Ambapālī was born there in a brahmin family (Ap.ii.613; ThigA.i.213). It is probably identical with Arunavatī.

Arunavā.– See Aruna (1)

Arunavatī (Sutta)

Arunavatī Paritta.– Same as Arunavatī Sutta.

Arundhavatī.– See Amaravatī (2).

Arūpī-Attā Sutta.– See the Rūpī-Atta Sutta

Aruppala.– One of the villages given by Kittisirirājasīha for the maintenance of the Gangārāma-vihāra. Cv.c.212.

Āsā Vagga.– The eleventh chapter of the Eka Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya (A.i.86‑8). It contains twelve suttas on various topics.

Āsā.– Daughter of Sakka.

Assaddhasaṃsandana Sutta.– Like joins with (literally “flows together with”) like, unbelievers with unbelievers, the lazy with the lazy, etc. S.ii.158.

Asaddhamūlakā Sutta.– The same in its main features as the Assaddhasaṃsandana Sutta. S.ii.160‑1.


Asadisa Jātaka (No.181)

Asadisa Vagga.– The fourth section of the Duka Nipāta of the Jātakaṭṭhakathā. J.ii.86‑113.


Asadisadāna Vatthu.– The story of the Asadisadāna and its sequel, the story of Pasenadi’s two ministers Kāla and Juṇha. See Kāḷa.

Āsāḷha.– The month of July/August, in which the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta was taught, and which marks the beginning of the Rains Retreat (vassa).

Asallakkhanā Sutta.– Taught to the wanderer Vacchagotta. Through want of discernment of the nature of the body, etc., diverse opinions arise in the world. S.iii.261.



Asamāhita Sutta.– Like joins with like, e.g. the unconcentrated with the unconcentrated, because of some fundamental quality (dhātu) common to both. S.ii.166. See also Ahirikamūlaka Sutta, etc.

Asamapekkhanā Sutta.– By not seeing the nature of body, etc., diverse opinions arise in the world. Taught at Sāvatthi to the Paribbājaka Vacchagotta. S.iii.261.

Asamatta Sutta

Asampadāna Jātaka (No.131)

Asampadāna Vagga.– The fourteenth section of the Eka Nipāta of the Jātakaṭṭhakathā. J.i.465‑86.

Asanabodhiya Thera

Āsanatthavika Thera


Asani Sutta

Āsanka Jātaka (No.380)

Āsankā.– The adopted daughter of the Bodhisatta in the Āsanka Jātaka. She was so called because she came to him when he crossed the water owing to his doubt (āsaṅkā) as to what was in the lotus. J.iii.250.

Asankhata Saṃyutta.– Also called Nibbāna Saṃyutta. The forty-third section of the Saṃyuttanikāya. S.iv.359‑73.

Asankhata Sutta.– A group of suttas describing the way to the unconditioned (asaṅkhata). S.iv.362 ff.

Asankiya Jātaka (No.76)


Asaññataparikkhāra-bhikkhu Vatthu

Āsanupatthāyaka Thera

Asappurisa Sutta

Asassatadiṭṭhi Sutta.– Similar to the Rūpī-Atta Sutta (q.v.)

Asātamanta Jātaka (No.61)

Asātarūpa Jātaka (No.100)

Asatthārāma.– The place where Piyadassī Buddha died. Bu.xiv.27.

Āsava Sutta

Āsavakkhaya Sutta

Āsavapahāna Sutta.– (S.iv.32)

Āsavapañhā Sutta.– Jambukhādaka asks Sāriputta about the corruptions, and he explains about the three corruptions: sensuality, desire for becoming, and ignorance. He also says how they are abandoned by developing the Noble Eightfold Path. (S.iv.255)

Āsavasamugghāta Sutta.– (S.iv.32)



Asekhiya Sutta.– Five things that make a monk worthy of offerings, etc. A.iii.134.


Āseva Sutta.– If, just for the duration of a finger-snap, a monk indulges a thought of good-will, such a one is verily a monk (A.i.10).

Āsevitabba Sutta.– On the characteristics of the person who should be followed. A.i.124 f.


Asibandhakaputta Sutta.– The Buddha explains that a man’s destiny depends on the life that he leads. S.iv.311 f.

Asiggāha Silākāla.– See Silākāla.

