Dhānañjāni (Sutta)

1. Dhānañjāni v.l. Dhānañjāni.– A brahmin of Taṇḍulapāladvāra in Rājagaha. He was a minister of the king and oppressed the people in order to get rich. Sāriputta, hearing of his fall from the ways of earnestness — after the death of his first pious wife and his marriage to another — visited Dhānañjāni and pointed out to him that if he departed from equity and righteousness he could not hope to be excused on the plea that his fall was due to force of circumstances. Dhānañjāni profited by the discourse, and later, when he was ill, he sent word to Sāriputta, told him of his dire illness, and expressed his wish to be born in one of the Brahma-worlds. Sāriputta taught how union with Brahmā could be attained. Soon after, Dhānañjāni died, and the Buddha said that he was born in one of the lower Brahma-worlds. M.ii.184 ff.

2. Dhānañjāni.– A brahminee, probably of Rājagaha. She was married to a brahmin of the Bhāradvāja-gotta. One day, while serving her husband’s dinner, she sang the praises of the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Order. The brahmin, very annoyed, threatens to go to the Buddha and abuse him. His wife encourages him to go. He goes, has a discussion with the Buddha, and is converted. Later, he joins the Order and, in due course, becomes an Arahant (S.i.159 f).
Buddhaghosa says (SA.i.175 ff) the brahminee was a Stream-winner and that she would constantly sing the praises of the Buddha while engaged in her duties and that the brahmin closed his ears to it. One day he invited a large number of his friends to a banquet, and, on the eve of the great day, asked her to promise not to offend his brahmin friends by her eulogy (udāna). She refused to give any such promise, even when he threatened to cut her with a dagger. She declared herself ready to suffer, and sang five hundred verses on her theme. The brahmin surrendered. While waiting on the guests, her impulse became too great for her, and, laying down bowl and spoon, she started repeating her song of praise. The scandalised guests hurried away, spitting out the food, defiled by the presence of a heretic, and her husband scolded her for the spoiled feast. She may be the woman who was responsible for the visit of Saṅgārava (q.v.) to the Buddha. The latter is, however, stated to have lived in Cañcalikappa (M.ii.209).

3. Dhānañjāni.– Buddhaghosa says (SA.i.175) that this was the name of a brahmin clan of great pride of birth, claiming descent from the head of Brahma, whereas the other brahmins were born from his mouth.

1. Dānañjāni Sutta.– Records the story of Dhānañjāni of Taṇḍulapāladvāra S.ii.184 ff.

2. Dhānañjāni Sutta.– Records the story of how Bhāradvāja (q.v.), husband of the brahminee Dhānañjānī became an Arahant. S.i.159 ff.