Nābhasa.– A class of Nāgā living in the lake Nābhasa (DA.ii.688); they were present at the Mahāsamaya. DA.ii.258.
Nābhasa.– A lake, the residence of Nāgā called Nābhasā. DA.ii.688.
Naccagīta Sutta.– Few abstain from dancing (nacca), singing (gīta), music (vādita), and entertainments (visūkadassanā), most do not. S.v.470.
Nadibhandagāma.– A village in Rohana, mentioned in the campaigns of Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxv.104; see also Cv.Trs, ii.55, n.1.
Nādika.– See Ñātikā
Nadubbhiya Sutta.– Sakka once made up his mind not to betray even his enemy. Soon after, Vepacitti, discerning his thoughts, approached him. Sakka wished to take him prisoner, but Vepacitti undertook to show him no treachery. (S.i.225).
Nāgadatta Sutta.– S.i.200
Nāgadeva.– One of the descendants of Mahāsammata. He reigned in Campā, and twenty-
Nāgagāma.– A village in Nāgadīpa. Ras.ii.51.
Nāgakāragāma.– A village in the north of Sri Lanka. Ras.ii.191.
Nāgakesariya Thera.– An Arahant. In the past he was a hunter, and, while wandering in the forest, he saw a full blown nāga flower and offered it with both hands to Tissa Buddha. Seventy-
Nāgamandala paritta (or Nāgamandalamanta).– Mentioned as a charm possessing the power of bringing blessings on others. VibhA.410,411.
Nāgamundā.– A female slave, mistress of Mahānāma the Sakyan. She was the mother of Vāsabhakhattiyā. J.i.133; iv.145.
Nāgamundā.– An eminent theri of Anurādhapura, a teacher of the Vinaya. Dpv.xviii.34.
Nāgapabbatagāma.– A village in the province of Malaya in Sri Lanka. Cv.lxx.10.
Nāgapalivethana.– One of the seven mountain ranges that must be crossed in order to reach Gandhamādana. SNA.i.66.
Nāgapattana.– The port from which Buddhaghosa sailed for Sri Lanka. SadS.53.
Nagara.– The name of King Madda’s capital (?) J.v.310.
Nagaragalla.– A village in Sri Lanka gifted by Mahinda I for the maintenance of a nunnery built by him. Cv.xlviii.36.
Nagaraka (v.l. Nangaraka)
Nagarakhanda.– A section of the Bhūridatta Jātaka dealing with the marriage of Samuddajā to Dhataraṭṭha. J.vi.167.
Nagaravinda.– A brahmin village in Kosala where the Buddha once stayed during a tour and where he taught the Nagaravindeyya Sutta. M.iii.290.
Nagaravindeyya Sutta.– Taught to the brahmins of Nagaravinda. One should honour and reverence only such Wanderers as have shed lust and hate and folly, have a tranquil heart, and walk in the paths of righteousness. Such Wanderers dwell in remote solitudes where there exists nothing that might excite their senses. M.iii.290 ff.
Nagarūpama Sutta.– The seven defences and the four kinds of supplies that make a king’s frontier fortress unassailable by enemies and the corresponding qualities in a noble disciple that render him unassailable by Māra. A.iv.106 ff.
Nāgasamālā.– One of the two chief women disciples of Sujāta Buddha. Bu.xiii.26; J.i.38.
Nāgasondi.– A bathing reservoir in Cetiyapabbata, restored by Aggabodhi I. (Cv.xlii.28). It is probably the modern Nāgapokuna where, hewn in the face of the rock, the heads of a cobra (nāga) seem to rise out of the water. (Cv.Trs.i.68, n.8)
Nāgavaddhana.– A monastery in Sri Lanka, on which Udaya I, bestowed many maintenance villages. Cv.xlix.21.
Nāgavana.– A pleasance near Hatthigāma, belonging to Ugga-
Naggadipa.– An island where the children of Vijaya and of his companions landed on being expelled from Lāla. Mhv.vi.45; Dpv.ix.13.
Nagga Vagga.– The third section of the Pācittiya in the Bhikkhuni Vibhanga. Vin.iv.278‑88.