Asiggāhaka-pariveṇa.– A building in the Thūpārāma. Ras.ii.123.

Asilakkhana Jātaka (No.126)

Asiloma Sutta.– Mahā-Moggallāna describes a hungry ghost with hairs like swords that kept striking him as he cried out in pain. He was formerly a pig butcher in Rājagaha. (S.ii.256)

Āsimsa Vagga.– The sixth section of the Eka Nipāta of the Jātakaṭṭhakathā. J.i.261‑84.

Asipattavana.– One of the tortures of purgatory. In the distance the grove appears as a mango grove, and when the inhabitants of purgatory enter, wishing to eat the mangoes, leaves that are sharp like swords fall on them, cutting off their limbs. Sn.v.673; SnA.ii.481.

Asīsaka Sutta.– Mahā-Moggallāna describes a hungry ghost with a headless trunk. He cried out in pain as vultures pecked at his body. He was formerly an executioner named Hārika in Rājagaha. (S.ii.256)

Asisūkarika Sutta


Asita Devala

Asitābhu Jātaka (No.234)

Asitābhū.– Wife of Prince Brahmadatta. Her story is given in the Asitābhū Jātaka.

Asitañjala.– See Amitañjala.


Asītimahā­sāvakā.- The Eighty Great Disciples

Asīti Nipāta.– The twenty first section of the Jātakaṭṭhakathā (J.v.333‑511).

Āsīvisa Sutta

Āsīvisopama Sutta





Asokapūjaka Thera


Assāda Sutta

Assaddhāmūlaka Sutta.– The faithless come together with the faithless. (S.ii.160) See Ahirikamūlaka Sutta, Anottappamūlaka Sutta, and Appassutamūlaka Sutta.

Assaddhasaṃsandana Sutta.– Very similar to the Assaddhāmūlaka Sutta. (S.ii.158)

Assāroha Sutta.– See the Yodhājīva Sutta (3).

Assagutta Thera

Assaji (Sutta)


Assaji-Punabbasuka Vatthu.– The story of the visit of the leading disciples (aggasāvaka) to Assaji-Punabbasukā, DhA.ii.108‑10.


Assaka Jātaka (No.207).– The story of King Assaka (2). It was related to a monk who was distracted by the recollection of a former wife. J.ii.158.

Assakanna.– One of the mountains round Sineru (SnA.ii.443; Sp.i.119). It is higher than Vinataka, and between these two flows the Sīdantara Samudda. J.vi.125.

Assalāyana (Sutta).– Records the conversation between the Buddha and Assalāyana when the latter went to visit him. M.ii.147 ff.


Assamukha.– One of the four rivers that flow out of the Anotatta Lake. Many horses are found on its banks. SnA.ii.438; UdA.301.



Assapura Suttas.– See Mahā-Assapura Sutta and Cūḷa-Assapura Sutta.

Assārāma.– The place of death of Sikhī Buddha (BuA.204). The Buddhavaṃsa (Bu.xxi.28) calls it Dussārāma.

Assāroha.– Probably a nickname for the horse-trainer whose visit to the Buddha is recorded in the Assāroha Sutta. He is described as a headman of a village (gāmaṇi).

Assāroha Sutta.– Similar to the Yodhājīva Sutta (q.v.) I think it more likely that he was a cavalry soldier than merely a horse-trainer. S.iv.310.

Assāsappatta Sutta.– A conversation between Sāriputta and the wanderer Jambukhādaka as to what constitutes comfort (assāsa) and how it might be won. S.iv.254.


Assu Sutta.– Taught at Sāvatthi. The tears shed by a person faring in saṃsāra, as a result of various sorrows, are greater in quantity than the waters of the four oceans. One should therefore feel repulsion for all things of this world. S.ii.179‑80.

Assutava Sutta

Asubha Sutta

Asubhakammika Tissa Thera.– Referred to in the Majjhimanikāya Commentary (MA.i.228; J.iii.534; see also MT.401) as an example of a monk in whom lustful desires ceased because he dwelt on the Impurities and associated only with worthy friends. He was an Arahant.


Asura Sutta

Asurindaka Sutta


Ātānātā.– A city in Uttarakuru, mentioned with Kusinātā, Parakusinātā and Nātāpuriyā (D.iii.200).

