Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
Chaḷaṅgadāna Sutta

While the Blessed One was dwelling at Sāvatthi, in Anāthapiṇḍika’s Jetavana, he saw in his divine eye that the female lay disciple, Veḷukaṇṭakī had prepared an offering to the Saṅgha led by Sāriputta and Mahā-Moggallāna. The Blessed One addressed the monks saying that Veḷukaṇṭakī had prepared an offering endowed with six factors, three by the donor:
- The donor was pleased before offering,
- The donor was serene during the offering,
- The donor was elated after the offering,
and three by the recipients:
- The recipients were free from passion, or practising for freedom from passion,
- The recipients were free from ill-will, or practising for freedom from ill-will,
- The recipients were free from delusion, or practising for freedom from delusion.
Endowed with these six qualities, the merit of such an offering is incalculable and immeasurable, like the volume of the ocean is difficult to calculate or to measure as so many gallons, so many thousands of gallons, or so many millions of gallons. A.iii.335.