Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
Soṇa Sutta

1. Soṇa Sutta.– Soṇa-gahapati of Rājagaha visits the Buddha at Veḷuvana and questions him the five aggregates, their origin, and their cessation. S.iii.48.

2. Soṇa Sutta.– Soṇa-gahapati of Rājagaha visits the Buddha at Veḷuvana and asks him why some attain parinibbāna and some do not. S.iv.133.

3. Soṇa Sutta.– Soṇa Koḷivisa, living in Sītavana (the cool grove), despairs of ever attaining Arahantship. The Buddha, on the Vultures’ Peak (Gijjhakūṭa), becomes aware of this and visits him. The Buddha reminds him that when he was a lute player his lute sounded neither tuneful nor playable when the strings were either over-strung or over-lax. Even so, energy, when over-strung, ends in flurry, when over-lax, in idleness. Soṇa profits by the lesson and becomes an Arahant. He then visits the Buddha and declares to him his new found vision.