Nāgindapalliya.– An eminent Thera of Sri Lanka in the time of Parakkamabāhu I; he was the leader of the monks in Dakkhiṇadesa. Cv.lxxviii.9.
Nāgopama Sutta.– See Nāga Sutta (5).
Najūpama v.l. Sabbūpasama.– Ninety-
Nakānibilu.– A Damila chief, ally of Kulasekhara. Cv. lxxvii. 75.
Nakkhatta Jātaka (No.49)
Nakulakannikā.– See Nakula.
Nakulanigama.– The village in which lived Nakulā (3). BuA. 163.
Nala.– A Gandhabba chieftain (D.ii.258) to be invoked by followers of the Buddha in time of need. Ibid.,iii.204.
Nālagāma.– A village in the Malaya district in Sri Lanka. Cv.lxx.296.
Nalaka.– The personal name of Mahā-
Nalakalāpiya Sutta.– A discussion between Sāriputta and Mahā-
Nalakāragāma.– A village mentioned in the Subha Sutta (M.ii.206) as being not far from Sāvatthi.
Nālaka Thera.– Given as an example of an individual who can gain enlightenment on hearing a brief teaching (ugghatitaññū-
Nalakhandapadhāna.– A practising hall. It was the residence of Culapindapatiyanaga Thera. Ras.ii.145.
Nalannaru.– A reservoir in Sri Lanka, repaired by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxviii.47.
Nalapāna Jātaka (No.20)
Nalāta.– See Lalāta.
Nala Vagga.– The first chapter of the Saṃyuttanikāya. S.i.1‑5.
Nālijangha.– A brahmin, whom Mallikā sent to the Buddha to find out if it were true that the Buddha had said that loved ones brought sorrow and tribulation. M.ii.108.
Nālika.– A Damila general, in charge of Nālisobbha. He was defeated by Duṭṭhagāmani. Mhv.xxv.11.
Nālika.– A mountain in Himavā, on the way to the Mucalinda Lake. Vessantara passed it on his way to Vankagiri. J.vi.518, 519.
Nālikera.– An island, with many attendant islands. When the country of King Bharu (q.v.) was destroyed because he took bribes, those who had blamed him for his unrighteousness were saved and found shelter in the islands around Nālikera. J.ii.173.
Nālikeradāyaka Thera.– An Arahant. Ninety-
Nālikeramahāthambha.– A reservoir in Sri Lanka, restored by Parakkamabāhu. Cv.lxxix.33.
Nālikeravatthutittha.– A ford in the Mahāvālukagangā. Cv.lxxii.14.
Nalini.– The kingdom of Vessavaṇa. J.vi.313; but VvA. (339, 340) explains Nalini as a kilanatthāna. This agrees with D.iii.202, where mention is made of a Kuvera nalini as one of the beauties of Vessavaṇa’s kingdom.
Nalini Jātaka.– See Nalinikā Jataka.
Nalinikā.– Daughter of the king of Kāsi. She seduced Isisinga. For her story see Nalinikā-
Nalinikā Jātaka.– See Nilinikā Jataka (No.526)
Nalira.– One of the palaces occupied by Sobhita Buddha in his last lay life. Bu.vii.17.
Nālisobbha.– A Damila stronghold in charge of Nālika, and captured by Duṭṭhagāmani. Mhv.xxv.11.
Nāmācāradīpanī.– An Abhidhamma treatise, probably composed by Chapaṭa (s.v. Saddhammajotipāla). Bode: op.cit., 18.
Nāmarūpa Sutta.– In him who contemplates the enjoyment of all that makes for fettering there comes descent of name and shape. The remaining links in the chain of causation follow on this. S.ii.90.
Nāmasiddhi Jataka (No.97)
Nāma Sutta.– Taught in answer to a deva’s question mind (nāma), more than anything else, brings everything beneath its sway. S.i.39.
Namuci.– A name for Māra (q.v.), given because he does not allow either gods or men to escape from his clutches, but works them harm. SNA.ii.386.
Ñāṇābhivamsa.– A leader of the Pārupanā (covering both shoulders when among the houses) in their controversy with the Ekaṃsikā (covering only one shoulder) in Burma. (Bode: op.cit.76). He wrote several Subcommentaries (ṭīkā) and a Burmese translation of the Jātaka stories and the Rājadhirājavilāsanī (Ibid.78; Svd. vs. 1215).
