1. Saraṇa.– One of the two chief disciples (J.i..34; Bu.v.26) and also step-
2. Saraṇa.– One of the chief lay supporters of Sumana Buddha. Bu.v.28.
3. Saraṇa.– One of the two chief disciples of Sumedha Buddha (Bu.xii.23: J.i.38). He was the Buddha’s younger brother. BuA.164.
4. Saraṇa.– The city of birth of Dhammadassī Buddha (J.i.39; Bu.xvi.13). It was there that be met his two chief disciples, Paduma and Phussadeva. BuA.183.
5. Saraṇa.– Father of Dhammadassī Buddha. Bu.xvi.14.