Page last updated on 8 October, 2020

v.l. Ambaṭṭhakolalena.– A district in Sri Lanka near the modern Kurunegala, fifty-five miles from Anurādhapura. When Duṭṭhagāmaṇī planned to build the Mahā Thūpa silver appeared near a cave in this district by the power of the devas and was discovered by a merchant who reported the find to the king; the king himself came to gather the silver for the thūpa (Mhv.xxviii.20‑35; MT.512).
Later, Āmaṇḍagāmaṇi Abhaya built the Rajatalena-vihāra here (Mhv.xxxv.4, 5). It was in this district, in the neighbourhood of the Kuthāri-vihāra, that Moggallāna defeated his brother the parricide Kassapa I. (Cv.xxxix.21 ff)
According to the Mahāvaṃsa Ṭīkā it was in Ambaṭṭhakola that King Mahācūlī Mahātissa worked in Soṇṇagiri in a sugar mill to earn money for an alms-giving (MT.624; Mhv.xxxiv.4 f )