Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
Pattanikujjana Sutta

Eight reasons for which the Saṅgha is entitled to turn the begging bowl upside down, as an act of censure, refusing alms from a particular lay person or persons. This is done by a formal act of the Saṅgha. If the lay person mends his or her ways the formal act can be revoked.
- They strive to prevent bhikkhus receiving offerings,
- They strive for the harm of bhikkhus,
- They strive for the non-residence of bhikkhus,
- They abuse bhikkhus,
- They strive to divide bhikkhus from each others,
- They speak dispraise of the Buddha,
- They speak dispraise of the Dhamma,
- They speak dispraise of the Saṅgha.
A.iv.344 f.