Nānacchanda Jataka (No.289)
Ñāṇadhara (Ñāṇavara).– A king of sixty-
Nānādhātu Sutta.– Venerable Anuruddha tells his colleagues how through developing and cultivating the four foundation of mindfulness he understood the various elements. S.v.304
Nānādhimuttiya Sutta.– Anuruddha tells his colleagues that by cultivating the four foundations of mindfulness he has come to know the diverse characters of beings (S.v.305).
Ñāṇagambhira.– A monk of Pagan. Author of the Tathāgatuppati. (Bode: op.cit. 16)
Ñāṇakathā.– The first chapter of the Mahā Vagga of the Paṭisambhidāmagga. (Ps.i.4‑135)
Ñāṇālaṅkāra.– A Burmese monk. Author of the Padavibhāga. Bode: op.cit. 77.
Ñāṇapāla.– A leader of the fraternity of monks in Anurādhapura in the time of Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxviii.8.
Ñāṇasāgara.– A monk of Pagan. Author of the Liṅgattha-
Ñāṇatthavika.– An Arahant. One hundred thousand world-
Ñāṇathomana.– See Ñāṇasaññaka Thera.
Nānātitthiya Vagga.– The third chapter of the Devaputta Saṃyutta. S.i.56‑68.
Nānatta Vagga.– The first chapter of the Dhātu Saṃyutta (S.ii.140‑9).
Ñāṇavara.– An author of Pagan. He wrote several works in Pāḷi, including the Rājadhirājanāmattappakāsinī. He was tutor to the king Mahārājādhipati. He translated the Abhidhānappadīpikā into Burmese. Bode: op.cit. 66 f.
Ñāṇavīlāsa.– A monk of Laos who wrote the Saṅkhyāpakāsaka. Bode op.cit. 47.
Nanda Jātaka (No.39)
Nandādevī.– Chief queen of Cūlani Brahmadatta, king of Pañcāla. She is identified with Yasassikā. J.vi.434 ff., 478; for details see Umaṅga Jātaka.
Nandakalicchavi Sutta.– The Buddha teaches Nandaka the four virtues of a Stream-
Nandamānava Pucchā.– The questions asked of the Buddha by Nandamānava, pupil of Bāvarī, and the Buddha’s replies thereto. It forms the seventh sutta of the Parāyana Vagga (SN.vs.1077‑83) and is commented upon in the Cūḷaniddesa. CNid.26 ff.
Nandamātā Sutta.– Gives the story of the encounter between Velukantakī Nandamātā (q.v.) and Vessavaṇa. A.iv.63 ff.
Nandamātā.– See Uttarā Nandamātā and Velukantakī Nandamātā.
Nandāmūlakagāma. A village in Sri Lanka near Alisāra, mentioned in the campaigns of Parakkamabāhu I. There was a castle there captured by Māyāgeha. Cv.lxx.164.
Nandana.– A devaputta who visited the Buddha at Sāvatthi and asked him questions regarding virtue, wisdom, etc. The Buddha answered them, and he went away satisfied. S.i.62.
Nandana Vagga.– The second chapter of the Devatā Saṃyutta. S.i.5‑13.
Nandanavimāna Vatthu.– A story of a man who looked after his parents and continued to do so after his marriage. He was later born in Tāvatiṃsa, where he was visited by Moggallāna. Vv.vii.2; VvA.300 f.
Nandapañña.– A native of Hamsarattha; author of the Gandhavaṃsa (q.v.)
Nandāpokkharanī.– A lake, five hundred leagues in extent, in the Nandanavana in Tāvatiṃsa, which arose there as the result of the merit of Nandā, wife of Magha. (J.i.204, 205; vi. 132, 232, 531; DhA.i.275.) v.l. Nandanapokkharanī (q.v.)
Nandarājā.– and (Nandarājadevī).– See Nanda (11).
Nandarāmā.– One of the chief women supporters of Paduma Buddha. Bu.ix.23.
Nandasārathī.– Chief warrior of Elāra. He was killed by Velusumana. MT.315.
