Page last updated on 8 October, 2020

The son of a brahmin of Nālakagāma, a friend of Sāriputta before the latter left the world. Later, Sunāga heard the Buddha teach, entered the Order, and attained Arahantship.
In the time of Sikhī Buddha, thirty-one world-cycles ago, he was a brahmin versed in the Vedas, and lived in a forest hut near Mount Vasabha as teacher of three thousand pupils. One day he met Sikhī Buddha, and, knowing by the signs on his body that he was a Buddha of infinite wisdom, he was suffused with joy, as a result of which he was born after death in the deva world. Twenty-seven world-cycles ago he was a king named Siridhara (Thag.vs.85; ThagA.i.182).
He is evidently identical with Rahosaññaka of the Apadāna. Ap.i.166 f.