Pabbata Vagga.– The first chapter of the Bojjhaṅga Saṃyutta. S.v.63 ff.
1. Pabbata Sutta.– Compared to the Himavā mountains, seven grains of sand the size of a mustard seed are very little. Likewise, the suffering that remains for a Stream-
2. Dutiya Pabbata Sutta.– Similar to the above. S.ii.138.
3. Dutiya Pabbata Sutta.– Compared to mount Sineru, seven grains of sand the size of mung beans are very little. Likewise, the achievements of the followers of other sects are very little compared to the attainment of a Stream-
4. Pabbata Sutta.– A monk ask the Buddha how long an aeon is. The Buddha replies that it is hard to describe except by a simile. An aeon is longer than the time taken by a man to waste away a mountain one league high, one league long, and one league wide, by stroking it once in every hundred years with a silk (Kāsī) cloth. S.ii.181.
5. Pabbatarāja Sutta.– The sāla trees on the Himavā grow in branch, leaf and flower, in bark and shoots, in softwood and pith; similarly the folk in a devout man’s house grow in faith, virtue, and wisdom. A.i.152.