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Pāli Proper Names — J

Jaccandha Vagga.– The sixth chapter of the Udāna.

Jagadvijaya.– A general of Parakkamabāhu I. He, with Laṅkāpura, took the most prominent part in the expedition against Kulasekhara and many victories are attributed to him. Cv.lxxvi.255, 292, 303, 313, 319, 332; lxxvii.4, 45, 60, 64, 71, 82.

Jāgara Jātaka (No.414)

Jāgara Sutta.– A riddle set by a deva and answered by the Buddha, regarding the Five Spiritual Powers (bala) which respectively soil or cleanse, according to the spiritual health of the individual S.i.3).

Jāgararpa Sutta.– A sutta of the Itivuttaka (p.41) quoted in the Suttasaṅgaha (No.81) on the value of wakefulness.

Jagatidāyaka Thera.– An Arahant. In the time of Dhammadassī Buddha he set up an altar (?jagati) at the Buddha’s Bodhi-tree. Ap.ii.402.

Jagatikāraka Thera.– An Arahant. In the past he set up an altar (?jagatī) at the thūpa of Atthadassī Buddha. Ap.i.221.


Jahī.– A Pacceka Buddha, given in a nominal list. ApA.i.107.

Jajjaranadī.– A river in Sri Lanka, the present Deduru-Oya. On the river was the famous causeway known as Kotthabaddha, restored by Parakkamabāhu I. (Cv.lxviii.16), who also built a dam across the river at Dorādattika. Ibid., vs.37; see also lxxix.67.

Jālagāma.– v.l. Vālagāma.

Jalandhara.– See Jutindhara (3).

Jālaroruva.– A hell, one of the divisions of the Roruva, the other being Dhūmaroruva. It is filled with blood-red flowers, which enter the body of its inhabitants through the nine openings. J.v.271.

Jalasikha.– Seventy-four world-cycles ago there were eight kings of this name, all previous births of Pupphacchattiya Thera (Ap.i.265).


Jālika.– One of the ten sons of Kāḷāsoka.

Jālikā.– See Cālikā.

Jālina.– A Pacceka Buddha. M.iii.70; ApA.i.107.

Jālinavana.– A forest in the dominion of the king of Kosala. It was the hiding-place of Aṅgulimāla. ThagA.ii.58.



Jāliya Sutta

Jallibāva.– A reservoir in Sri Lanka. Cv.lxviii.47.

Jaluttama.– See Januttama.

Jambāli Sutta

Jambāvatī.– An outcaste (caṇḍālī), mother of King Sivi and wife of Vāsudeva of the Kaṇhayāna-gotta. Vāsudeva saw her on his way to the park from Dvāravatī, and, in spite of her birth, married her and made her his chief queen. J.vi.421.

Jambelambiya.– A weavers’ village in Sri Lanka, given by Mahānāga to the Uttara-vihāra. Cv.xli.96.

Jambu.– A village, in command of which was a Tamil general of the same name, whom Dutthagāmani slew. Mhv.xxv.15.


Jambudhaja (v.l. Jambudīpadhaja).– A thera of Pagan, held in great honour by King Ukkamsika. He was the author of several works, including the Rūpabhedapakāsani. Bode: op.cit., 55 f.


Jambugāma.– A village, probably a suburb of Campā (see Jambugāmika below), which the Buddha visited during his last tour. It lay between Ambagāma and Bhoganagara. D.ii.194.

Jambugāmika (Jambugāmiya) Thera


Jambuka Jātaka (No.335)


Jambukhādaka Jātaka (No.294)

Jambukhādaka Saṃyutta.– The thirty-eighth division of the Saṃyuttanikāya. It records discussions between Jambukhādaka and Sāriputta. S.iv.250 ff.

Jambukhādaka Sutta.– See Nibbāna Sutta.


Jambukola-lena.– See Jambukola-vihāra (2).


Jambuphaliya Thera.– An Arahant. He once gave Padumuttara Buddha the first fruits of a jambu-tree (Ap.ii.395). He is probably identical with Nadī-Kassapa. ThagA.i.415.

Jambusamudda.– See Jambudīpa.

Jambusanda.– See Jambudīpa.

