Pāli Proper Names — D
Dabbapuppha Jātaka (No.400)
Dabbila.– A Pacceka Buddha, mentioned in a nominal list. M.iii.70.
Daddabha Jātaka.– See Duddubha Jātaka (No.322)
Daddara Jātaka (No.172, 304, 438)
Dadhimāla v.l. Dadhimāli.– A sea, so called because it gleams like milk or curds. One of the seas mentioned in the Suppāraka Jātaka. J.iv.140.
Dadhimukha.– A yakkha chieftain who should be invoked by disciples of the Buddha in times of need. D.iii.205.
Dadhivāhana Jātaka (No.186)
Dadhivāhana.– King of Bārāṇasī. See the Dadhivāhana Jātaka.
Dahegallaka.– See Rahegallaka.
Dakarakkhasa Jātaka (No.517).– No story is related, but see the Umaṅga Jātaka for details (J.v.75). The reference is evidently to the Dakarakkhasapañha.
Dakkhinā Sutta.– The four purities in gifts (dakkhinā-
Dakkhināgiri (Vihāra)
Dakkhinajanapada.– See Dakkhināpatha.
Dakkhinamalayajanapada.– The mountainous country in Southern Sri Lanka difficult of access and providing only a hard living. AA.i.52.
Dakkhinamūla.– A monastery, perhaps identical with the Dakkhina-
Dakkhinamūlavāsa.– See Dakkhinamūla above.
Dakkhinārāma.– See Dakkhina-
Dakkhināvisuddhi Sutta.– See Dakkhinā Sutta above.
Dalha Vagga.– The first chapter of the Duka Nipāta of the Jātakaṭṭhakathā. J.ii.1‑40.
Dalhadhamma.– King of Bārāṇasī. See the Dalhadhamma Jātaka. He is identified with Ānanda. J.iii.388.
Dalhadhamma Jātaka (No.409)
Dalhadhamma Sutta.– Mentioned in the introduction to the Javanahaṃsa Jātaka (J.iv.211). This is evidently another name for the Dhanuggaha Sutta. S.ii.266 f.
Dāmā.– A chief female disciple (aggasāvikā) of Vessabhū Buddha. Bu.xxii.24; J.i.42.
Dāmahālaka v.l. Dāmagallaka.– A monastery in Sri Lanka, the residence of the Thera Mahādeva. Mhv.xxxvi.68.
Dāmali Sutta.– Records the visit of Dāmali (see below) to the Buddha.
Dāmali.– A devaputta who visits the Buddha at Jetavana and tells him that an Arahant has to work hard for nothing. The Buddha points out to him that there is nothing left for an Arahant to do. S.i.47.
Damatha.– A king of one hundred and fifteen world-
Dānakkhanda.– A section of the Vessantara Jātaka dealing with the gifts made by Vessantara on his way to Vankagiri, including the chariot in which he rode. J.vi.513.
Dānānisamsa Sutta.– The five advantages of making gifts — popularity, affection, good reputation, steadfastness in the householder’s duty, and happy rebirth (A.iii.41).
Dānavā.– Name given to the Asurā because they were descendants of Danu, e.g., Mil.153.
Dānavatthu Sutta.– On eight motives from which alms are given. A.iv.236 f.
Dānaveghasā.– A class of Asurā, present at the Mahāsamaya (D.ii.259). The Commentary (DA.ii.689) describes them as archers (dhanuggaha-
Danda Sutta.– Incalculable is the beginning of saṃsāra, not revealed; just as none knows how a stick thrown up into the air will fall, whether on its side, its tip, its butt-
Danda Vagga.– The tenth chapter of the Dhammapada.
Dandadāyaka Thera.– An Arahant. Ninety-
Dandagona.– A village in Sri Lanka. For a story of a jackal who lived there see Ras.ii.130 f.
Dandaka Sutta.– A stick thrown into the air may fall in different ways; even so, beings fettered by craving pass from this world to the next and return again, because they fail to see the Four Noble Truths. S.v.469.
Dandakahiraññapabbata.– A golden mountain in the Himavā. The Bodhisatta was once born there as a golden peacock. For details see the Mora Jātaka. J.ii.33, 36, 38.
Dandasena.– A king of seventy-
Dandissara.– A special grant given by kings to mendicant artists. It is first heard of in the time of Kassapa IV. (Cv.lii.3), and seems to have been kept up by Sena III (Cv.liii.30) and Vijayabāhu I (Cv.lx.22).
Dantadhātuppakkarana.– See Dantadhātubodhivamsa.
Dantagāma.– See Danta.
Dantageha v.l. Dantaroha.– A nunnery founded by Kutakannatissa for his mother. She entered the Order, after having just cleaned her teeth — hence the name (Mhv.xxxiv.36; MT.628).
Dantakaṭṭha Sutta.– On the five evil results of not using a tooth-
Dantakumāra.– Son of the king of Ujjeni. He came to Dantapura to worship the Tooth Relic and, while there, married Hemamālā, Guhasīva’s daughter. He brought the Tooth Relic to Sri Lanka in the reign of Siri Meghavanna (Dāthāvaṃsa iv.7 ff).