Ātānātiya Sutta

Ātappa Sutta


Atarandā-mahābhodikkhandha.– A village in Rohana where the forces of Dhamilādhikāri destroyed the rebels. Cv.lxxv.97.


Athabbana (Āthabbana)

Athalayunnāda.– A district in S. India. Cv.lxxvi.261.

Athalayūru-nadālvāra.– A Damiḷa chieftain. Cv.lxxvi.140, 260; lxxvii.27.

Aticāri Sutta.– To Anuruddha. Endowed with five qualities a woman is reborn in a bad destination, in hell. She is faithless, shameless, reckless, an adulteress, weak in wisdom. S.iv.242.

Atideva.– The Bodhisatta born as a Brahmin in the time of Revata Buddha. Having heard the Buddha teach he gave him his upper garment (J.i.35; Bu.vi.10; Mbv.10). He belonged to Rammavatī. BuA.134.

Atimbara.– Minister of Dūtthagāmani. SdS.77.


Atimuttaka-sāmanera Vatthu.– See Atimuttaka (2).

Atinivāsa Sutta.– The five evil results of long-dwelling (atinivāsa). A.iii.258.

Atipandita.– The Bodhisatta was once born as the son of a merchant family in Bārāṇasī and was named Pandita. He entered into partnership with another man, named Atipandita, who tried to deceive him but in vain. J.i.405 f.

Atītānāgatapneuppanna Suttas.– Three in number. Seeing that the mental formations (saṅkhārā) are (1) impermanent, (2) ill, and (3) without the self, the Noble Disciple cares not for what is past, is not in love with the present and seeks dispassion for the future. S.iii.19‑20.

Atītena Sutta.– Seeing that the eye, ear, etc., of the past are impermanent, the Noble Disciple should cease desiring them. S.iv.151.

Atitti Sutta.– There is no satiety in sleep, in drinking liquor and in sexual intercourse. A.i.261.

Atta Sutta 1.– Self-possession is the forerunner of the Eightfold Path. S.v.36.

Atta Sutta 2.– The self-possessed monk develops the Eightfold Path. S.v.37.

Attadanda Sutta

Attadattha Thera

Attadīpa Sutta.– Monks should be refuges unto themselves, the Dhamma should be their refuge. They should seek for the very source of things in the impermanence of the five aggregates. S.iii.42 f.

Attadīpa Vagga.– Of the Saṃyuttanikāya (S.iii.42 ff), contains ten suttas on the nature of the body and the self.

Attahata Sutta.– The world is afflicted by death, surrounded by aging, wounded by craving, and burning with desire. S.i.40.

Attahita Sutta.– Three suttas on the four kinds of people in the world: bent on their own profit; on another’s profit; on the profit of both; on the profit of neither. A.ii.97 ff.

Attakāra Sutta.– On individuality and non-individuality; taught in answer to a brahmin’s questions. A.iii.337 f.

Attakarana Sutta.– See Aḍḍakaraṇa Sutta.

Attālhidhātusena-vihāra.– A monastery built by King Dhātusena. Cv.xxxviii.49.

Attantāpa Sutta.– On the self-tormentor who practices various austerities, and the tormentor of others — butcher, fisherman, etc. and those who, like some kings, torment both themselves and others. A.ii.203 ff.

Attānudiṭṭhi Sutta.– On the arising of what, on clinging to what, does wrong-view arise? From the arising of form, by clinging to form … feeling … perception … mental formations … consciousness. (S.iii.185)

Attānudiṭṭhipahāna Sutta.– A certain bhikkhu asked, “How should one know and see for wrong-view to be abandoned.” The Buddha said, “When one knows and sees the eye as impermanent wrong-view is abandoned. When one knows and sees forms … eye-consciousness … the ear … sounds … etc.” (S.iv.147)

Attānuvāda Sutta.– On the four kinds of fears: fear of self-reproach, of others’ reproach, of punishment, and of woeful state. A.ii.121 f.

Atta-piya Sutta.– A name given in the Suttasaṅgaha (No.46) for Piya Sutta (2).



Atthakāma Vagga.– The fifth section of Eka Nipāta of the Jātakaṭṭhakathā. J.i.234‑61.

