A township where Yasa Kākandakaputta met Soreyya Revata, whom he wished to consult regarding the Ten Points raised by the Vajjiputtakā. Revata had gone there from Soreyya, and Yasa followed him, passing through Saṅkassa, Kaṇṇakujja, Udumbara and Aggalapura. Sahajāti was on a river (Gaṅgā?), and the Vajjiputtakā went there from Vesāli by boat. Vin.ii.299 f, 301; Mhv.iv.23‑8
In the Aṅguttaranikāya (A.iii.355; v.41, 157), Sahajāti is described as a town (nigama) of the Ceti, and Mahā-
According to the Saṃyuttanikāya, Gavampati also lived there at one time. S.v.436; the text says Sahañcanika, but for a correct reading see KS.v.369, n.3.