Dantika.– A district in South India where Laṅkāpura burnt twenty-
Danu.– Mother of the Asurā, who are, therefore, called Dānavā (Abhidhānappadīpikā, p.14).
Dānūpapatti Sutta.– On the eight modes of rebirth of an almsgiver, according to his wish. A.iv.239 ff.
Daraga.– A locality near Pulatthipura. Cv.lxx.177.
Darīmukha Jātaka (No.378)
Darīmukha.– A Pacceka Buddha. See Darimukha Jātaka.
Dāruciriya.– See Bāhiya-
Dārukassapa.– A minister of Dappula II. He started to build the Kassaparājaka-
Dārukkhandha Sutta.– Sāriputta, coming down Gijjhakuṭa, sees a log of wood, and tells the monks that a wise person could see all the elements in that log. A.iii.340.
Dāruna Sutta.– Dire are gains, favours, flattery, etc., and we should train ourselves to lay them aside. S.ii.225.
Dārupattaka.– A religious teacher of Jāliya (D.i.157). He was so called because he carried a wooden bowl with him. (DA.i.319).
Dārūrugāma.– A village near Kalyāni in Sri Lanka. Near it was Jayavaddhanakotta (Cv.xci.6). The name may have been Dārugāma, the uru being a descriptive adjective meaning mahā (Cv.Trs.ii.213, n.2).
Dasabala Vagga.– The third chapter of the Nidāna Saṃyutta. S.ii.27‑47.
Dasabrāhmana Jātaka (No.496)
Dasadhamma Sutta.– The name given in the Suttasaṅgaha (No.84) to the Dhamma Sutta (2) (q.v.)
Dasaganthivannanā.– A Subcommentary (ṭīkā) by Vepullabuddhi of Pagan, to the Abhidhammatthasangaha (Gv.64, 74).
Dasakamma Sutta.– Ten qualities the possessor of which is called an unworthy man, and abstention from which makes a man worthy. A.ii.219.
Dasakammapatha Sutta.– Ten kinds of people similarity in whose actions draws them together. S.ii.167.
Dasama Sutta.– Another name for the Atthakanāgara Sutta.
Dasamagga Sutta.– On the tenfold way, which consists of the Eightfold Path with the addition of knowledge and reliance. A.ii.221.
Dasanga Sutta.– The ten classes of people who flock together because of the qualities they possess in common: Wrong-
Dasaṇṇaka Jātaka see Pannaka Jātaka (No.401)
Dasaratha Jātaka (No.461)
Dasasiddhika Nanda.– One of the Nava-
Dasavatthu.– A Pāḷi treatise. Gv.65, 75.
Dāsī Sutta.– Few are those who abstain from accepting male and female slaves; many those who do not. S.v.472.
Dāsiyā 1.– A nun who came from India to Sri Lanka; she was eminent in the knowledge of the Vinaya. She lived in Anurādhapura. Dpv.xviii.14.
Dāsiyā 2.– A nun of Anurādhapura; she was teacher of the Vinaya. Dpv.xviii.28.
Dātā Suttā.– A group of suttas about those who give various kinds of gifts in order to obtain corresponding kinds of happiness after death (S.iii.250 f).
Dāthā.– Daughter of Aggabodhi I. She was given to the Malayarājā, the sister’s son of Aggabodhi I. (Cv.xlii.6, 10), who afterwards became Pañjalipabbata (Cv.xlii.64). She seems to have been also called Sanghabhaddā. (Cv.xlii.41).
Dāthābhāra.– A general of Gajabāhu. Cv.lxx.104.
Dāthādhātuvamsa.– A Pāḷi Chronicle containing the history of the Tooth Relic. It appears to have differed from the Dāthāvamsa and was evidently an earlier work. Cv.xxxvii.93; P.L.C.66, 209.
Dāthākoṇḍañña.– A monastery in Sīhagiri, given by King Moggallāna to the Sāgalikas. Cv.xxxix.41.
Dāthānāma.– A householder of Ambilayāgu and son of Dhātusena of Nandivāpigāma. Dāthanāma had two sons, Dhātusena (afterwards king) and Silātissabodhi. Cv.xxxviii.14.
Dāthāpāsāda.– A building erected by Aggabodhi I. at the Hatthakucchivihāra. Cv.xlii.21.
Dāthāvaddhana.– A village in Rohana, mentioned in the campaigns of Parakkamabāhu I (Cv.lxxiv.77).
Dāthika.– A Damiḷa usurper. He slew Pilayamāra and reigned at Anurādhapura for two years, until he was slain by Vaṭṭagāmaṇī-
Dāthiya.– A Damiḷa usurper who reigned at Anurādhapura for three years. He was then slain by Dhātusena (Cv.xxxviii.33).
Dāthopatissa I.– See Dāthāsiva (2).
Dāthopatissa II.– Also called Bhāgineyya-
Dattā.– A granddaughter of Visākhā, being her son’s daughter. She died young, and her mother, full of grief, was comforted by the Buddha. DhA.iii.278.
Dāttha.– A Thera, at whose request, according to the Gandhavaṃsa (Gv.68, 69; but see Dāthānāga Thera), Buddhaghosa composed the Sumangalavilāsinī, and Dhammapāla wrote the Subcommentary (ṭīkā) to the Viduddhimagga.