Jana Suttā.– Three suttas, in answer to questions by devā as to what brings about rebirth. Craving, answers the Buddha. S.i.37 f.

Janābrahmamahārāja.– A Damiḷa chief, ally of Kulasekhara. Cv.lxxvii.78.

Janagāma.– See Jantugāma.


Janapada Sutta.– See Janapadakalyānī Sutta

Janapada.– A district in Northern Malaya in Sri Lanka, near the frontier of the Dakkhinadesa. Cv.xliv.56, etc. For identification, see Cv. Trs.i.79, n.4; 262, n.1.

Janapadakalyānī Nandā

Janapadakalyānī Sutta

Janasāna (Jarasāna, Jarasona)


Janasandha Jātaka (No.468)

Janavasabha (Sutta)


Janghābhāra.– A park laid out by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxix.9.

Jaṅghadāsa.– Probably an author of some Burmese work, to which Vajira wrote a Subcommentary (ṭīkā). Gv.64, 74.

Janogha.– A city in Uttarakuru, Kuvera’s kingdom. D.iii.201.


Jantu Sutta.– Records the incident of the admonishment of the indolent monks by the devaputta Jantu (q.v.) S.i.61 f.



Jānussonī Sutta

Jānussonī Vagga.– The seventeenth chapter of the Dasaka Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya. A.v.249‑73.

Januttama.– A king of fifty-one world-cycles ago, a previous birth of Mendasira Thera, also called Ganthipupphiya. v.l. Jaluttama. ThagA..i.172; Ap.i.162.

Jāpala v.l. Cāpala, Chapala.– A mountain near Himavā. Ap.i.279.

Jarā Sutta

Jarā Vagga:– The eleventh chapter of the Dhammapada.

Jarā.– A hunter who killed Vāsudeva. J.iv.88 f.

Jarāmarana Sutta 1.– A name given in the Suttasaṅgaha (No.44) for Rāja Sutta (4). S.i.70.

Jarāmarana Sutta 2.– One who does not fully understand aging and death, does not fully understand its arising, cessation, nor the path leading to its cessation. S.ii.128.

Jarasāna.– See Janasāna.

Jarudapāna Jātaka (No.256)

Jatā Sutta

Jatā-Bhāradvāja.– A brahmin of the Bhāradvāja-gotta. He goes to the Buddha and asks him the questions given in the Jatā Sutta. The Buddha gives the same answer (S.i.165). The Commentary (SA.i.179) says that he was given this name by the Recensionists because he asked a question about tangles (jatā).


Jātaka Index



Jātakavisodhana.– A study of the Jātaka, written by Ariyavamsa of Ava. Bode: op.cit., 43; Gv.65, 75.

Jātarūparajata Sutta.– Few abstain from accepting gold and silver (money), most do not. S.v.471.

Jātattaginidāna.– A work ascribed to Cūḷa-Buddhaghosa. Gv.63.

Jātaveda.– The god of fire. The Jātaka stories (e.g., J.i.214, 494; iii.17; v.452; vi.201, etc.) contain references to his worship. See Aggi-Bhagava. He is also called Aggideva.

Jāti Sutta.– Everything is subject to rebirth — eye, objects, etc. S.iv.26.

Jātibhūmi occurs in the phrase Jātabhūmakā bhikkhū. M.i.145; but see MA.i.346, where it is explained by jāvatthāna.

Jātidhamma Vagga.– The fourth chapter of the Salāyatana Saṃyutta. S.iv.26 ff.

Jatika.– See Jatila (2).


Jatila Sutta

Jatilagaha.– A city, the residence of Jatilagāhī. AA.ii.812.



Jātimitta.– One of the chief disciples of Metteyya Buddha. Anāgatavaṃsa, vs.59.

Jātipūjaka Thera

Jātipupphiya Thera.– An Arahant. In a previous birth he placed a bouquet of flowers on the dead body of Padumuttara Buddha. As a result he was born among the Nimmānaratī gods. Ap.i.405 f.


Jatukannī (Jatukannika)

Jatukanni Sutta.– Also called Jatukannimānava Pucchā. Contains the question asked of the Buddha by Jatukannī and the Buddha’s answer. It is the eleventh sutta of the Parāyana Vagga. SN.vv.1096‑1100; SNA.ii.598; CNid.33 ff.

