A town in Kosala (D.ii.316), near which was Ukkaṭṭhā.
The Aṅguttaranikāya (A.ii.37) records a conversation between the Buddha and the brahmin Doṇa, whom the Buddha met on the road from Ukkaṭṭhā to Setabyā. The city was on the road, taken by Bāvarī’s disciples (SN.vs.1012), from Sāvatthi to Rājagaha, and was the first halting place outside Sāvatthi. Beyond it were Kapilavatthu, Kusinārā, Pāvā, etc.
To the north of Setabyā was the Siṃsapāvana, where Kumāra-
The city was the birthplace of the elders Ekadhammasavanīya and Mahākāḷa. Mahākāḷa’s brothers Cūḷakāḷa and Majjhimakāḷa also lived there (DhA.i.55).
The Aṅguttaranikāya Commentary (AA.ii.504) says that Kassapa Buddha was born in Setabyā, but both the Buddhavaṃsa and its Commentary say that he was born in Bārāṇasī (Bu.xxv.33; BuA.217). The Buddhavaṃsa Commentary (BuA.223) records further that Kassapa died in the Setārāma in Setabyā, but adds that Setabyā was a city in Kāsi.