Datthabba Sutta.– The five powers — of faith, energy, mindfulness, concentration, and insight — and where they are to be seen. A.iii.12; S.v.196.
Datthabbena Sutta.– He who regards pleasant feelings as ill, painful feelings as a barb, and neutral feelings as impermanence, such a one is called “rightly seeing.” S.iv.207.
Dāyapassa.– A park near Bārāṇasī. Sankicca once stayed there with his followers. J.v.264, 265.
Demaliyagāma.– A locality in Sri Lanka, mentioned in the campaigns of Gajabāhu (Cv.lxvii.45).
Dematavala.– A locality of Rohana. Cv.lxxiv.139.
Dematthapādatthāli.– A village in the Malaya district of Sri Lanka. Cv.lxx.11.
Desaka see Sedaka
Desakittiya Thera.– An Arahant. Ninety-
Desanā or Bhāvanā Sutta.– On the psychic power, its basis, and the practice which leads to its cultivation (S.v.276). The sutta corresponds, word for word, with a passage in Asvaghosa’s Sūtrālankāra.
Desapūjaka Thera.– An Arahant. He once saw Atthadassī Buddha passing through the air and, much pleased, offered homage in his direction. In another birth he was a king named Gosujāta (Ap.i.183).
Devā Sutta.– See Vatapada Sutta S.i.228..
Devabhūti.– Thirty world-
Devacavana Sutta.– The name given in the Suttasaṅgaha (No.29) to a Sutta of the Itivuttaka (p.76 f ), describing the signs attendant on a deva’s decease and the factors determining his future,
Devacutinirayādi Sutta.– Only a few devā who die are reborn again as devā, most are reborn in hell, as animals, as hungry ghosts, in a bad destination. S.v.475.
Devadahakkhana Sutta.– Arahants need not strive earnestly in respect of the six-
Devadāniya.– A robber. See Mahālatāpasādhana and Bandhula.
Devadattavipatti Sutta.– See Devadatta Sutta
Devadhamma Jātaka (No.6)
Devadhammika.– A class of ascetics (?) mentioned in a nominal list. They are doomed to purgatory. A.iii.277; see also Dial.i.222.
Devadūta Vagga.– The fourth chapter of the Tika Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya (A.i.132‑50).
Devagabbha.– A yakkha. When Candagutta died, the yakkha entered into his dead body and pretended that the king was still alive. Bindusāra thereupon cut off his head (MT.188 f; cp. J.vi.474).
Devagajjita.– A king of thirty-
Devagāma.– A village to the west of Sri Lanka. Near it was the Pupphavāsa-
Devagandha.– Fourteen world-
Devahita Sutta.– Records the incident related above about Devahita. S.i.174 f.
Devakatasobbha.– A pool near Kosambī. Close by was the Pilakkhaguhā and the Paribbājakārāma, where Ānanda once visited Sandaka and held a discussion with him. M.i.513; MA.ii.687.
Devalā.– A Sinhalese princess, sister of Lokitā. Cv.lvii.27.
Devamalla.– Son of Kitti of Makkhakudrūsa. He came to Kitti (afterwards Vijayabāhu I) with a large following from Rohana and offered his services, asking to be made ādipāda. Later, he retired to Hiraññamalaya and built a stronghold in Remuna. Cv.lvii.59.
Devamanussanirayādi Sutta.– Only a few devā who die are reborn as human beings, most are reborn in hell, as animals, as hungry ghosts, in a bad destination. S.v.475.
Devapa.– A king of twenty-
Devapada Sutta.– The four paths that lead to the devā; unwavering loyalty to the Buddha, to the Dhamma, to the Sangha, and the cultivation of virtues dear to the Noble Ones. S.v.392.
Devapāli.– A village in Sri Lanka in which Aggabodhi V built the Girinagara-
Devapura.– See Devanagara.
Devaputta Saṃyutta.– The second section of the Saṃyuttanikāya. It contains accounts of visits paid by various devā to the Buddha. S.i.46 ff.
Devaputtarattha.– A district, evidently in Sri Lanka, the residence of an elder named Pindapātika-
Devarakkhita.– Another name for Dhammakitti, author of the Nikāya Sangraha. P.L.C.243.
Devarakkhitalena.– A cave in Sri Lanka, once the residence of Mahādhammadinna Thera of Talangaratissapabbata. SadS. 88.
Devarakkhitalena.– The residence of Talangara-
Devārohana.– The name given to the episode describing the Buddha’s ascent to Tāvatiṃsa to teach the Abhidhamma and his descent at Sankassa.
Devasetthi.– See Deva (12).
Devasabhāga Sutta.– Endowed with four virtues one is similar to the devā and they recall how they were reborn there due to the same virtues. What four? Confirmed faith in the Buddha, Dhamma, and Saṅgha, and unbroken morality that is dear to the Noble Ones.S.v.394.
Devāsurasaṅgāma Sutta.– The struggle of the Devā and the Asurā is typical of that of the monks with Māra; victory is sometimes on one side, sometimes on the other, until the enemy is completely crushed and rendered ineffective. A.iv.432 f.
Devasūta.– One of the yakkha chiefs mentioned in the Ātānātiya Sutta. D.iii.204.
