1. Nandopānanda.– A Nāga king, tamed by Mahā-
Thereupon several members of the Buddha’s retinue, including Raṭṭhapāla, Bhaddiya, and Rāhula, offered to quell the Nāga’s power, but the Buddha would not agree until Moggallāna sought permission to do so. It is said that no other monk had the power to face all the dangers created by the Nāga and remain unscathed. Moggallāna and Nandopānanda vied with one another in the exhibition of their psychic power, and, in the end, Nandopānanda had to acknowledge defeat. He was thereupon conducted to the Buddha, whose follower he became. When Anāthapiṇḍika heard of Moggallāna’s victory, he celebrated it by holding a great alms festival, lasting for seven days, for the Buddha and his monks. ThagA.ii.188 f; J.v.126.
In the Divyāvadāna (p.395) Nanda and Upananda are spoken of as two Nāga kings.
2. Nandopānanda.– One of the Lohakumbhī hells. SA.i.111.