1. Tathāgata Sutta.– A group of suttas in which the simile of the Tathāgata, being the chief of all creatures, is repeated. S.v.41 ff; repeated at S.v.135 as the Tathāgatādi Sutta.
2. Tathāgata Sutta.– Due to having developed the four bases of success (iddhipāda) the Tathāgata is so powerful and mighty. (S.v.289)
See the Iddhipāda Sutta.
3. Tathāgata Sutta.– Another record (see Vin.i.10 ff) of the first discourse taught by the Buddha, more commonly known as the Dhammacakkappavattana (q.v.)
At the conclusion of the sutta, news of the establishment of the kingdom of the Dhamma was proclaimed throughout the world-
Koṇḍañña alone, of the group of five ascetics (pañcavaggiyā), understood the significance of the teaching, and became known as Aññāta-