Daughter of Mahānāma the Sakyan by a slave-
Viḍūḍabha was the son of Vāsabhakhattiyā. It was this deceit practised on Pasenadi that made Viḍūḍabha take his revenge on the Sākyā (DhA.i.345 f; J.iv.145 f).
It is said that when Pasenadi discovered Vāsabhakhattiyā’s servile origin, he degraded both her and her son from their rank, and that they never went outside the palace (J.i.133 f; iv.148; aft also M.ii.110, where she is called Vāsabhā).
When the Buddha heard of this, he visited the king, taught him the Kaṭṭhahāri Jātaka, and had the queen restored to honour.
See also Vāsabhakhattiyā in the topic on Pasenadi.