Page last updated on 8 October, 2020

v.l. Kuṭikaṇṇatissa.– Second son of Mahācūḷa and king of Sri Lanka (16‑38 A.C.). He had entered the Order through fear of the infamous Anulā, but later he led an army against her and slew her. He founded the Pelagāma-vihāra, built the Vaṇṇaka canal, and laid out the Padumassara park. He founded, for his mother, a nunnery called the Dantageha. He had also constructed a wall, seven cubits high, round Anurādhapura. Bhātikābhaya was his son and successor (Mhv.xxxiv.28 ff). The Dīpavaṃsa (Dpv.xviii.37; but see xx.31, where he is called Tissa and his son Nāga) appears to call him Kuṭikaṇṇa-Abhaya, and speaks of him as a very devoted supporter of the nuns.
Kuṭakaṇṇatissa had a thoroughbred horse (ājānīya) called Gulavaṇṇa (SA.i.27; MA.ii.654).
Two elders are mentioned in the Vibhaṅga Commentary (VibhA.452) as having been held in special esteem by the king — Cūḷasudhamma Thera of Girigāmakaṇṇa and Tipiṭaka Cūḷanāga Thera.