Nandasena.– A lay disciple (upāsaka) of a village near Sāvatthi. His wife, Nandā, was a wicked woman and, after death, became a peta. When she revealed herself to him, Nandasena gave alms in her name, and she gained happiness. Pv.ii.4; PvA.89 ff.
Nandatissārāma.– A monastery in Sri Lanka built by Kapitthatissa. Mhv.xxxvi.14.
Nandati Sutta.– A deva visits the Buddha and tells him of various sources of gladness — children, cattle and sense pleasures. The Buddha replies that these are really all sources of sorrow. S.i.6; op.cit. S.i.107.
Nandavatī.– A nun, sister of Thullanandā. Her other two sisters were Nandā and Sundarī-
Nandhimitta (Nandimitta)
Nandī.– The name of Mahā-
Nandicakka.– An elder who came to Sri Lanka at the head of a chapter of monks from Rakkhaṅga, at the request of King Vimaladhammasūriya, in order to confer the upasampadā ordination on the monks of Sri Lanka. Cv. xciv.15.
Nandika.– A Damila chieftain of Nandigāma. Mhv.xxv.14.
Nandikkhaya Vagga.– The sixteenth chapter of the Salāyatana Saṃyutta. S.iv.142‑8
Nandimitta.– See Nandhimitta. See also Ras.ii.78 f. for a very detailed story.
Nandipadmara.– A Damila chief, ally of Kulasekhara; he was captured by the Sinhalese forces. Cv.lxxvii.86.
Nandirāja Vagga.– The second section of the Rasavāhinī.
Nandivaddha.– One of the chief lay supporters of Anomadassī Buddha. Bu.viii.24.
Nandivaddhana.– One of the ten sons of Kāḷāsoka.
Nandivāpigāma.– A village in Sri Lanka, residence of Dhātusena, father of Dāthānāma (Cv.xxxviii.14). Gokanna, officer of Gajabāhu, was once defeated there (Ibid.,lxx.72). The village is perhaps identical with Nandigāma.
Nandivisāla Sutta.– Records the visit of the deva Nandivisāla (2) to the Buddha. S.i.63.
Nandiyamigarāja Jātaka (No.385)
Nandiyāvatta.– The name of a huge fish dwelling in the ocean. AA.i.285.
Nangaraka.– See Nagaraka.
Ñāṇodaya.– The first work written by Buddhaghosa while he was still in India. (Cv.xxxvii.225) It was probably on some philosophical subject.
Nāradakūta.– A mountain, the dwelling place of the yakkha Nārada (15). Bu.ii.199.
Naradevagāthā.– A set of verses in praise of the Buddha, compiled by a Sinhalese monk. Gv.p.65.
Naramittā.– An eminent Therī of Anurādhapura. Dpv.xviii.15.
Narapatisithu.– King of Pagan (1167‑1202 A.C.). He was a very enlightened monarch and a great patron of learning. His tutor was Aggavaṃsa. For details see Bode: op.cit., 16, 20, 21, 23, 31.
Narasīhadeva.– An officer of Kulasekhara. Cv.lxxvi.95, 174.
Narasīhapadmara.– An ally of Kulasekhara. He was captured by Laṅkāpura. Cv.Ixxvii.76, 86.
Naratungabrahmā.– A Damila chieftain of South India, defeated by the forces of Parakkamabāhu I, near Rāmissara. Cv.Ixxvi.98.
Naravāhana.– One of the palaces occupied by Padumuttara Buddha in his last lay life. Bu.xi.20.
Nārāyana sanghāta bala.– The name given to a certain measure of physical strength. It was the equivalent of the strength of ten Chaddanta elephants and was the strength of the Buddha. VibhA.397; SNA.ii.401.
Nāri.– One of the palaces occupied by Tissa Buddha in his last lay life. Bu.xviii.17; BuA (188) calls it Nārisa.
Narinda.– A Nāga king, who gave grass for his seat to Vessabhū Buddha. BuA.205.
Nārisa.– See Nārī.
Nārivaddhana.– One of the palaces occupied by Sumaṅgala Buddha in his last lay life. BuA.125; but see Bu.v.22, where other names are given.
Nārivana.– A grove in Himavā where grew flowers shaped like the bodies of women. J.v.152.