Devatāpañha Jātaka (No.350)
Devātideva.– The seventh of the future Buddhas. Anāgatavaṃsa, p.40.
Devatissa.– A village in Kotthavāta, given to the Dhammarucikā by Aggabodhi V. Cv.xlviii.2.
Devī.– See Vedisadevī
Devila.– A Kesadhātu, an officer of Parakkamabāhu I. He was in charge of the district of Mahāniyyāma. Cv.lxxii.57.
Devinda.– A minister of King Vedeha. His story is given in the Umaṅga Jātaka. He is identified with Pilotika. J.vi.478.
Deviyāpattana.– A village in South India, captured by Laṅkāpura. Cv.lxxvi.169.
Devuttara.– Thirty-
Dhaja.– One of the eight brahmins who recognised the signs at the Buddha’s birth (J.i.56). The Milindapañha (p.236) speaks of him as one of the Buddha’s first teachers.
Dhajavihetha Jātaka.– See Vijjādhara Jātaka (No.391)
Dhamma Jātaka.– See Dhammadevaputta Jātaka (No.457)
Dhammabhandāgārika.– A name given to Ānanda (q.v.)
Dhammābhinandī.– An author mentioned in a list of names. Gv.67.
Dhammacakkappavattana Vagga.– Second chapter of the Sacca Saṃyutta (S.v.420‑31). The first sutta is the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta.
Dhammacakkika v.l. Dhammacakkadāyaka Thera.– An Arahant. Ninety-
Dhammacāri.– A Burmese monk of the twelfth century; he was a pupil of Chapata, who wrote the Suttaniddesa at his request. Gv.74; Bode: op.cit., 18.
Dhammacariya Sutta.– The sixth sutta of the Cūḷa Vagga of the Suttanipāta. See the Kapila Sutta.
Dhammadassī.– A monk of Pagan, author of the Pāḷi grammar, Vaccavācaka. Bode. op.cit., p.22.
Dhammaddhaja Jātaka (No.220, 384)
Dhammaddhaja.– The Bodhisatta born as the chaplain of Yasapāni, king of Bārāṇasī. For his story see the Dhammaddhaja Jātaka.
Dhammadevaputta Jātaka (No.457)
Dhammadinna Sutta.– Records the visit of the householder Dhammadinna to the Buddha at Isipatana. S.v.406 ff.
Dhammaganārāma.– A monastery built by King Uggata in Mekhalā for the use of Sobhita Buddha. BuA.139.
Dhammajoti.– A Sinhalese monk of the eighteenth century who wrote a Sinhalese paraphrase (sanne) to the Bālavatāra, called the Okandapolasanne, because it was written in Okandapola-
Dhammakathī.– See Mahādhammakathī.
Dhammakathika Sutta.– A monk questions the Buddha as to who is a real teacher of the Dhamma and the Buddha replies that a bhikkhu who teaches for the revulsion, fading away, and cessation of the five aggregates is a Dhamma teacher. S.ii.18, S.iii.163, S.iii.164.
Dhammakathika Vagga.– The twelfth chapter of the Khandha Saṃyutta. S.iii.162‑70.
Dhammakathikapuccha Sutta.– Similar to the Dhammakathika Sutta. A bhikkhu who teaches for the revulsion, fading away, and cessation regarding the six senses. S.iv.140.
Dhammakoṇḍa.– A city in Pabbatarattha in Videha. There the herdsman Dhaniya was born as a millionaire’s son. SNA.i.26.
Dhammamitta.– A monk of the Sitthagāma-
Dhammānanda.– A monk who wrote several Pāḷi grammatical works. The Gandhavaṃsa (p.74, also Svd.1250; but see under these names) assigns to him the Kaccāyanasāra together with its Subcommentary, and also the Kaccāyanabheda.
Dhammaññu Sutta.– On seven qualities — such as knowing the Dhamma, moderation, etc. — which make a monk worthy of homage and of gifts. A.iv.113 ff.
Dhammānusārani.– A Pāḷi commentarial work. Gv.68, 72.
Dhammapada Sutta.– On four righteous things that are always held in esteem — freedom from covetousness, from envy, right mindfulness and right concentration of mind. A.129.
Dhammapāla Jātaka.– See Cūḷadhammapāla and Mahādhammapāla Jātaka.
Dhammapālā, Dhammapālī, Therī.– An Arahant. She was the preceptor (upajjhāya) of Sanghamittā. Mhv.v.208; Sp.i.51.
Dhammapālita.– A Thera in Rohana, expert in the Vinaya. His pupil was Khema. Vin.v.3.
Dhammapāsāda.– The palace built by Vissakamma at Sakka’s request for Mahā-
Dhammaramma.– A reservoir in Sri Lanka built by Mahāsena. Mhv.xxxvii.47.
Dhammaratha Sutta.– A name given in the Suttasaṅgaha (No.42) to the Accharā Sutta (q.v.)
Dhammasamādāna Sutta.– See Cūḷa-
Dhammasāmi.– The fourth future Buddha. Anāgat., p.40.
