Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
A collective term, comprehending the Bhikkhu-vibhaṅga and the Bhikkhuṇī-vibhaṅga of the Vinaya Piṭaka.
It consists of sixty-four sections for recital (bhāṇavāra) (DA.i.13; Sp.i.15).
In the nine-fold division of the Buddha’s teachings — sutta, geyya,¹ etc., the Ubhato-vibhaṅga falls into the category of sutta (DA.i.23; Gv.57. 43).
Sometimes the word seems to be used as a variant reading for Ubhato-Vinaya, e.g., Vin.ii.287; see also Dpv.vii.43.
¹ Mixed prose and verse (ed.)