1. Suddhika Sutta.– Describes the visit of Suddhika-
2. Suddhika Sutta.– A monk asks if there is any form, feeling, perception, mental formation, or consciousness that is stable and permanent. The Buddha replies that nothing is permanent. S.iii.149.
3. Suddhika Sutta.– The four kinds of Nāgā: the egg born (aṇḍajā), the womb-
4. Suddhika Sutta.– The same as above, regarding Supaṇṇa (cp Garuḷa). S.iii.246.
5. Suddhika Sutta.– The different kinds of Gandhabbā: those that dwell in the fragrance of root-
6. Suddhika Sutta.– The different kinds of cloud spirits (Valāhakakāyika devā): Cloud spirits of heat (Uṇhavalāhakā), cold (Sītavalāhakā), air (Abbhavalāhakā), wind (Vātavalāhakā), and rain (Vassavalāhakā). S.iii.253 f.
7. Suddhika Sutta.– On the three feelings: pleasure (sukha), pain (dukkha), and neither pain nor pleasure (adukkhamasukha). S.iv.235.
8. Suddhika Sutta.– On the five controlling faculties: faith, energy, mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom. S.v.192.
9. Suddhika Sutta.– On the five faculties (indriyāni): pleasure (sukhindriyaṃ), pain (dukkhindriyaṃ), happiness (somanassindriyaṃ), unhappiness (domanassindriyaṃ), and indifference (upekkhindriyaṃ). S.v.207.
10. Suddhika Sutta.– On the four bases of success (iddhipādā). S.v.284.
11. Suddhika Sutta.– On the benefits of mindfulness of respiration, when it is well-