Dhammasaññaka Thera.– An Arahant. Once, during a festival in honour of Vipassī Buddha’s Bodhi-
Dhammasattha.– Name given to the codes of law drawn up from time to time in Burma, with the assistance of the monks. Dhammavilāsa (or Sāriputta) was the author of the oldest of these known by name. Bode: op.cit., p.33.
Dhammasiri.– A monk of Anurādhapura, author of the Khuddasikkhā. He probably lived about the fourth century A.C. Gv.61, 70; Svd.1206; P.L.C.77.
Dhammasīva.– A village in Sri Lanka. See Dhammā (6).
Dhammasoṇḍaka Vagga.– The first section of the Rasavāhinī.
Dhammassavana Sutta.– The five advantages of hearing the Dhamma: hearing things not heard, purging; things heard, dispelling doubt, straightening one’s views, calmness of heart. A.iii.248.
Dhammatāpasā.– An eminent Therī of Anurādhapura, expert in the Vinaya. Dpv.xviii.15.
Dhammattha Vagga.– The nineteenth chapter of the Dhammapada.
Dhammavilāsa.– See Sāriputta (3).
Dhammikasilāmegha.– A title of King Mahinda III. Cv.xlix.39.
Dhammuttarā, Dhammuttarikā, Dhammuttariyā
Dhanada.– See Kuvera.
Dhanañjānī.– See Dhānañjāni.
Dhanantevāsī.– An attendant of Chalangakumāra. Kurungavī misconducted herself with Dhanantevāsī. J.v.225, 231.
Dhanapālaka.– A householder of Dhanañjaya, who was converted by Sikhī Buddha. BuA.202.
Dhanapālī.– A slave-
Dhanapitthi.– A locality in Sri Lanka. In the time of Aggabodhi IV its chief was Datta. He erected there a vihāra called by his name. Cv.xlvi.41, 43.
Dhanavāpī.– One of the three tanks constructed by Moggallāna (5) through damming up the Kadambanadī. Cv.xli.62.
Dhanavatī.– A brahmin lady, mother of Kassapa Buddha. Her husband was Brahmadatta. D.ii.7; J.i.43; Bu.xxv.34; SNA.i.280.
Dhanika.– See Dhaniya.
Dhanittha.– A king of thirteen world-
Dhanitthaka.– An example of a low family name. Vin.iv.6, 13.
Dhaniya (Dhaniyagopāla) Sutta.– The second sutta of the Suttanipāta. It records the conversation between the herdsman Dhaniya (q.v.) and the Buddha. SN.vv.18 ff.
Dhañña Sutta.– Few are they who refrain from accepting uncooked grain, many those who do not. S.v.471.
Dhanuggaha.– See Cūḷadhanauggaha
Dhanumandala.– A locality in the hill-
Dhanusekha v.l. Dhanusekhavā
Dhanuvillaka.– A locality in the Malaya district of Sri Lanka. Cv.lxx.15.
Dharana.– See Varana.
Dharanī.– A lake in Kuvera’s city. D.iii.201.
Dhāranīghara.– A building in Pulatthipura erected by Parakkamabāhu I for the recital of incantations by brahmins. Cv.lxxiii.71.
Dharanipati.– v.l. for Dharanīruha (below).
Dharanīruha.– A king of eleven world-
Dhātā.– A deva who was born in the deva-
Dhātaratthā.– A clan of Nāgā, followers of Dhataraṭṭha. J.vi.219.
Dhātubhājaniyakathā.– The last chapter of the Buddhavamsa. It contains details of the distribution of the relics of Gotama Buddha (Bu.xxviii). The Commentary makes no comments on this.
Dhātukathāyojanā.– A Pāḷi work by Sāradassī of Pagana. Bode: op. cit., 67.
Dhātu Saṃyutta.– The fourteenth division of the Saṃyuttanikāya. S.ii.140‑68.
Dhātusenapabbata.– A vihāra built by Mahāsena and restored by Dhātusena, in the west of Sri Lanka. Mhv.xxxvii.42; Cv.xxxviii.47.
Dhātuvamsa.– See Lalātadhātuvamsa.
Dhavajālikā.– See Vaṭajālikāya
Dhavalā.– A channel flowing eastward from the Aciravatī, a canal of the Mahāvālukanadī. Cv.lxxix.53.
Dhavalavitthika.– A village in Sri Lanka in that was a reservoir, repaired by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxviii.47.
Dhītā Sutta.– Incalculable is saṃsāra, and it is impossible to find one who, in his wanderings, has not lost a daughter. S.ii.190. See also Mallikā Sutta (2)
Dhonasākha Jātaka.– See Venasākha Jātaka (No.353)
Dhotodana.– Son of Sīhahanu and brother of Suddhodana (Mhv.ii.20; SNA.ii.357). In the Tibetan books (Rockhill: p.13) he is called Dhonodana, and is said to have been the father of Mahānāma and Anuruddha.
Dhūmakāri Jātaka (No.413)
Dhūmakāri.– A brahmin goatherd. For his story see the Dhūmakāri Jātaka. He is identified with Pasenadi, king of Kosala. Cp. Vāseṭṭha. J.iii.402.
Dhūmaketu.– Thirteen world-
Dhūmaroruva.– A hell (niraya). The eyes of beings born there are put out with fierce smoke. SNA.ii.480; J.v.271.
