Page last updated on 8 October, 2020

1. See Koṇḍañña Buddha

2. Koṇḍañña.– The name of a clan (gotta). It was evidently common to both brahmaṇas and khattiyas, for we find the brahman Aññāta-Koṇḍañña belonging to it, and elsewhere (e.g., VibhA.464) it is mentioned as a khattiyagotta. Among those mentioned as belonging to the Koṇḍañña-gotta are: Buddha Koṇḍañña (brahmaṇa), Candakumāra (, 138) (khattiya), Sarabhaṅga (J.v.140,141, 142) (brahmaṇa), The three Buddhas: Vipassī, Sikhī, and Vessabhū, were all khattiyas (D.ii.3 ff, see table in Dial.16). In the Kacchapa Jātaka (J.ii.360 f) it is said that turtles are of the Kassapa-gotta and monkeys of the Koṇḍañña-gotta, and that between these two classes there is intermarriage.

3. Koṇḍañña.– The name of the apprentice in the Vāruṇidūsaka Jātaka.

4. Koṇḍañña.– See also Aññāta-Koṇḍañña, Vimala-Koṇḍañña and Khāṇu-Koṇḍañña.