Nārivasabha.– One of the palaces occupied by Sikhī Buddha in his last lay life. BuA.201; but Bu (xxi.16) gives other names.
Naruttama.– Seventy-
Nāsenti Sutta.– The five powers of woman — beauty, wealth, kindred, sons and virtue. However, if she has no virtue, the possession of other qualities will not prevent her from being cast out. S.iv.247.
Nāsinnagāma.– A village in the Āḷisāra district of Sri Lanka. Cv.lxx.172.
Ñātaka Sutta.– If a well-
Natakuvera.– A musician of the king of Bārāṇasī, whose queen was Kākavatī. For details see the Kākavatī Jātaka. J.iii.91 ff; v.424. Natakuvera is identified with the discontented monk with reference to whom the Jātaka was taught.
Natamdalha Vagga.– The sixth chapter of the Duka Nipāta of the Jātaka Commentary. J.ii.139‑64.
Natapubbaka.– The name given to two monks who were once mimes. Later, they joined the Order and became Arahants. DhA.iv.224,225.
Nātapuriya.– A city in Uttarakuru. D.iii.200.
Nāṭaputta, Nāthaputta.– See Nigantha Nāṭaputta.
Nāthadeva.– A name given to Visnu as the protector (nātha) of Sri Lanka. Cv.c.248; Cv.Trs.ii.243, n.6.
Nāthaputtiyā.– The followers of Nigantha Nāṭaputta. D.iii.117.
Ñātika v.l. Nātika, Nādika
Ñātikā, Ñātikī.– A pond at Ñātika, or the clan who lived there.
Ñātika Sutta.– See Ñātika
Natthiputtasama Sutta.– Records a conversation between a deva and the Buddha. The deva mentions certain things considered as unique and the Buddha gives a different list. S.i.6.
Natumhā Sutta.– “The body is not yours nor is it any others’. It is brought about by actions in the past, etc. Thus does the Noble Disciple comprehend the causal law.” S.ii.64. This sutta influenced Pītimalla Thera to join the Order. MA.i.190.
Natumhākaṃ Vagga.– The fourth chapter of the Khandha Saṃyutta. S.iii.33‑42.
Nava Nandā.– See Nanda (20).
Navagāmapura.– A locality in Sri Lanka mentioned in an account of the campaigns of Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxii.137.
Nāvāgirisa.– A village in Sri Lanka, where Parakkamabāhu I spent some time before coming to the throne. Cv.lxvi.92.
Navakammika Sutta.– Records the conversation between the Buddha and Navakammika Bhāradvāja (S.i.179).
Navanavatiya.– A city in Uttarakuru (D.iii.201).
Navapūrana Vagga.– The fifteenth chapter of the Salāyatana Saṃyutta (S.iv.132‑42).
Navaratha.– One of the descendants of King Mahāsammata. Dpv.iii.40.
Navāta Sutta.– How various views arise by clinging to the five aggregates. S.iii.221‑222.
Navavamsa.– Probably another name for the Cūḷavaṃsa. It is ascribed to Nava-
Navavimalabuddhi.– See Vimalabuddhi.
Navayojanarattha.– A district in Rohana. Cv.lxxii.60, 61, 72; see also Cv.Trs,i.324, n. 7.
Nāvindakī.– One of King Eleyya’s guards. He was a follower of Rāmaputta. A.ii.180.
Nayanāyudha.– One of the four most powerful weapons in the world. It belongs to Yama, and seems to be comparable to Siva’s third eye. At a glance from this “weapon” many thousands of Kumbhaṇḍā are shattered to bits. SNA.i.225.
Nayanussava.– A garden in Pulatthipura, laid out by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxix.8.
Nehātakamuni Thera.-
Nemindhara (v.l. Nimindhara).– One of the seven mountain ranges round Sineru. J.vi.125; Sp.i.119; SNA.ii.443; Dvy.217; Mtu.ii.300.
Neru Jātaka (No.379)
Nesāda.– A brahmin, a previous birth of Sattapaduminiya. Ap.i.254.
Nesādaka.– A hill where Mahānāma practised meditation. ThagA.i.227.
Nettāru.– A locality in South India. Cv.lxxvi.189.
Nettī.– A yakkha chieftain. D.iii.204.