Dhūmasikha.– Mentioned with Apalāla, Cūlodara, Mahodara, Aggisikha and Dhanapāla, as a beast tamed by the Buddha and converted to the faith. Sp.i.120.
Dhūpadāyaka Thera.– An Arahant. Ninety-
Dhuva Sutta.– The Buddha teaches stability and the path leading thereto. S.iv.370.
Dibbacakkhu.– A false ascetic, a previous birth of Devadatta. For his story see the Somanassa Jātaka.
Dibbacakkhusutta.– Anuruddha tells his colleagues that it was by developing and cultivating the four foundations of mindfulness that he gained the divine-
Dibbasotasutta.– Anuruddha tells his colleagues that it was by developing and cultivating the four foundations of mindfulness that he gained the divine-
Diddha Sutta (v.l. Diṭṭha Sutta).– Gains, favours and flatteries are like a poisoned dart to one whose mind has not attained to knowledge. S.ii.229.
Dīghabāhugallaka.– A vihāra built by Mahācūlika-
Dīghabhayagallaka.– A Tamil stronghold in charge of Dīghābhaya and captured by Dutthagāmanī. Mhv.xxv.12.
Dīghacankamana.– A pariveṇa in Anurādhapura, built on the spot where Mahinda used to walk up and down in meditation. Mhv.xv.208.
Dīghacārika Sutta.– Two suttas on the five results arising from roving about. A.iii.257.
Dīghacārika Vagga.– The twenty-
Dīghāgama.– See Dīghanikāya.
Dīghajantu (Dīghajantuka) v.l. Dīghajayanta
Dīghajānu Sutta.– Records the visit of Dīghajānu to the Buddha.
Dīghalambika.– A village, the birthplace of Dīghāyu. The Buddha lived there in the Araññakutikā. DhA.ii.235.
Dīghalaṭṭhi.– A devaputta who once visited the Buddha at the Kalandakanivāpa in Veḷuvana and spoke a verse (S.i.52). The Commentary (SA.i.87) says that Dīghalaṭṭhi (long-
Dīghalaṭṭhi Sutta.– Records the visit of Dīghalaṭṭhi to the Buddha.
Dīghāli.– A locality in Rohana. Cv.lxxv.60; lxxii.63; see Cv.Trs.i.325, n.2 and ii.49, n.3.
Dīghalomika Sutta.– One who yearns for gains, favours and flattery, is like a long-
Dīghapāsānaka.– A locality in Anurādhapura, through which the boundary (sīmā) of the Mahāvihāra passed. Mhv. Appendix, p.332, vv.13; Mbv.136.
Dīghapitthi.– The man who ran away with Dīghatālā, wife of Golakāla. J.vi.337 f.
Dīghapitthikā.– A class of hungry ghosts (peta) whose bodies are sixty leagues in height. AA.ii.712; PsA.79.
Dīgharāji.– A village in Magadha, the residence of many saṃsāramocaka heretics. PvA.67.
Dīghāsana.– A monastery in Sri Lanka, in which lived Mahānāma Thera (Cv.xxxix.42). Geiger thinks (Cv.Trs.i.48, n.1) that Dīghāsana is very probably a wrong reading for Dīghasanda.
Dīghasumana.– A Thera of Sri Lanka, expert in the Vinaya. Vin.v.8; Sp.i.104.
Dīghasumma.– A Thera of Kalyāni. A fisherman, living at the mouth of the Kalyāni River, gave him alms on several occasions and remembered him at the moment of his death. MA.ii.1008; AA.ii.522.
Dīghatālā.– Wife of Golakāla. She ran away with Dīghapitthi, but Mahosadha restored her to her husband. J.vi.337 f.
Dīghathūnikā.– The mare on which Dutthagāmani fled from Cūlanganiyapitthi. When the king and his minister Tissa offered their food to the Thera Gotāma, the mare also gave him her share. Mhv.xxiv.20, 27.
Dīghati.– See Dīghiti.
Dīghavatthu.– A reservoir, repaired by Vijayabāhu I. Cv.lx.49.
Dīghāyu (Dīghāvu)
Dīghīti Kosala Jātaka (No.371)
Dinna.– Probably an attendant of King Milinda. Mil., p.56.
Dīpa.– A monk, probably of Sri Lanka, author of the Parivārapātha (Vin.v.226).
Dipadādhipati.– There were once four kings of this name, all previous births of Sūcidāyaka Thera. Ap.i.122.
Dīpālatittha.– A ford in the Mahāvāluka-
Dīpanayā.– An eminent therī of Sri Lanka, resident in Rohana. She was expert in the Dhamma and the Vinaya. Dpv.xviii.40.
Dīpanī.– Wife of Mahinda VI. She was a cowherd’s daughter (Cv.lxxx.15).
Dīpāyana.– See Kanhadīpāyana.
Dipellā.– Daughter of Vijaya and Kuveni. MT.264.
Dīpi Jātaka (No.426)
Dīpika.– See Pañcadīpika Thera.
Dīpuyyāna.– A park in Pulatthipura laid out by Parakkamabāhu I. It was so called because it formed a peninsula. Cv.lxxiii.113; lxxix.6; Cv.Trs.ii.14, n.2.
