Page last updated on 8 October, 2020

A minister of Parakkamabāhu II. To him were entrusted, by the king, various acts of piety, such as building the road to the shrine at Samantakūṭa. In making this road the minister constructed several bridges, and, at the top of the peak, he placed an image of the god Sumaṇa. He also built a three-storeyed pāsāda at Hatthavanagalla-vihāra. The village of Mahālābugaccha was given to his family in perpetuity, and he was entrusted with the special care of the Tooth Relic. (For a detailed account of his doings, see Cv.lxxxvi.4 ff). He was evidently a great patron of learning (P.L.C.214, 219).