Nevahotinanahoti Sutta.– How views arise regarding the existence of the Tathāgata existing or not after death by clinging to the five aggregates. S.iii.218.
Nevahotinanahotitathāgato Sutta.– Similar to the above. S.iii.216.
Nevarūpīnārūpīattā Sutta.– How views arise regarding the soul being form or formless, etc., by clinging to the five aggregates. S.iii.219.
Nevasaññānāsaññāyatana Sutta.– Sāriputta tells Ānanda about his attainment of the absorption in Neither-
Nevasaññānāsaññāyatanapañhā Sutta.– Mahā-
Ñeyyasandati.– A Pāḷi work, probably by a Burmese author. There exists also a Subcommentary (ṭīkā) on the work. (Gv. 72)
Nibbānasappāyapaṭipadā Sutta.– The Buddha teaches the monks a practice suitable for attaining nibbāna — contemplating the impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, and not-
Nibbedhabhāgiya Sutta.– The Buddha tells Udāyi that a monk who cultivates the seven factors of enlightenment will penetrate and break through lust, hatred and illusion. S.v.87 f.
Nibbedhikapaññā Sutta.– Four things that lead to penetration: association with the good, listening to the doctrine, systematic attention, practising in accordance with the Dhamma. S.v.419.
Nibbedhikapariyāya.– A comprehensive discourse addressed to the monks on sense desires, their source, their variety, their fruit, and the steps leading thereto. A.iii.410 f; it is often quoted, e.g., UdA.176; DhSA.369.
Nibbidābahula Sutta.– One who has gone forth should dwell engrossed in revulsion towards the five aggregates. S.iii.179.
Nibbindā.– A channel, branching eastwards from the Aciravatī canal of the Mahāvālukagangā. Cv.lxxix.53.
Niccavinodavānava.– A Damila chief, ally of Kulasekhara. Cv.lxxvi.144; lxxvii.76.
Nicchavi Sutta.– Mahā-
Nicchavitthi Sutta.– Mahā-
Nicchavorabhi Sutta.– Similar to the above; a flayed man, a sheep butcher of Rājagaha. S.ii.256.
Niceluvana.– A grove of Mucalinda trees in Kimbilā. A.iii.247. (The P.T.S. Ed. reads Veḷuvana.) AA.ii.642.
Nidāna Saṃyutta.– The twelfth section of the Saṃyuttanikāya. S.ii.1‑133.
Nidāna Vagga.– The second division of the Saṃyuttanikāya. Vol.II. of the P.T.S. Edition.
Nidānuddesa.– One of the five divisions of the Pāṭimokkha.
Niddā.– A female lay disciple (upāsīkā) who was born as a vemānika peta. Vv.ii.8; VvA.117.
Niddātandi Sutta.– Taught in answer to the question of a deva: sloth, drowsiness and surfeit of food prevent understanding of the Noble Eightfold Path. S.i.7.
Niddhamana Sutta.– Ten things that are burnt out by the possession of their opposites. A.v.220 f.
Nidhikanda Sutta.– One of the suttas of the Khuddakapāṭha (Khp.p.7). A man buries treasure that he may use it later, but very often he loses it; not so is the treasure laid up by the doing of good deeds.
Nigaladha.– A Damila chief, ruler of Velankundi and ally of Kulasekhara. He was won over by Laṅkāpura. Cv.lxxvi.138; lxivii.10 f; 89 ff.
Nigamaggāmappāsāda.– A monastery in Gangāsiripura, restored by Vijayabāhu IV. Cv.lxxxviii.49.
Nigaya.– A Damila chief, ally of Kulasekhara, subdued by Laṅkāpura. Cv.lxxvi.316; lxxvii.69.
Nighā Sutta.– The three pains of lust, hatred and illusion. For their full comprehension the Noble Eightfold Path must be cultivated. S.v.57.
Nighandu.– A yakkha chieftain, to be invoked by followers of the Buddha when in distress (D.iii.204). He was present at the Mahāsamaya. Ibid., ii.258.
Nigrodha Jātaka (No.445)
Nigrodhamāragallaka.– A place in Rohana, mentioned in the campaigns of Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxv.182.
