1. Mahāsumma Thera.– An incumbent of Koṭapabbata-
2. Mahāsumma Thera.– A monk of Sri Lanka. King Mahācūḷa Mahātissa laboured in a rice harvest, and, with the wages thus received, gave him alms. Mhv.xxxiv.3.
3. Mahāsumma Thera.– Pupil of Upatissa. After reading the Vinaya Piṭaka nine times, he went to live beyond the river (Mahāvāḷukagaṅgā) (Sp.i.263). His views are quoted in the Samantapāsādikā, e.g., Sp.ii.368; iii.535, 538, 556, 588, 596, 609, 644, 646, 647, 651, 683, 698, 715, 719, etc.