The capital of Rohaṇa.
Duṭṭhagāmaṇī was born there, and ruled there until he started on his campaign against the Damiḷā (Mhv.xxviii.8, 59, etc; Cv.xlv.42, etc; see also Mhv.Trs.146, n.5).
Throughout history, Mahāgāma remained the most important place in Rohaṇa. Nearby were the Tissamahārāma and the Anurārāma built by Subha. It is first mentioned (Mhv.xxii.8) as the residence of Devānampiyatissa’s younger brother, Mahānāga, who founded the Rohaṇa dynasty, but, as a settlement, it probably dates back to the most ancient times. Mahānāga built in it the Nāgamahā-