Atthakanāgara Sutta

Atthakanagara.– A city, from which came the householder Dasama who, while on a visit to Pāṭaliputta on business, went to see Ānanda at Beluvagāma and questioned him (M.i.349 f; A.v.342‑7). The conversation is recorded in the Atthakanāgara Sutta.

Atthakathācariyā.– Composers (?) of the Commentaries. They lived prior to Buddhaghosa, because he refers to them. e.g., AA.i.273.

Atthakathā Thera.– Mentioned in the Dīghanikāya Commentary (iii.728) as being capable of solving the doubts that arose in the mind of Mahāsīvali Thera of the village hermitage.

Atthaka Vagga/Sutta

Atthakula Sutta.– The reasons why certain families, having attained great possessions, fail to last long. A.ii.249 f.

Attarakkhita Sutta.– King Pasenadi asks the Buddha if there is anything to expect for one who has been born other than aging and death. The Buddha replies that there is not — even Arahants have nothing to expect but aging and death. The Sutta concludes with Dhammapada verse 151, ““Even ornamented royal chariots wear out …” S.i.72

Atthama.– A Pacceka Buddha, one of the names given in a list of such. M.iii.70; ApA.i.106.

Atthana Jātaka (No.425)

Atthāna Vagga.– A group of the “impossibilities”; examples of such are the simultaneous existence of two Buddhas, or the following of a good result from an evil deed. A.i.26‑30.

Atthānaparikappa Sutta

Atthangika Sutta

Atthapuggala Sutta.– Two suttas on the eight persons who are worthy of homage and of gifts. A.iv.292, 293.

Atthasadda Jātaka (No. 418)

Atthasahassa.– A district of Rohaṇa in Sri Lanka (Cv.lxi.24; lxxv.154) to the east of the modern Valaveganga. See Geiger, Cv. trans., i.227, n.4.


Atthasandassaka Thera

Atthasata Sutta (°Pariyaya).– Method of describing the 108  feelings — thirty-six each of the past, present and future. S.iv.231.

Atthassadvāra Jātaka (No.84)

Atthavasa Vagga.– The seventeenth chapter of the Duka Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya (A.i.98‑100). It deals with the aims behind the Buddha’s injunctions to monks with regard to the practice of tranquillity and insight, to be employed as remedies against lust, etc.


Atthi Sutta.– Taught about a peta, a mere skeleton, seen near Gijjhakūṭa by Mahā-Moggallāna and Lakkhaṇa. He had been a cattle-butcher in Rājagaha. S.ii.254.

Atthikamahapphala Sutta.– A group of suttas dealing with the great benefits occurring from meditating on skeletons. S.v.129 ff.

Atthinukhopariyāya Sutta

Atthipuñja Sutta.– A name given in the Suttasaṅgaha (No.21) for Puggala Sutta (1).

Atthirāga Sutta.– All existence is the result of attachment to the four kinds of food: solid food (kabaḷīkāra), contact (phassa), will (manosañcetanā), and consciousness (viññāṇa). This is explained with various similes. S.ii.101‑4.


Atthisena Jātaka (No.403)

Atthissara.– The name under which Devadatta, having suffered for five parts of a world-cycle in purgatory, will become Pacceka Buddha. DhA.i.125; Mil.111.


Atulamba.– The mango tree produced by the juggler Bhandu-kanna to make Prince Mahāpanāda laugh. The mango is known as Vessavaṇa’s mango and it is impossible to approach it. J.iv.324; see also ii.397.

Atulya.– A king. A previous birth of Asanatthavika Thera. Twenty-seven world-cycles ago he was king seven times under this name. Ap.i.255.


Ātuma Thera

Avakannaka.– Given in the Pācittiya rules as an example of a low name (hīnanāma). Vin.iv.6 ff.

Avandiya.– A Damiḷa chief who fought on the side of Kulasekhara against Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxvi.146.

Avantaphaladāyaka Thera.– An Arahant. Ninety-four world-cycles ago he had given a fruit without a stalk (avanta) to a Pacceka Buddha named Sataramsi. Ap.i.294.


Āvantikā.– The name given to monks of Avanti who helped Yasa Kākandakaputta to overcome the heresy of the Vajjiputtakas. Mhv.iv.19 ff.


Āvarana Sutta.– There are five things that overwhelm the mind and weaken the insight: sensual desire (kāmacchanda), ill-will (vyāpāda), sloth and torpor (thīnamiddha), restlessness and worry (uddhaccakukkucca), and doubt (vicikicchā). A.iii.63‑4.