Java Sutta.– The four qualities that make a king’s thoroughbred worthy — straightness, speed, patience and docility — and the similar four qualities of a worthy monk (A.ii.113).

Java, Javana.– A devaputta. Rujā said she could see Java making a garland ready for her birth in Tāvatiṃsa. J.vi.239 f.

Javahamsaka Thera.– An Arahant. He was once a forester, and having seen Siddhattha Buddha he was so pleased that he paid homage to him. Ap.i.232 f.

Javakannaka.– A family name, not considered of high social standing. Vin.iv.8, 13.

Javamāla(ka)-tittha.– A ford in the Kappakandara river. Here Dutthagāmani gave his only food to the thera Gotama. Mhv.xxiv.22; MT.465.

Javanahamsa Jātaka (No.476)

Javanapaññā Sutta.– Monks, four things if developed and cultivated lead to swift wisdom. What four? Association with the good, listening to the Dhamma, systematic attention, and practising in accordance with the Dhamma. S.v.412.

Javasakuna Jātaka.– See Sakuna Jātaka (No.308)


Jayaddisa Jātaka (No.513)

Jayaddisa.– King of Kampilla and father of Alīnasattu. See Jayaddisa Jātaka.

Jayagangā.– A canal flowing from the Kalāvāpi to Anurādhapura. It was restored by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxix.58.

Jayamahālekhaka.– A rank conferred by Devānampiyatissa on Sumitta, who accompanied the Sacred Bodhi-tree to Anurādhapura (Mbv.165). The rank was evidently held by his descendants in perpetuity. e.g., Cv.lxix.12.

Jayampati.– Son of Okkāka, king of Kusāvatī, and of his wife Sīlavati. He was the younger brother of Kusa. Whenever Kusa wished to see Pabhāvatī Jayampati would represent him (J.v.282, 286, 287). He is identified with Ānanda. For details see Kusa Jātaka. J.v.312.

Jayankondāna.– A locality in South India. Cv.1xxvi.274.

Jayanta 1.– King of Sri Lanka (then known as Mapdadīpa) at the time of Kassapa Buddha. His capital was Visāla. It was a devastating war between Jayanta and his younger brother which brought Kassapa to Sri Lanka. Mhv.xv.127 ff; Dpv.xv.60; xvii.7; Sp.i.87, etc.

Jayanta 2.– A Pacceka Buddha. M.iii.70.


Jayasenapabbata.– A monastery built by the queen of Udaya I. It was probably given by her to the Damiḷa bhikkhu community in Sri Lanka. Cv.xlix.24; but see Cv. Trs.i.129, n.4.

Jayavaddhanapura.– The Pāḷi name of the town usually known as Kotte (the fort), built by Bhuvanekabāhu V. Cv.xci.7, 16; xciii.1.

Jayavāpi.– See Abhayavāpi.

Jegucchi Sutta.– On the three kinds of persons — one is to be shunned as loathsome, the second to be regarded with indifference, and the third to be followed and honoured. A.i.126 f.


Jentā, Jentī.– The daughter of a princely family of Licchavis in Vesāli. The rest of her story resembles that of Abhirūpa-Nandā (q.v.), and she attained Arahantship after hearing the Buddha teach. Thig.vs.21 f; ThagA.27 f.


Jetārāma.– See Jetavana.


Jetavana Sutta

Jeṭṭha.– The month of June/July, which in Sri Lanka, is celebrated as the month when Mahinda brought Buddhism to the Island.

Jetthā.– Chief queen of Aggabodhi IV. She built the Jetthārāma. Cv.xlvi.27.

Jeṭṭhamūla.– Name of a month (May-June). It came in the hot season (e.g., J.v.412). On the fifth day of the waxing moon in Jetthamūla the Buddha’s relics were divided (DA.i.6). On the full-moon day of Jetthamūla the Arunavatī Sutta was taught. AA.i.438.

Jetthārāma.– Built by Queen Jetthā as an abode for the nuns. The villages of Pattapāsāna and Buddhabhelagāma were given for its maintenance and one hundred attendants were provided for its service. Cv.xlvi.27 f.


