A thera. He became an Arahant while living in the forest. One day, while sitting on a flat stone, he entered into absorption. A gang of thieves, mistaking him for the trunk of a tree, piled their sacks on to his head and body and slept around him. In the morning, discovering their mistake, they begged forgiveness and, having listened to his teaching, became monks. It was this incident which gained for him the name of Khāṇu (“stump”). The Buddha praised him on account of his achievement (DhA.ii.254 f).
Khāṇu Koṇḍañña’s concentration (samādhi) is classified under pervasive power (vipphārā iddhi), inasmuch as even the uproar, caused by the thieves in piling up their sacks, did not disturb it. e.g., BuA.24; PsA.497.