Disā.– A slave-
Disāpāmokkha.– A monk of Burma. He joined the Order in his old age and studied hard, until he astonished the chief theras by his learning, and was appointed by King Narapati as his teacher. Sās., p.77.
Disāmukha v.l. Disāpāmukha.– A yakkha who kept guard, with seven thousand other yakkhas, at the seventh gate of Jotika’s palace. DhA.iv.209.
Dittha Sutta.– See Diddha Sutta. See KS.ii.156, n.2.
Ditthadhammika Sutta.– Kāludāyi asks Ānanda, who explains, what is meant by realising nibbāna in this very life (diṭṭhadhammika-
Ditthamangalikā.– Daughter of a millionaire in Bārāṇasī and wife of Mātanga. For her story see the Mātanga Jātaka.
Ditthena Sutta.– The Buddha mentions certain heresies existing in the world and explains their origin. S.iii.211.
Ditthikathā.– Second chapter of the Mahā Vagga of the Patisambhidāmagga. Ps.i.135‑62.
Divācandantabātava.– A forest in Rohana. Cv.lxxiv.61.
Diyavāsa.– A brahmin. The boundary of the Mahāvihāra passed by his house. Mbv.135; Mhv., p.332, vs.14.
Dīyavāsa.– A locality through which passed the boundary (sīmā) of the Mahāvihāra. Mbv.135.
Dohalakhanda.– A section of the Vidhura Jātaka. It deals with Vimalā’s plan for seeing Vidhura. J.vi.262‑74.
Dohalapabbata.– A mountain in Sri Lanka, probably in the district of Janapada. Silāmeghavanna once occupied it (Cv.xliv.56; Cv.Trs.i.79, n.4). Near to it was an image house of the Buddha, called Sūkara. Cv. c.294.
Dola.– A minister of Devānampiyatissa. Sanghamittā lived in his house before the Upāsikārāma was built, so did Anulā until her ordination. MT. 388, 408.
Dolāmandapa.– A building erected by Parakkamabāhu I. in the Dīpuyyāna. It was so called because it contained a swing hung with minute golden bells. Cv.lxxiii.116.
Dolapabbata.– Also called Dolangapabbata. A mountain in Sri Lanka, to the south of the Mahāvālukanadī, where Pandukābhaya had his stronghold for four years. Mhv.xi.44; MT.287.
Donamukha.– The elephant sent by Prince Mahāpāduma of Kumudanagara, at Sona’s request, to kill Piyadassī Buddha. The Buddha spoke to the elephant and so won him over. Cf. Nālāgiri. Bu.xiv.6; BuA.174 f.
Donavatthu.– A brahmin village near Kapilavatthu, the residence of Punnā-
Donivagga.– A village mentioned in the campaigns of Parakkamabāhu I (Cv.lxxv.69, 72). It stood in a depression twelve miles from the modern Ratnapura, and the name is preserved in a stream flowing through it, the Denavaka. Cv.Trs.ii.50, n.3.
Dorādattika.– A locality on the Jajjarānadī. At this spot Parakkamabāhu I built a dam across the river and constructed a canal from there to Sūkaranijjhara. Cv.lxviii.37.
Dovaca Sutta.– To get rid of unruliness, evil friendship and being tossed about in mind, one should cultivate the opposite qualities. A.iii.448.
Dovārikamandala.– See Dvāramandala.
Dubbaca Jātaka (No.116)
Dubbalakattha Jātaka (No.105)
Dubbhiyamakkata Jātaka (No.174)
Dubbinoda Sutta.– Five things are hard to push against: ill-
Dubbutthi.– A king of Sri Lanka. He held a Giribhandavāhanapūjā. Ras.ii.183,185.
Duccaritavipāka Sutta v.l. Apāyasaṃvattanika Sutta, Sabbalahusa Sutta.– The evil effects of violating each of the Five Precepts (murder, etc.). A.iv.247.
Duccarita Vagga.– The twenty third chapter of the Catukka Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya. A.ii.228‑30, and the twenty-
Duddada Jātaka (No.180)
Duddubha Jātaka (No.322)
Dudīpa.– See Dujīpa.
Duggata Sutta.– Whenever one sees a hardship or a hard lot one should remember that one, too, has suffered likewise in some life or other. Incalculable is the course of saṃsāra. S.ii.186.
Duggatibhaya Sutta.– The Noble One who has unwavering faith in the Buddha, Dhamma, and Saṅgha and is possessed of unbroken virtue, is free from fear of rebirth in bad destinations S.v.364.
Duggativinipātabhaya Sutta.– The same as the above. S.v.364.
Dujjaya.– A king of a past age, a previous birth of Cūḷa-
Dukkara Sutta v.l. Kumma Sutta.
Dukkathā Sutta.– To five persons certain talk is ill-
Dukkhadhamma Sutta.– When a monk knows the arising and the destruction of all states of ill, he realises the nature of sensual pleasures and has no longing for them. This is explained by various similes. S.iv.188 ff. See also S.iii.196 where Rādha questions the Buddha about the meaning of suffering.
Dukkhakhandha Sutta.– See Cūḷadukkhakkhandha Sutta and Mahādukkhakkhandha Sutta.
