Page last updated on 8 October, 2020

1. Uttarārāma.– An image-house constructed by Parakkamabāhu I to the north of Pulaṭṭhipurā. It was hewn out of the actual rock and had three grottoes, made by expert craftsmen — the Vijjādhara grotto, the grotto with the image in sitting posture and the grotto with the recumbent image. Cv.lxxviii.74 ff; for a description of it see Cv. Trs.ii., 111, n.2; Bell: Arch. Survey of Sri Lanka for 1907, pp.7 ff.

2. Uttarārāma.– The monastery where Maṅgala Buddha held his second Great Assembly (Sannipāta) in the presence of his kinsmen. BuA.120.