Page last updated on 8 October, 2020

A Lambakaṇṇa, king of Sri Lanka (307‑9 A.C.), generally called Sirisaṅghabodhi. He succeeded Saṅghatissa and set up a ticket-house (salākā) in the Mahāvihāra. He was a very good king, and made rain fall by virtue of his goodness. He quelled the yakkha Rattakkhi, who devastated his territory. When his treasurer, Goṭhakābhaya, rose in revolt, he abdicated in his favour and became an ascetic. Later, he gave his head in gratitude to a poor man who gave him a meal, so that the man could win from the king the price that had been set on his head. (Mhv.xxxvi.73 ff; Dpv.xxii.53 f ).
The legend of the king surrendering his head is famous in Sri Lanka, and forms the theme of a Pāḷi Chronicle, the Hatthavanagallavihāravaṃsa.