Dukkhalakkhana Vatthu.– The story of five hundred monks who, in the time of Kassapa Buddha, had practised meditation on the characteristics of suffering. In the present age they became Arahants immediately on hearing a stanza on suffering. DhA.iii.406.
Dukkhamūla.– A Pacceka Buddha, mentioned in a nominal list. ApA.i.107; M.iii.70.
Dukkhāni Sutta.– The five ills of a recluse: he is not content with any of the four requisites and finds no delight in the holy life. A.iii.146.
Dukkhanibbānasappāya Sutta.– The Buddha teaches the monks the way suitable for attaining nibbāna. That is to contemplate the six senses as suffering. S.iv.134.
Dukkhānupassī Sutta.– One who has gone-
Dukkhasamudaya Sutta.– The Buddha teaches the origin of suffering by way of Dependent Origination. S.iv.86. The same as the Dukkha Sutta S.ii.71.
Dukkhatā Sutta.– On the three forms of suffering, caused by pain, by the activities and by the changeable nature of things. S.v.56; cp. Dukkha Sutta (6).
Dukkhena Sutta.– Desire should be put away for that which has suffering inherent in it. S.iii.178.
Dukūla (Dukūlaka).– A hunter’s son, father of Suvannasāma. He is identified with Mahā-
Dullabha Sutta.– Three persons are hard to find in the world: a Tathāgata, one who can expound the Dhamma and Vinaya of a Tathāgata, and a grateful person. A.i.266.
Duludesa.– A country, probably in South India. Cv.lvi.11.
Dumasāra.– A Cakkavatti of four world-
Dumbara.– A district in the Malaya country of Sri Lanka. Cv.lxx.5, 8.
Dummedha Jātaka (No.50, 122)
Dundubhissara Thera.– An Arahant. After the Third Council he accompanied the Thera Majjhima to the region at the foot of the Himavā (Sp.i.68; MT.317; Mbv.115). In the Dipavamsa (viii.10) he is called Durabhisāra.
Duppasaha.– A king of long ago, descendant of Mahāsammata. He was the last of fifty kings who ruled in Ayujjha. Sixty of his descendants reigned in Bārāṇasī. Dpv.iii.16; MT.127.
Durājāna Jātaka (No.64)
Dūravāpi.– A reservoir built by Ilanāga (Mhv.xxxv.32), probably identical with Dūratissaka-
Dussadāyaka Thera.– An Arahant. Ninety-
Dussalakkhana.– A brahmin of Rājagaha who claimed to be able to prognosticate by looking at pieces of cloth. For his story see the Mangala Jātaka (J.i.373).
Dussanta.– The Pāḷi form of the Sanskrit Dusyanta. e.g., Cv.lxiv.44.
Dussārāma.– A monastery in Sīlavatī where Sikhī Buddha died (Bu.xxi.28). The Commentary calls it Assārāma (BuA.204).
Dussīlya Sutta see Anāthapiṇḍika Sutta
Dūta Jātaka (No.260, 478)
Dutiya Bāhiraphassanānatta Sutta
Dutiyabhikkhu Sutta.– The Buddha explains to a group of monks psychic power (iddhi) and its cultivation. S.v.287. See also Paṭhamabhikkhu Sutta, which is similar to another Dutiyabhikkhu Sutta in the same place.
Dutiyadhāraṇa Sutta.– On remembering and making an effort to understand the Four Noble Truths. S.v.427‑428.
Dutiyajhāna Sutta.– Mahā-
Dutiyamakkata Jātaka.– See Dūbbhiyamakkata Jātaka.
Dutiyapalāyi Jātaka (No.230)
Dutiyapubbārāmasutta.– See the Pubbārāma Sutta
Dutiyasāriputtakoṭṭhika Sutta.– See the Sāriputtakoṭṭhika Sutta
Dutthakumārī.– Daughter of a banker of Bārāṇasī. For her story see the Takkapaṇḍita Jātaka.
Duvera Sutta v.l. Anāthapindika Sutta
Dvādasasahassaka.– A district in Rohana, the modern Giruvā-
Dvāraka.– See Dvāravatī.
Dvārakathā.– The name of a book. Gv.65, 75.
Dvāranāyaka.– A village in Sri Lanka, given by Aggabodhi IV for the maintenance of the meditation hall (padhānaghara) built by him for Dāthāsiva (Cv.xlvi.13).
Dvāravatī v.l. Dvāraka
Dvattimsākāra.– The third section of the Khuddakapāṭha — on the thirty-
Dvaya Sutta 1.– The various “duals” that exist — eye and sight, ear and sound, etc. S.iv.67.
Dvaya Sutta 2.– Owing to the “duals,” mentioned above, arise the different kinds of consciousness, etc. — e.g., owing to the eye and objects arise eye-
Dvayakāri Sutta.– Double dealers are born, after death, among the egg-
Dvebhāra v.l. Vebhāra.– A king of twenty-
Dvemātikā.– A late compilation, made in Burma, from the Pāḷi texts. It contains the Bhikkhu-
Dverataniya Thera.– An Arahant. In the time of Vipassī Buddha he was a hunter, and, seeing the Buddha in a forest, gave him a piece of flesh. Four world-