1. Yasodharā.– See Rāhulamātā.
2. Yasodharā.– The daughter of the Treasurer of Sunandagāma; she offered a meal of milk-
3. Yasodharā.– Wife of the warrior Yasavā and mother of Anomadassī Buddha. J.i.36; DhA.i.105; Bu.viii.17; AA.i.85.
4. Yasodharā.– Daughter of King Jayasena. She married Añjana the Sakyan, and their children were Māyā and Pajāpatī and Daṇḍapāṇī and Suppabuddha (Mhv.ii.16 ff).
Yasodharā was the sister of Sīhahanu. MT. 35; see also Mtu.i.355.
5. Yasodharā.– Daughter of Vijayabāhu I and Līlāvatī. She married Vīravamma and had two daughters, Līlāvatī and Sugalā (Cv.lix.26). She was later raised to the rank of rājinī (? queen) by Vijayabāhu, and erected a massive building, called Pāsādapāda, in the Kappūramūlāyatana. Cv.lx.83.
6. Yasodharā.– One of the chief female supporters of Sumedha Buddha. Bu.xii.25.