Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
Vacchapāla Thera
An Arahant. He belonged to a rich brahmin family of Rājagaha. He witnessed the miracles performed by Uruvela-Kassapa and his submission to the Buddha when they visited Bimbisāra together, and marvelling thereat, entered the Order. Within a week he developed insight and became an Arahant.
In the past he had been a brahmin, expert in brahmin lore, and one day, while seeking a suitable person to whom he might give a large vessel of milk-rice left over from the sacrifice, he saw Vipassī Buddha and offered it to him. Forty-one world-cycles ago he became a king named Buddha (Thag.71; ThagA.i.159 f). He is probably identical with Pāyāsadāyaka of the Apadāna. Ap.i.157.