Nigrodhamiga Jātaka (No.12)
Nigrodhapitthi.– A vihāra in Sri Lanka, the residence of Mahāsīva Thera. MT.555.
Nigrodhasāla.– A mound in Rohana, near which Velusumana killed Eḷāra’s giant Nandasārathī. MT.441.
Nigrodhasālakhanda.– A village in Sri Lanka. Ras.ii.46.
Nigundivālukā tittha.– A ford in the Mahāvāḷukagaṅgā. Cv.lxxii.37.
Nijjarā Sutta.– Ten things that are brought to nought by the cultivation of their opposites. A.v.215 f.
Nikapennaka padhānaghara.– A building on the Cittalapabbata, the residence of Cūlasumana. Vism.ii.634; see also Ninkapenna.
Nikattha Sutta.– Four kinds of people in the world: those with debased bodies and noble minds, with noble bodies and debased minds, with both mind and body noble, with both debased. A.ii.137 f.
Nikkammatissa.– See Ariyagālatissa.
Nikumba.– The name of a country. Mil.327.
Nīlagallaka.– An officer of Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxx.67.
Nīlageha.– A building (pariccheda: cell ?) erected by Aggabodhi II for the Thera Jotipāla. Cv.xlii.39.
Nīlagiri.– See Nīlagalla (2), also Rāmanīlagiri.
Nīlapokkharanī.– A pond, probably in Anurādhapura. It was one of the places from which clay was taken for the vessels that held the paraphernalia used in royal coronations. MT.307.
Nilārāma.– A monastery in Sri Lanka to which Udaya I gave the village of Kālussa. Cv.xlix.16.
Nīlavāhinī.– (v.l. Nīlavāhanā) One of the three rivers crossed by Mahā Kappina on his way from Kukkuṭavatī to see the Buddha. DhA.ii.120.
Nīlavāhinī.– A channel branching off from the Mālatipuppha sluice in the Parakkamasamudda. Cv.lxxix.42.
Nīlavālatittha.– A locality in Rohaṇa, identified with the modern Mātara. Cv.lxxv.48; Cv.Trs.ii.48, n.2.
Nilavāsi.– A Thera mentioned as staying at the Kukkuṭārāma in Pāṭaliputta. Vin.i.300.
Nalinikā Jataka (No.526)
Niliya.– A Damila brahmin, chief priest (purohita) in the palace. He became the paramour of Anulā and occupied the throne for six months, until she poisoned him. Mhv.xxxiv.24 ff; Dpv.xx.29.
Nilīya.– A hunter. J.iii.330.
Nimi Jatāka (No.541)
Nimitta Vagga.– The eighth chapter of the Duka Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya. A.i.82 f.
Nimittasaññaka Thera.– An Arahant. Ninety-
Nimittabyākaraṇiya Thera.– An Arahant. Ninety-
Nimmala.– An officer in the service of Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxvi.124.
Nimmita.– Nineteen world-
Nimmitapura.– A park in Pulatthipura laid out by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxix.9.
Nimokkha Sutta.– A deva questions the Buddha on deliverance and detachment and the Buddha answers him. S.i.2.
Ninka (Nika).– A deva who visits the Buddha in the company of several other devā and utters a verse in praise of Nigantha Nāṭaputta. S.i.65 f.
Ninkapanna padhānaghara.– A building on Cittalapabbata, the residence of CūIasumma (VibhA.489). It is probably identical with Nikapennaka (q.v.)
Nipannapatimāguhā.– A cave forming part of the Uttarārāma built in Pulatthipura by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxviii.75.
Niraggala.– A sacrifice in which alms are given with wide open, boltless doors. ItvA.75.
Nirāsa Sutta.– Three kinds of persons existing in the world: he who longs not, he who longs, and he who has done with longing. A.i.107 f.
Nirayadevanirayādi Sutta.– Few who decease from hell are reborn in heaven, most are born again in hell … as hungry ghosts … as animals. S.v.475.
Nirayamanussanirayādi Sutta.– Few who decease from hell are reborn as human beings, most are born again in hell … as hungry ghosts … as animals. S.v.475.
Nirayarūpa Satta.– Four kinds of persons that exist in the world. A.ii.71.
