Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
Samphassaja Sutta

1. Samphassaja Sutta.– The arising, continuation, production, and manifestation of eye-contact is the arising of suffering, the continuation of disease, the manifestation of aging and death. The arising of … ear-contact … nose-contact … tongue-contact … body-contact … mind-contact … is the manifestation of aging and death.
The cessation, subsiding and passing away of eye-contact is the cessation of suffering, the subsiding of disease, the passing away of aging and death. The cessation of ear-contact … mind-contact is the cessation of suffering, the subsiding of disease, the passing away of aging and death. S.iii.230.

2. Samphassaja Sutta.– Lust for eye-contact is the corruption of the mind. Lust for ear-contact … nose-contact … tongue-contact … body-contact … mind-contact is the corruption of the mind. When a monk has abandoned this mental corruption his mind inclines towards renunciation and becomes wieldy in regard to those things to be realised by direct knowledge. S.iii.233.

3. Samphassajā Sutta.– Feeling arisen due to eye-contact is impermanent, subject to change, to becoming otherwise. Ear-contact … nose-contact … tongue-contact … body-contact … mind-contact is impermanent, subject to change, to becoming otherwise. One who places faith in these teachings and accept them is called a faith-follower who has entered the right path, transcended the state of a worldling, and is incapable of doing any deed by reason of which one might be reborn in hell, and is incapable of passing away without have realised Stream-entry.
One who has accepted these teachings having pondered them sufficiently and penetrated them with wisdom is a Dhamma-follower … and is incapable of passing away without have realised Stream-entry.
One who has known and seen these teachings is a Stream-winner, no longer bound to the lower realms, and assured of attaining enlightenment. S.iii.228.