The thirteenth division of the Khuddakanikāya. It is a Buddhist Vitae Sanctorum and contains 547 biographies of monks and forty biographies of nuns, all mentioned as having lived in the time of the Buddha. The Cy. gives details of eleven more elders not found in the text: Yasa, Nadīkassapa, Gayākassapa, Kimbila, Vajjiputta, Uttara, Apara-
In addition to these, there are two introductory chapters, the Buddhā-
Most of the stories are found in the Paramatthadīpanī, the Commentary to the Thera° and Therīgāthā, extracted from the Apadāna with the introductory words, “tena vuttaṃ Apadāne.” However, in numerous instances the names under which the verses appear in the Paramatthadīpanī differ from those subjoined to the verses in the Apadāna. In several cases it is a matter of the Commentary giving a name while the Apadāna gives only a title, e.g., Usabha Thera (ThagA.i.320), called Kosumbaphaliya (Ap.ii.449); and Isidinna (ThagA.i.312), called (Ap.ii.415) Sumanavījaniya.
Sometimes the stories are duplicated in the Apadāna itself, the same story occurring in two places with a very slight alteration in words, even the name of the person spoken of being the same. Most often no reason can be assigned for this, except, perhaps, careless editing, e.g., Annasamsāvaka Ap.i.78 and again i.261; see also the Introduction to the P.T.S. Edition.
The Apadāna is regarded as one of the very latest books in the Canon, one reason for this view being that while later books like the Buddhavaṃsa mention only twenty-
According to the Sumaṅgalavilāsinī (i.15. See also Przyluski: La Legende de l’Empereur Acoka, pp.viii f., 214), the Dīghabhāṇakas, who included the Khuddakanikāya in the Abhidhammapiṭaka, did not recognise the Apadāna. The Majjhimabhāṇakas included it in the Khuddakanikāya, which they regarded as belonging to the Suttapiṭaka. There is a Commentary to the Apadāna called the Visuddhajanavilāsinī.
According to Gv. (p.69) the Commentary on the Apadāna was written by Buddhaghosa at the request of five monks.