King of Uttarakuru.
His royal residence is Āḷakamandā and his citadel Visāna. His messengers are Tatolā, Tattolā, Tatotalā, Ojasi, Tejasi, Tatojasi, Sūra, Rāja, Ariṭṭha, and Nemi. His lotus-
He was once a brahmin called Kuvera and owned a sugar-
In literature the name Kuvera signifies the god of wealth, and his city, Āḷakamandā, is said to embody all prosperity (e.g., Cv.xxxvii.106; xxxix.5; lxxx.5). He had nine treasures (Cv.lxxxvii.31; see Hopkins’ Epic Mythology, 142 f). The yakkha Puṇṇaka calls himself the minister of Kuvera (, 325). Kuvera is mentioned in a list of those who reached heaven through generosity (