Pārāyana Vagga.– The fifth and last division of the Suttanipāta (SN.vs.976 ff). It consists of sixteen suttas preceded by an introduction of fifty-
The Pārāyana Vagga is mentioned in the Aṅguttaranikāya (A.i.133, 134; ii.45; iv.63) and in the Saṃyuttanikāya (S.ii.49), which is evidence of its having been one of the oldest collections. The Pārāyanaka Samīti is among the incidents represented in the Mahā Thūpa (Mhv.xxx.84). It is said (e.g., AA.i.57) that at the end of the discourses contained in the Pārāyana Vagga, a hundred and forty million beings realised nibbāna.
Buddhaghosa says (AA.ii.717) that the Pārāyana was so called because it leads to nibbāna (nibbānasahkhātaṃ pāraṃ ayanato pārāyanā’ti laddhavohāraṃ dhammaṃ).
Pārāyana Sutta.– The Buddha teaches the goal (pārāyana) and the path leading thereto. S.iv.373.