Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
Revata Buddha

The fifth of the twenty-four Buddhas.
- He was born in Sudhaññaka (Sudhaññavatī), his father being the khattiya Vipula and his mother Vipulā.
- For six thousand years he lived in the household and then renounced the world, travelling in a chariot, leaving his wife Sudassanā and their son Varuna.
- The three palaces occupied by him in his lay life were Sudassana, Ratanagghi and Āvela.
- He practiced austerities for seven months and attained Enlightenment under a Nāga tree, having been given milk-rice by Sādhudevī and grass for his seat by the Ājīvaka Varunindhara.
- His first discourse was taught at Varunārāma.
- The Bodhisatta was a brahmin of Rammavatī, named Atideva, who, seeing the Buddha, spoke his praises in one thousand verses.
- Among the Buddha’s converts was King Arindama of Uttaranagara.
- The Buddha’s chief disciples were Varuna and Brahmadeva among monks and Bhaddā and Subhaddā among nuns.
- His constant attendant was Sambhava.
- His chief lay patrons were Paduma and Kuñjara, and Sirimā and Yasavatī.
- His body was eighty hands in height, and his aura spread uninterruptedly to a distance of one league.
- He died in the Mahāsāra pleasance at the age of sixty thousand, and his relics were scattered. ff; BuA.131 ff; J.i.30, 35, 44.