Page last updated on 8 October, 2020

1. Sataraṃsi.– A Pacceka Buddha of ninety-four world-cycles ago to whom Ambayāgudāyaka, in a previous birth, gave a meal of mango curry (? ambayāgu).¹ Ap.i.284. See also under Sigālapitā and Sambula-kaccāyana, who are mentioned as having given him tāla fruits as offerings.
¹ According to the PTS dictionary, “yāgu” is rice--gruel, rice--milk, so mango flavoured rice-gruel seems more likely (ed.)

2. Sataraṃsi.– Twelve world-cycles ago there were eight kings of this name, previous births of Maṇipūjaka Thera. Ap.i.190.