Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
Padumapūjaka Thera
1. Padumapūjaka Thera.– An Arahant. Ninety-one world-cycles ago he lived in Romasa, near Himavā, and offered a lotus to the Pacceka Buddha Sambhava (Ap.i.279 f; see also Padumadhāriya). In the Theragāthā Commentary (i.399) his verses are attributed to Sabbaka Thera, and it is said there that in the time of Sambhava he was a Nāga king.
2. Padumapūjaka Thera.– An Arahant. Ninety-one world-cycles ago he was an ascetic in Gotama, near Himavā, and, together with his pupils, he called to mind the Buddha’s virtues and offered lotuses in his name. Fifty-one world-cycles ago he was a king named Jaluttama (Ap.i.162 f).
He is probably identical with Mendasira. ThagA.i.172.