Page last updated on 8 October, 2020

1. Sāradassī Thera.– He lived in Nayyinyua in Ava, in the seventeenth century. He was the author of the Gūḷhattha-Dīpanī on the Abhidhamma and of the Visuddhimagga-ganthipāda. He translated the Nettippakaraṇa into Burmese. He was blamed for indulging in certain luxuries, such as a head covering and a fan, but he later renounced them and lived in the forest. Sās.116; Bode, op.cit., 56.

2. Sāradassī.– A monk of Pagan of the eighteenth century. He wrote the Dhātukathāyojanā. Bode, op.cit., 67.