He was a brahmin of Sāvatthi, named Aggidatta. Having seen the Twin Miracle (Yamaka Pāṭihāriya), he entered the Order and lived in a spot called Gahvaratīra — hence his name — and there in due course became an Arahant. On his return to Sāvatthi, his relations held a great almsgiving in his honour and requested him to live near them. However, be refused this request and returned to the forest.
He was a hunter in the time of Sikhī Buddha, and was delighted by the sound of the Buddha’s voice as he taught (Thag.v.31; ThagA.i.91).
He is probably identical with Ghosasaññaka of the Apadāna (Ap.ii.451), but the same verses are also attributed to Dhammika. ThagA.i.398.