A mountain in Rohaṇa. Nearby was the village of Kitti (Mhv.xxiii.55). There was a monastery on Koṭapabbatta called the Koṭapabbata-
The Visuddhimagga (p.292) mentions an elder, Tissa, of Koṭa (Koṭi) pabbata, who, having attained Arahantship through meditation on breathing, was able to limit the term of his life. According to the Dhammapada Commentary (DhpA.iv.50), an elder named Anula lived in the monastery during the time of Duṭṭhagāmaṇī, and the village Bhokkanta, residence of Sumanā, wife of Lakuṇṭaka Atimbara, was in its vicinity. It was probably the same as Gotapabbata (q.v.) (See Mhv.xxxv.124; MT.667). The Nāgalena was in the Kotapabbata-