1. Sunandā.– A leading female disciple (aggasāvikā) of Dīpaṅkara Buddha. J.i.29; Bu.ii.214.
2. Sunandā.– Mother of Dhammadassī Buddha. J.i.39; Bu.xvi.13.
3. Sunandā.– Former wife of Kassapa Buddha, in his last lay life (Bu.xxv.36). She gave him milk-
4. Sunandā.– One of the chief women supporters of Atthadassī Buddha. Bu.xv.21.
5. Sunandā.– One of the chief women supporters of Kakusandha Buddha. Bu.xiiii.22.
6. Sunandā.– Wife of Ekarājā (J.vi.134). See the Candakumāra Jātaka.
7. Sunandā.– A garland maker’s daughter of Rājagaha. She was a Stream-
8. Sunandā.– A celestial musician or a musical instrument. VvA.93, 96, 211, 372.