Dictionary of Pāli Proper Names • G.P. Malalasekera
Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
Uppaladāyikā Therī
Thirty-one world-cycles ago she was the wife of the warrior Aruṇa of Aruṇavatī. One day, being filled with anguish that she had not done any good deed that would bring her a happy condition of rebirth, she begged her husband for a holy recluse on whom she could wait. Her wish was granted, and she gave to the recluse a bowl of excellent food and perfume, the whole covered with a large robe. As a result, she was born in Tāvatiṃsa and became for a thousand times the consort of the king of the devas. Her body was always of the hue of the lotus and she had all womanly beauty. In her last birth she was born in a Sakyan family and joined the Bodhisatta’s court at the head of a thousand women. Later, she left the world and became an Arahant, seven days after joining the Order (Ap.ii.601‑3). A set of verses in which she sang the praises of the Buddha, appear at the end of the Apadāna account. She is perhaps to be identified with Somā Therī.