Jetuttara.– The capital of Sivirattha, where reigned Sivi and Sañjaya. In the city was the Vessa Street where Vessantara was born (J.vi.480, 484, 486, etc.) The Vessantara Jātaka (J.vi.514) gives the distances from Jetuttara to several places.

Jetuyyāna.– Another name for Jetavana. e.g., Mhv.i.56.

Jeyyapura.– The Pāḷi name for Sagaing. Bode: op.cit., 40, 71.


Jeyyavaddhana.– The Pāḷi name for Taungu in Burma. Bode: p.40.

Jhāna Saṃyutta 1 (also called Samādhi°). The twenty-fourth Saṃyutta of the Saṃyuttanikāya. S.iii.263‑79.

Jhāna Saṃyutta 2.– The fifty-third Saṃyutta of the Saṃyuttanikāya. S.v.307‑10.

Jhāna Sutta

Jhāna Vagga.– The last and twentieth chapter of the Eka Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya. A.i.38‑46.

Jhānābhiñña Sutta.– The Buddha tells the monks that Mahā-Kassapa is able to do many of the things he himself can do. S.ii.210 ff.

Jhānasodhana Jātaka (No.134)

Jhatvā Sutta.– See Chetvā Sutta

Jinabodhāvalī.– A Pāḷi work composed by Dhammakitti, author of the Bālāvatāra. P.L.C.243.

Jinacarita.– A Pāḷi poem of four hundred and seventy-two stanzas dealing with the life of the Buddha, written by Vanaratana Medhaṅkara of the Vijayabāhu-pariveṇa. Gv.72; P.L.C.230 f.

Jinadattā.– A Therī. Isidāsī was ordained under her (ThigA.261). She is described as expert in the Vinaya. Thig.vs.427.

Jinadattiya.– A fellow celibate of Sudinna Kalandakaputta. Sp.i.206.


Jinna Sutta

Jita Ata.– A Pacceka Buddha. M.iii.70; ApA.i.107.

Jitā.– One of the palaces occupied by Nārada Buddha before his Renunciation. Bu x.19.

Jitābhirāma.– A palace occupied by Nārada Buddha in his last lay-life. BuA.151; Bu.x.19.

Jitamitta.– The chief disciple of Nārada Buddha (J.i.37). See also Vijitamitta.

Jitañjaya.– See Ajitañjaya.

Jitasena.– Seventy-seven world-cycles ago there were sixteen kings of this name, all previous births of Khandaphulliya. Ap.i.198.

Jitasenā.– See Vijitasenā.

Jīvā.– Daughter of Ubbirī and the king of Kosala. When she died, it was her death which made Ubbirī attain Arahantship. v.l. Jīvanti. Thig.vs.51; ThigA.53 f.

Jīvahattha.– Son of Vijaya, king of Sri Lanka, and of the Yakkhinī Kuvaṇṇā. MT.264.


Jīvaka Sutta


Jīvakambavanikā.– See Subhā Jīvakambavanikā.

Jīvakapañhavatthu.– The story of the bandage that Jīvaka applied to the Buddha’s foot after his injury, and of the reading by the Buddha of Jīvaka’s thoughts. See Jīvaka. DhA.ii.164 f.

Jīvitindriya Sutta.– There are three life-faculties: femininity, masculinity, and vitality. S.v.204.

Jīvitapotthakī.– See Kitti (7).

Jotanā.– A commentary by an unknown author. Gv.65, 75.

Joti 1.– A class of gods, present at the Mahāsamaya (D.ii.261). Buddhaghosa explains (DA.ii.691) that they were flaming deities, like beacon lights on mountain tops.

Joti 2.– A Burmese monk, author of the Vinayaganthipada. P.L.C.190.

Jotidāsa Thera

Jotika, Jotiya


Jotipāsāna.– The name given to the crystals brought from Uttarakuru by Jotika’s wife. When anything requiring cooking was placed on them they gleamed hot, and went out of themselves when the cooking was complete. DhA.iv.209; DA.iii.965.






Junha Jātaka (No.456)

Jutideva.– A king of seventeen world-cycles ago, a previous birth of Sappidāyaka. Ap.i.212.
