Page last updated on 8 October, 2020

1. Annabhāra.– A well-known wanderer (paribbājaka) who lived in the Paribbājakārāma on the banks of the River Sappinī near Rājagaha. He is mentioned as staying with the well-known paribbājakas, Varadhara and Sakuludāyi. The Buddha visits them and talks about the four factors of Dhamma (dhammapadāni), which are held in esteem by everyone: not-coveting, not-malice, right-mindfulness, right-concentration (A.ii.29‑31).
On another occasion they discuss the “brahmin truth.” The Buddha visits them and tells them what he considers to be the brahmin truths (brāhmanasaccāni): that no creatures are to be harmed; all sense-delights are impermanent, painful, and changing; all becomings are impermanent, etc; a brahmin is one who has no part in or attachment to anything any more (A.ii.176‑7).

2. Annabhāra.– A former birth of Anuruddha Thera. His story is given in the account, of the elder.