1. Puggala Sutta.– Taught at Sāvatthi, to Pasenadi, on the four kinds of persons: those that are joined to darkness and fare to light, those that are joined to darkness and fare to darkness, those that are joined to light and fare to darkness, those that are joined to light and fare to light. S.i.93 ff; cp. D.iii.233; A.ii.85; Pugg.iv.19.
2. Puggala Sutta.– Incalculable is the beginning of the cycle of existence (saṃsāra). The bones of a single person faring on for an aeon, if collected, would be a pile as great as Vepulla. S.ii.185.
3. Puggala Sutta.– Seven kinds of persons who are worthy of gifts and homage. A.iv.10 f.
4. Puggala Sutta.– Nine kinds of persons who exist in the world: those who have attained the Four Fruits of the Path, these who are on the way thereto, and worldlings (puthujjana). A.iv.372.
Puggala Vagga.– Several sections of the Aṅguttaranikāya are called by this name: the sixth of the Duka Nipāta (A.i.76‑80), the third of the Tika (A.i.118‑31), the fourteenth of the Catukka (ii.133‑39), the sixteenth of the Dasaka (v. 247‑49), and the twentieth of the Dasaka (v. 281‑2).