A brahmin of Sāvatthi. Once when the Buddha was ill with cramp and desired hot water Upavāṇa obtained from Devahita hot water and molasses, which he sent on a carrying pole by a worker. Hot fomentations and the administering of molasses cured the Buddha’s complaint. Devahita came later to the Buddha, and after some conversation he was converted (S.i.174 f; DhA.iv.232). Devahita was said to be a friend of Upavāṇa (ThagA.i.311 f).
The Saṃyuttanikāya Commentary (SA.i.201) adds that Devahita earned his living from the provision of water heated on his row of ovens and of cosmetics for those who came to bathe. On hearing of the Buddha’s illness, he gave to Upavāṇa a kind of treacle to be administered in water.