1. Kappa.– One of Bāvarī’s disciples. The questions he asked of the Buddha are recorded in the Kappa-
2. Kappa Thera.– An Arahant. He was the son of a provincial governor in Magadha and was addicted to self-
3. Kappa.– In the Saṃyuttanikāya (S.iii.169 f) two suttas are connected with a monk called Kappa, who is probably identical with Kappa Thera (2). In both suttas he asks the Buddha how it is possible to cultivate knowledge and thought so as to be free from thoughts of “I” and “mine” with regard to the body. The same questions, receiving the same answers, are elsewhere attributed to Rāhula. S.ii.253 f.
4. Kappa.– A young brahmin (Kappakamāra) who was the Bodhisatta. He later became a sage and the disciple and friend of Kesava. For his story see the Kesava Jātaka (J.iii.142 ff). The story is also referred to in the Baka Jātaka (J.iii.361; DhA.i.342 f), and mentioned in the Saṃyuttanikāya (S.i.144; SA.i.164; MA.i.555), where Baka Brahma is identified with Kappa’s teacher, Kesava. v.l. Kappaka.
5. Kappa.– See Nigrodha-