Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
Acelakassapa Sutta

1. Acelakassapa Sutta.– Contains a series of questions asked of the Buddha by a wanderer (paribbājaka) named Acela-Kassapa, probably Acela-Kassapa (3). S.ii.18 f.

2. Acelakassapa Sutta.– Contains the story of the conversion of Acela-Kassapa (2) by Citta Gahapati, who was a friend of his. Citta asks Kassapa if he had attained any superior human attainments after thirty years as a wanderer (paribbājaka), and receives the answer that he has not. Kassapa then asks Citta if he has attained any after thirty years as a lay follower of the Buddha, who says that he has attained the absorptions, etc. Kassapa then asks for the going-forth, so Citta takes him to the monks who ordain him. Before long, Kassapa attains Arahantship. S.iv.300.