1. Sudhammā.– A leading female disciple (aggasāvikā) of Atthadassī Buddha. Bu.xv.20; J.i.39.
2. Sudhammā.– The queen consort of Reṇu, king of Uttarapañcāla. See the Somanassa Jātaka. She is identified with Mahāmāyā. J.i.453.
3. Sudhammā.– One of the four wives of Magha. When Magha and his companions were building a rest house for travellers, they did not wish women to have any share in the work. However, Sudhammā bribed the carpenter, who made a pinnacle of seasoned wood for the building and laid it aside with the words: “Sudhammā nāma ayaṃ sālā.” When the time for the erection of the pinnacle came, he told Magha and the others that it was impossible to make a pinnacle then, as it must be of well-
After death, Sudhammā, was born in Tāvatiṃsa, and, because of her merit in the past, there came into being for her Sudhammā, the Moot Hall of the Devā, nine hundred leagues in extent (DhA.i.269 f., 274 f; J.i.201 f). There the Devā hold their meetings on the eighth day of each month, or when the Dhamma is taught, and also all their important festivals and gatherings (See, e.g., D.ii.268; M.ii.79; S.i.221; J.vi.97, 126; Thag.vs.1198). All Buddhas teach the Abhidhamma in the Sudhammā-
4. Sudhammā.– The sixth daughter of Kiki, king of Bārāṇasī. She is identified sometimes with Mahāmāyā (e.g., J.vi.481) and sometimes with Dhammadinnā. e.g., Ap.ii.546, 548; ThigA.104, 114.
5. Sudhammā Therī.– An Arahant. She lived in the time of Kassapa Buddha. At the Buddha’s wish, she took a branch of the Bodhi tree with her and planted it in the Mahāsāgaruyyāna in Sri Lanka. Dpv.xvii.19 f; Mhv.xv.147 f.
6. Sudhammā.– A class of devā belonging to the Tāvatiṃsa group. VvA.258.
7. Sudhammā.– Mother of Sobhita Buddha. Bu.vii.16; J.i.35.