Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
Puṇṇovāda Sutta

The one hundred and forty-fifth discourse of the Majjhimanikāya.
Puṇṇa (of Sunāparanta) visits the Buddha and asks him for a teaching that he may follow it and be purged of self. The Buddha tells him to avoid finding delight in the pleasures of the senses.
On learning that Puṇṇa proposes to live in Sunāparanta, the Buddha warns him that the people of that part are fierce and violent. Puṇṇa declares that even should they kill him, he would not bear them ill-will, but would rejoice to be of use to them. He leaves for Sunāparanta, with the Buddha’s approval, and while staying there during the Rainy Season (vassa) establishes five hundred lay disciples of each sex in the practice. After Puṇṇa’s death, the monks ask the Buddha about him, and the Buddha tells them that he had realised nibbāna. M.iii.267 ff; S.iv.60 ff.