Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
Koṭasimbali Jātaka (No.412)

A Garuḷa-king seized a Nāga-king, and when the Nāga coiled himself round a banyan-tree the Garuḷa uprooted the banyan and took it with him. He ate the Nāga’s fat seated on a koṭisimbali-tree, and threw away the banyan and the Nāga’s carcase. A bird who was in the banyan-tree left it and took up his abode in the simbali. The Bodhisatta, who was a tree-sprite in the simbali, trembled at the sight of the tiny bird, because the sprite knew that from the bird’s droppings huge trees would spring up and kill the simbali. The Garuḷa, seeing the sprite trembling, asked the reason, and on learning it frightened the bird away. It is right to distrust where distrust is proper.
The story was related to five hundred monks who were in danger of being overcome by sinful desires (J.iii.397 ff). Cf. the Palāsa Jātaka.