Nirayuppatti Sutta.– A man whose mind is soiled (paduṭṭha) is born after death in hell. Itv.12 f.
Nirodha Vagga.– The eighth chapter of the Bojjhanga Saṃyutta. S.v.132 ff.
Nirutti.– A work on exegesis, ascribed to Mahā-
Niruttipatha Sutta.– On three modes of reckoning: matter that has ceased is reckoned as “has been,” not as “is” or “will be.” The same with the other aggregates. S.iii.71 f.
Niruttisāramañjūsā.– A Subcommentary (ṭīkā) on the Nirutti ; also a ṭīkā on the Nyāsa by Dāthānāga. Bode, op cit., p.55; Svd.1241.
Nisabhā.– One of the palaces occupied by Tissa Buddha in his last lay life. Bu.xviii.17.
Nisanti Sutta.– Ānanda tells Sāriputta how a monk who is skilled in the meaning (attha), the doctrine (dhamma), the letter (vyañjana), the grammar (nirutti), and compounds (pubbāparānusandhi) comes speedily to grasp things and does not forget about that which he has grasped. A.iii.201.
Nisinnapatimālena.– A cave in Pulatthipura, forming part of the Uttarārāra built by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxviii.75.
Nissaggiyakaṇḍaṃ.– The fourth division of the Pārājika of the Sutta Vibhanga.
Nissanka.– See Kittinissanka.
Nissaranīya Sutta.– A monk, who is not obsessed by thoughts of lust, ill-
Nissaya Vagga.– The first chapter of the Ekādasaka Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya. A.v.311‑28.
Nissayatthakathā.– A Commentary on the Saccasaṅkhepa by Mahābodhi Thera. P.L.C. 205.
Nissenikkhetta.– A district in the Malaya province of Sri Lanka. Cv.lxx.18.
Nītha.– A Pacceka Buddha, mentioned in a nominal list. M.iii.69; ApA.106.
Nitthā Sutta.– Five conditions that are consummated in this life and five in the next. A.v.119 f.
Nitthulavitthika.– A village in the district of Giri in Sri Lanka, the birthplace of Gothaimbara (Mhv.xxiii.49). It is probably identical with the village (Nitthulavetthi) given by Pottakuttha for the Mātambiya padhānaghara. Cv.xlvi.20.
Nivāpa Sutta.– Taught at Jetavana. A parable of Māra as a trapper. He sets up various gins and snares to trap the unwary, and many are caught in them. It is, however, possible to find a retreat, where Māra and his train cannot penetrate; and the Buddha proceeds to explain how this may be found. M.i.150 ff.
Nīvaranāni Sutta.– The five hindrances (nīvaraṇa): sensual desire, ill-
Nīvaranapahāna Vagga.– The second chapter of the Eka Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya. A.i.3 ff.
Nivattacetiya.– A cetiya near the Kadamba nadī, built on the spot where Mahinda, at Devānampiyatissa’s invitation, turned back on the way to Missakapabbata. Mhv.xv.10.
Nivattagiri.– The name of the city built on the spot where Kandula, the elephant, turned back in order to capture Mahelanagara. MT.480.
Niyama.– A district in South India. Cv.lxxvii.15, 101.
Niyarāya.– A Damila chief, ally of Kulasekhara. Cv.lxxvii.79.
Niyasa.– See Yasa.
Niyelatissārāma.– A vihāra in Sri Lanka, built by king Kanittha-
Niyyanti uyyāna.– A park, probably near Sīhagiri, where Kassapa I built a vihāra for the Dhammaruci. Cv.xxxix.14.
Nocamesiyā Sutta.– How clinging to the five aggregates give rise to various wrong views regarding the non-
Noce Assāda Sutta.– Two suttas, very similar to Nocedaṃ Sutta. S.iv.10, S.iv.12.
Nopariyesanānānatta Sutta.– On the arising of the diversity of quests depending on diversity of elements. S.ii.144.
Nophassanānattasutta.– On the arising of the diversity of contacts depending on diversity of elements. S.ii.141.
Nyāsa.– A grammatical treatise by Vimalabuddhi. It is also called Mukhamattadīpanī. Vimalabuddhi Thera also wrote a glossary on it. Gv.72; Bode, op.cit., 21; see also Svd.1240.