1. Kadamba, Kadambaka.– The river that flows past Anurādhapura, on the eastern side, now called the Malvatu Oya (Mhv.vii.43; and Trs.58, n.3). Near the river was the Nivatta-
The road from the Kadamba river to Thūpārāma passed through the Rājamātudvāra (SA.i.173). Moggallāna II dammed up the river among the mountains and thus formed three tanks, the Pattapāsānavāpi, the Dhanavāpi, and the Garītara (Cv.xli.61), and Udaya II built a weir for the overflow of the river (Cv.li.130).
In the time of Kakusandha Buddha, the capital of Sri Lanka, Abhayanagara, lay to the east of Kadamba-
See also Kalamba.
2. Kadamba.– A mountain near Himavā. Seven Pacceka Buddhas once lived there. Ap.ii.382.