Āvarana-Nīvarana Sutta.– (Also called Nīvaranāvarana). The five things, as above, that overwhelm the mind and weaken the insight and the seven factors of enlightenment (bojjhaṅga), which counteract them and conduce to the attainment of emancipation through knowledge. S.v.94‑6.

Āvaranatā Sutta

Avāriya Jātaka (No.376)

Avāriya Vagga.– The first division of the Chakka Nipāta of the Jātakaṭṭhakatha (J.iii.228‑74).

Avāriyā.– Daughter of Avāriyapitā. J.iii.230.

Avāriyapitā.– The ferryman of the Avāriya Jātaka.



Āvāsika Vagga.– The twenty-fourth chapter of the Pañcaka Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya. It consists of ten suttas dealing with the qualities of a resident monk that make him worthy of honour and agreeable, or otherwise. A.iii.261‑7.

Avassutapariyāya Sutta

Avataphaliya Thera



Avela.– One of the palaces used by Revata Buddha in his last lay-life. Bu.vi.17.

Āvenidukkha Sutta

Āveyya v.l. Āvekkheyya.– A king of fifty-nine world-cycles ago, a former birth of Samādapaka Thera. Ap.i.185.


Avidūre Nidāna


Avihimsā Sutta.– See Akodha Sutta.

Avijjā Sutta

Avijjāpaccaya Sutta.– Two suttas. Conditioned by ignorance, activities (saṅkhārā) come to pass, and so on for each factor of the Law of Dependent Origination (paṭiccasamuppāda). S.ii.60‑3.

Avijjāpahāna Sutta.– When one knows that the eye, forms, and eye-consciousness, the ear and sounds … is impermanent, ignorance is abandoned and knowledge arises. S.iv.30.

Avijjāpañhā Sutta.– Jambukhādaka asks Sāriputta about the meaning of ignorance, and he explains that it means ignorance regarding the Four Noble Truths. See also the Āsavapañha Sutta, Nibbānapañha Sutta, etc. (S.iv.256)

Avikakkā See Adhikakkā

Avitakka Sutta

Āvopupphiya Thera.– An Arahant. He heard Sikhī Buddha teach and, being pleased with the discourse, threw a heap of flowers into the sky, above the Buddha, as an offering to him. Twenty world-cycles ago he became a king under the name of Sumedha (Ap.i.112).

Avyādhika Thera.– An Arahant. In a previous birth he built a fire-room (aggi-sālā) for Vipassī Buddha and a hospital and hot baths for the sick. Later, seven world-cycles ago, he was a king named Aparājita. Ap.i.215.

Avyākata Saṃyutta.– The forty-fourth section of the Saṃyuttanikāya. S.iv.374.

Avyākata Vagga

Avyāpajjha Sutta.– The Buddha teaches the harmless and the path thereto. S.iv.371.

Āyācana Sutta

Āyācitabhatta Jātaka (No.19)

Āyāgadāyaka Thera

Ayakūta Jātaka (No.347)

Āyasmanta.– A general of King Sāhasamalla.

Āyatana Sutta

Ayoghara (see Ayoghara Jātaka)

Ayoghara Jātaka (No.510).– The story of Prince Ayoghara. The story was told regarding the Buddha’s Renunciation. In the Jātakamālā the name appears as Ayogṛha. Jātakamālā No.32.

Ayogula Sutta


Ayonisomanasikāra Sutta

Āyu Sutta


Āyupālā (Āyupālī).– An Arahant Therī, preceptor of Saṅghamittā. Mhv.v.208; Sp.i.51.


Āyussa Sutta.– Two in number, on the five conditions (such as excessive eating), which do not bestow long life, and on the five conditions that do. A.iii.145.

Āyuvaddhana Kumāra


Ayyamitta Thera

Ayyamitta.– See Mahāmitta.

Ayya-Uttiya.– (°ika)

Ayyikā Sutta.– King Pasenadi visits the Buddha at midday to say that his grand-mother has just passed away at the age of 120 and that he would have done anything to keep her alive. The Buddha explains that’s the way with all living beings and fare according to their deeds. Therefore, one should perform meritorious deeds as a store for future lives. S.i.96.